We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

So lets take a look at that…

Blood Elves and Night Elves are only a magical evolution.

The people exiled from Kalimdor became little pink high elves in their lifetime.

They basically became withered because they no longer had access to the well of eternity.

Meanwhile, Night Elves stayed the same because of a Dragons blessing making them immortal.

The creation of the sunwell was originally from the well of eternity and built on mana leylines. so it’s mostly arcane magic, and mostly just keeps them about the same, until it got destroyed.

It was replaced with a Naaru’s light magic and now their eyes are turning gold.


Is the physiological difference between a High Elf and a Blood Elf the same as between a Night Elf and a Blood Elf?

No. The magical intensity is different.

But the cosmology and the lore stays the same.

Basically they’re all just magic infused dark trolls and they’re being classified as different races with nomenclature.

Like, Quel’dorei were the Highborne. So, that name, High Elf, was something they had before they changed and was just descriptive.

Also… troll buddy. You’re no different anyways. Different Loa make you guys look different. But. You know. Same race.

Isnt everyone guilty of it?

I mean belittling the High elf crowd is inappropriate behavior and constantly doing so is troll/spam as well. Does not solidify ones position… Which i will say the regulars at the megathread have been cordial and decent.

I’m gonna back him up here. That poster has a history.

I’m not trolling at all.

A person could debate and be caustic and not be a troll. Troll has a specific meaning…

Also, quit pretending to be the good guy here. You have an axe to grind, you literally were talking about it in the High Elf discord earlier.

You used to call me pseudo-intellectual all the time when I’m an actual intellectual.

You’re a jerk. Doesn’t make you a troll. But… You are.

Because you’ve explicitly stated you intend to keep people to their containment threads in the past.

You’ve explicitly stated that you’re basically going to harass pro high elf people by saying that.

It’s very interesting that you say that.


Like I’ve said I’ve said a million times…

All Elves are different races…
Or they’re all dark trolls.

Doesn’t matter to me which you choose to be true.

Race just means 'faction" in WoW anyways.

… and I still don’t take you seriously.


The alliance is not just Stormwind

Nah, Quel’thalas left the Alliance after the whole thing was over.

Still is pretty ridiculous to make the argument that if that happened, Alleria and her rangers being part of the alliance expedition -and being given a statue in Stormwind- doesn’t make her part of the Alliance.

You are making the argument that Alleria wasn’t an alliance during War2, let that sink in, also try to explain why she is still part of the alliance and why her rangers also are…

Also part of the Alliance since its inception and until the Nexus War. It was not “pretty much a neutral place” while it was literally a part of the Alliance, officially.

You are now making the argument that Dalaran wasn’t part of the alliance.

How does living on an alliance city makes you part of the alliance -specially when the rest of your kin are ostensively mad at said alliance city- truly one of the most baffling unanswered questions.

A “few individuals” that went to create a new alliance faction of their people and keep showing since 2008. A few individuals that come from the populace of the human/elf city of Dalaran. A few individuals gathered by the once Alliance Ambassador of Quel’thalas.

That’s fine dude. You’re still a troll…

and I’m not a troll.

Because that’s not how English works.

Explicitly stated does not mean what you think it means.
Furthermore, I agree, people need to stick to the containment thread. They would be able to if they didn’t flag bomb people.

You sound really upset for someone calling you out truthfully.


"I’m rubber…

… and your glue.

And I’m better than all you."


Yeah, it’s that you’re a troll. I can’t bury it, it’s an ongoing thing.

Different Elf races existing still doesn’t mean High Elves and Blood Elves are different races, but whatever.

What I was responding to was your past argument which you apparently don’t believe in anymore.

English again friend.

Also… I’m not upset. You’re reading in your own tone.

Wikipedia for troll: In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses and normalizing tangential discussion, whether for the troll’s amusement or a specific gain.

I never post anything with any intent to create a tangent, misdirect anything, etc.

I just debate you guys… and since you guys serially harass Pro-High-Elf posters, I’m rude back. But you guys are rude… so… really… shrugs

But Hecatone and Tarrok have both stated as well that they’re going to correct anyone who publishes incorrect information about Ion’s comments, for instance. Though if you don’t agree with their very specific word selection in that comment, or mention anything that happened past that comment, they’ll harass you for days.

and… like I said, Hecatone has a mission statement.

So… shrugs

He’s intentionally jumping into threads with the intent to post inflammatory and misleading remarks, as is Tarrok, because wihle Tarrok states he’s going to correct people who use Ion’s comments incorrectly as well, he’s never corrected Fyre.

Both of these situations are great examples of trolling.

yea… and they left after wc2. the expedition happened after

its a memorial dude. sylvanas herself put a plaque under it and went back to quel’thalas. they were neutral not enemies

that city is neutral to the high elf people. always has been, even when they left the alliance. but now it is completely neutral and doesnt pick sides. it is not an accident they chose to live there and not stormwind

they are pledged to dalaran, technically they are neutral and you know it

Nope. I still believe in it. Always have.

I’ve explained why it does mean that actually.

I’m not a troll. See above.

Also you literally just insulted me again when I brought up the pseudo-intellectual thing. So. shrugs

I’m not sure what your goal is here. You’re an aggressor.

Explicit means something is made clear and stated plainly.

Stated goal, basically to harass pro high elf players if they appear outside of a certain place, despite extenuated circumstances. Additionally, doesn’t matter because he harasses them inside of those places as well.

See above.

Pretty sure you brought it up.

Like when I referenced a pretend time I “humiliated” you, then told you to bury the hatchet. That was very patronizing, inflammatory even, almost certainly bait… wait that was you.

As far as I have noticed Fyre has never lied about what Ion has said.

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