We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

Dude let pro high elfers talk a bout it without constantly harassing them.

Doesn’t mean they need to be harassed.

Oh Elune! The crusade to play a race you like that’s in the game and is part of wow’s lore.

The horror.

Jesus man. That’s awful.

Don’t bother with him. Everyone knows all the helfers’ arguments have been debunked.


Opposition to your movement is not trolling or harassment.


My favorite part is where he said he doesn’t troll, then proceeds to throw out insults about English lessons.

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God I wish I didn’t.

Bury the axe already dude.

I’m not losing any arguments. We’re not even debating anything. I’ve been debating everybody else.

Want to call me a troll again cause you can’t win the fight like last night?

Give it up.

No dude. Being correct and sarcastic is my thing.

It’s sort of trolling. (Sort of. Kind of like.)

But since I’m gonna get harassed constantly while doing it, it’s not like a bunch of angels are running in here to fight me at once.

And… Honestly. I don’t care. haha.

But look on the Brightside about that. you guys have someone to debate with.

I. literally. gave. you. English. lessons.

And you’ve trolled me, while being incorrect about English, for months.

I mean not really… the mega thread mostly goes on like it does because of how much the antis keep the argument cycled non stop.

I really would rather Have Night elf Paladins added, I’ve made my threads, and shown support in others… but i have not made any since. I want them more than high elves by a mile. but since the conversation has been made and eveyone has made their points… its kind of dissapeared in the mountains of threads. thats okay.

I believe the high elf thread would do the same unless peole go to post their artwork… which is amazing btw, whether you are anti or pro its good stuff. I am also not saying people cant give their input that they dont want them either… but the Anti side is just as crazy or more so than the Pro side.

You already have sort-of-High Elves playable in the Alliance…



I would say no.

Because I feel that in many ways opening up the High Elves into a bigger role and larger presence can change the tone of the Blood Elf story in a negative way. Especially for the many people who keep bringing up that they want the “uncorrupted” high elves. It can change the tone of the Blood elf early struggle from a desperate and dark struggle to save as many of their people as possible into a cruel and darker decadence where they were wanton in abuse of their surroundings.


Blood Elves weren’t added into the game until 2007.

Next Argument?

If you’re going to put it as the Sunwell is the reason why Blood Elves have Green Eyes, then by that logic, then the High Elves also should’ve had green eyes.

You have not explained anything. All you doing is making pretty bad accusations claiming that each Thalassian Elf in game are all different races based on there eye colours.


Deploying an argument on a public forum will often net an opposing view. This is not harassment. This is someone who doesn’t want what you want.

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None of this which makes the Dalaran less of an alliance city at the time, which brings us right back to the obviousness that, even if your government breaks relationships, you, as an individual, can stay.

Yes, the alliance faction of Dalaran wasn’t created UNTIL the city itself became neutral and allowed the Horde within its walls.

Except for the high elves that did not? Like the Silver Covenant, and the other groups that have always been alliance and never horde? Like how do you keep forgetting this?

While Silvermoon was allied with the alliance. While she left for Draenor with her Farstriders… as part of the alliance…

Who are still part of the Alliance to this day…

Could you try stop dismissing the lore you don’t like tho? Like I can’t help you if all you do is disregard the facts you don’t like.

Please do not transfer your actions upon me dude. You may not be a troll, but its clear you are ill fitted for these discussions.


You reap what you sow.

Like they have harassed Belfs players, Nightborne players and AR request Threads like San’layn and Vulpera?

You are not victims. You are on a crusade. x2


LFR should be 10man

The mega thread goes on until you get what you want. Lets not pretend otherwise. None of this behavior you can pin on anyone else. You cannot blame anyone else.


Stop flattering yourself, I never took you seriously. Like wining today’s argument, it’s all in your head.

Oh no, you’ve lost. You just pretend like you did’t.

No, you’re a troll. There’s no grey area there.


Kul Tiran sized or regular?

See, but that has me ask a few questions about it. When Aethas wants to re-establish connections with Dalaran, it suggests Dalaran was a separate entity from the alliance at the time.
It makes sense given it takes up until MoP for Jaina to declare them with the alliance. or perhaps my timeline is mistaken?
Btw im stealing your transmog.

Why not both?

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