We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

Explained what?

It’s been pointed out to you by multiple people that your argument comparing how the different Elven races arose to the High Elf/Blood Elf schism is faulty. The physical differences between all of the Elven races are much more than just eye color.


I mean this thread would probably have not gotten that far if people didnt try to lecture others…

But the mega thread acutally would get quiet at times, points or ideas made then move on from there… you are irrationally trying to imply something to the group that simply isnt true.

Man I had to scroll like nine pages to get back to this post. I didn’t even see you quote me. So by popular request. A response.

Anyways. It’s not irrelevant. Basically WoW has a working mythology behind it. So it’s got a way that evolution works. Every single race has an origin. Maybe the titans built them and they got cursed. Maybe they were rocks and fungal spores made them soft.

But the major one for Azeroth is Dark Trolls becoming Night Elves because of the Well of Eternity.

And then the mythology for all elves goes along with that. Magic changes them. Sometimes it’s a some powerful being, like, Void Elves have Void Etherials, Satyr’s have Sargeras.

Nightborne had the NIghtwell.

Magic has in all cases made them a separate race.

So the issue really is just the idea that you’re asking for a single citation for what I’m saying… and I’m giving you multiple sources.

But it’s the lore surrounding each elven race that proves my point. Hence the reason I’m throwing the origin of changes in elves, and then the charts to prove my point.

I’ve given plenty of citations.

Yes. A difference in arcane magic and Fel Magic.

High Elves have waning arcane magic that affects their physiology.
Blood Elves have latent fel magic that affects their physiology.

Once again. It goes back to the way that evolution in wow works. Which isn’t how evolution works in the real world.

More than that, with few exceptions, these effect each participant. Like I said, you have to find an exception to line up high elves and blood elves and be incorrect about which are which.

And that’s just factional lines.

If it’s got arcane magic affecting the color of its eyes and not fel magic, it can be part of the Sin’dorei faction but be a Quel’dorei.

But then you are using the argument of how the HE story would negatively affect the BE story, which I feel is unfounded when the Silver Covenant so far has hardly affected the inner conflict or themes of BE’s -they have been always an external conflict to them- and again, you only assume this would affect the BE’s negatively, when ostensively, the SC is a renegade dissident group against the current government, so right out of the bat they are going against the will of the citizenry of QT’s

And this is even assuming that would be part of their story, and not, let’s say “let’s stop going to every war and maybe build a town in Westfall?”

This bit is interesting; I see a lot of fear to the alliance being self righteous. Is that not their bread and butter? You should fear the Devs going along with that, nothing else, and why would they?

It also can be about the High Elves becoming as distant of their origins as they claim the BE’s to be. Elisande clearly differentiate the two groups, one as what they are supposed to be, and the others as chattel.

“High Elves” are ostensively a self righteous dissident group that thinks they know better than the rest of their nation, and morally, that a very “neutral” take, one that can be painted as the bad guys by the horde, and the good guys by the alliance.

He can be a bit combative, and has some ideas of this own… but he not always wrong or making grand assumptions out of tiny details… also not really seeing much of him trying to derail or impune others to cause unrest… hes kind of a lion for the idea really.

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she never lived in stormwind. the expedition happened after the withdrawal and she continued to work within the farstriders. she went on the expedition to protect quel’thalas. even after arthas, kael was still working with the alliance

dalaran was co founded by humans and the high elf people. its pretty much a neutral place for both races even though the high elves were always the minority

how does raising children in dalaran until the horde come imply they were alliance aligned this whole time? and they still pledged their allegiance to dalaran not stormwind and the alliance

there is no alliance high elf lore for me to dismiss beyond a few individuals would actually remain loyal to the alliance

Nah man. It hasn’t.

No one has ever proved me wrong in this debate. Ever.

And because of WoW cosmology, they can’t. shrugs

The best they can do is get a Dev to say explicitly, 'They’re physiologically the same, and not because they are dark trolls/Kaldorei."

Which would then contradict all of WoW’s lore, except of course one sentence in the now defunct wow encyclopedia. but they could claim victory.

Dalaran was alliance up until WotlK, they became neutral because of the Nexus War, and thus asked for help from both Alliance and Horde against this larger threat.

The reasons why Aethas and his Blood Elves could return to Dalaran was because the city became neutral in the advent of WotLK. Which created the reactionary Silver Covenant, mostly compromised of High Elves.

Which also tells us that, somehow, the elven population of Dalaran was more against joining the horde than the rest? TBH I think the SC should have been more Human/Elf mixed, but how it goes it really makes Vereesa’s grudge seem so powerful to sway her community.

And steal away, I love it and good mogs are to be shared.

Evolution noun the process by which different kinds of living organism are believed to have developed from earlier forms during the history of the earth.

This same sort of meaning also takes place in game. Now, Blood Elves have not evolved, and neither has the High Elves. It is still all the same race as what it was before the Third War. And guess what, they both look the same now. There is no real difference between the Blood Elves and High Elves to make them different races to what they are to each other.

Nightborne also were isolated for 10,000 years. That is how long it took for them to change from there Night Elf selves.

dalaran is ruled by the council. not the alliance

aethas didnt ‘return to dalaran’

he was already a member of the kirin tor and a member of the council

the SC elves are implied to have been living with the sunreavers this whole time. as there is no other reference of a high elf group in dalaran and there wasnt need for one


So you’re just going to pretend that different eye colors are the same as the differences between a Blood Elf and a Night Elf just because both are magically influenced.

Keep in mind, I’m willing to debate and aggressive in debating… but also that I’m debating some people that are also aggressive, and essentially people whose role is to harass pro high elf players.

They’re not having conversations with them. They specifically aim to demoralize them.

So, that definitely colors the conversation.

Dalaran was destroyed in WC3… was not recovered until wrath… it was alliance. Not exactly the WoW alliance, but was not some mystical neutral city to prance around in.

WoW Chronicles retconned everybody being murdered too. Had most of them evacuated.

Just like everybody in Quel’thalas used to be dead.

it was neutral for the high elf people is my point. i am not saying it was friendly to orcs this whole time

And none of them relevant.

You keep bringing up things in the same rough area, but that don’t actually touch on to what you say you are proving.

“Well, tadpoles turn into frogs, caterpillars turn into butterflies, so that just goes to show how cougars turn into mountain lions.”

They are not a playable race, they are limited in their appearance. They are a few that were privileged to have an alternate source to sate their addiction. I mean as it is they’re kinda jerks for it, they look down on the blood elves for what they did as they had a way to avoid those methods that they didn’t share. What happens when you introduce a large group?

Look, after this expansion, I don’t think I’m unreasonable in worrying about blizzard throwing the story of a Horde race into the meat grinder to prop up something for the Alliance.

That is what bothers me most, because Vareesa’s grudge is never explained. If she harbors anger towards the horde because of the loss of her brother that is understandable. The question is why she would turn her blades on her own people so readily and eagerly without question. Even worse given seemingly no one else questions Vareesa afterwards.

All we know is she doesn’t like Lor’themar, but gives no reason why. Honestly…I am stating they were formerly lovers, and she was mad he chose duty over her. I unno.

but the council was alliance aligned prior to the Nexus war. Aethas did have to return to Dalaran, it was why he asked permission from Lor’themar. They made him a council member when he returned so they could get the blood elves to come back.

It’s a lot more than a bit… and your forgetting the one upping, the personal attacks, the condensation. His tone is best described as a person crying out that they win every time they make a move in a board game. He’s even pretending to have “humiliated” people in the past to try and get one over them. He’s trolling.

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aethas was already a kirin tor and on the council. he was SENT by the council to recruit more blood elf magi

you should read shadows of the sun where it opens with aethas sending letters with the seal of dalaran which lorthemar ignores, eventually aethas goes to quel’thalas himself


The High Elves were in and of themselves not neutral by staying in Dalaran… a largely human kingdom of the alliance of Lordaeron, and its child/extension which is the alliance we know today.