We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

Just turns out the people that disagree and dogpile are trolls.

People can disagree but not get mad just because people like… listen to developers when they say to have hope.

Seriously. Anti’s are like, “You can’t have hope!”

Let it go.

Uhm. Have you met yourself?

We’re allowed to do that?

And you’re free to do so. I don’t put much weight behind your argument there as I haven’t yet seen a citation backing up that claim. Like I said, you cited how Highborne changed into High Elves in their exile, and Nightborne changed from night elves, and night elves from trolls.

But nothing stating that there’s any meaningful difference between the factions of high elves.

I don’t hate you, but things that your saying is more of you actually trolling.


Yeah. I’m great.

Sorry I’ve embarrassed you on the forums a few times.

Dudes can’t lose an argument here without deciding someone is their mortal enemy.

I’m not trolling at all.

Proving you wrong, and you not liking it, isn’t me trolling you.

Funny because Blizz seems to be responsive to reddit… I cant say for sure but didnt Ion do a Q&A with reddit back in January?

mostly because the forums were essentially saying BFA needed to end right away and get onto the next expac asap?

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Yeah. They are.

Well the forums aren’t the only place for feedback anyways. There are suggestions and emails you can send. They’ve said for a long time High Elves aren’t their biggest requests.

So the thought suppression police aren’t really stopping people requesting High Elves. They’re just making the forums hostile.

i dont think it applied to dalaran tbh, as kael’thas spends all his time there and the sunreavers went back even after it was destroyed. it was even rebuilt as it was with the same high elven architecture reflecting the people who lived there

th SC didnt exist until the sunreavers formed a relationship with the horde and invited them into the sunreaver enclave so saying they were aligned with the alliance is quite a reach when all they did was live a normal life in a city open about its neutrality


Did he not provide you the chronicles citation you asked for? You have yet to respond to him.

Not an assumption, it is a conclusion resulting from a hypothesis supported through results/

I haven;t

Don’t need to, though I already did. You ignored them per usual.
I am ignoring that whole affair you said with the gold eye elves being a different race from blue eyed and green eyed. It is very clear at this point you’re just arguing for the sake of arguing.

Cool, citation?

Devs stated they were cleansed. So…

Lore explains itself dude. You’re just spreading misinformation, and I am surprised none of the other helfers call you out on it. Which makes me think you’re trolling to be honest.

That makes no sense whatever.

You haven’t but okay. You’ve fallen very far dude. Anyway, bored now, going to do stuff. Enjoy the last word since I know you require it.


I see; but hypothetically, if you could take out the notion of cross-factior or not AR; would High Elves, with the backstory and lore they have, have an enough distinction to be an AR?

Before the gut punch “no”, bear with me the existence of DID, HMT, VE and LFD.

Dude. Give me a break. I’m gonna go respond. I’m responding to like six people.

I’ll get to it.

Besides. It took me months to explain English to you so you understand sarcasm and that “Kind of Are” means similar in the kings English and not the sarcastic literal version.

Let me summon the strength man.

Where in the lore does it say that Blood Elves with Golden Eyes are a different race to Blood Elves with Green Eyes?
Where in the lore does it say that High Elves with Golden Eyes are a different race to the High Elves with Blue Eyes?
Where in the lore does it say that Blood Elves are a different race to the High Elves?
And last but not least, where in lore does it say that all Blood Elves either feed or absorb fel from the Fel Crystals?

As I said, Magic doesn’t mean it is a different race.


Hope is different from petitioning constantly.

You’re attempting a change, not hoping. When doing this, opposition forms.

You are not victims. You are on a crusade.


You haven’t?

Like, what are you doing right now?

That’s like your thing.

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there is no backstory, every thing after the withdrawl is related to the high elves who would become the blood elves. even alleria was still living in quel’thalas and running around with the farstriders. stop saying its about the lore when its so easy to point out it isnt

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Will your suggestion to make High Elves different to avoid gameplay issues are not bad at all. How would you explain lorewise that the Helves are sudenly different from the Belves?.
Thats why I think Void Elves were a good attemp, badly implemented, but they were.

I don’t like cross factions groups at all, thats why I advocate for the Playable Nightborne model to get fixed as I feel we should be distinct from Nelves.

The 99% thing isn’t a lie its just basic math.
Anyway, not sure Dalaran counted as Fyre said because Kael’thas was still there and loyal to his own people.

The 99% thing btw is based off the following.

10% of high elves make up the current population.
90% make up blood elves.

of 10% is 10
90% is 90.

Then you have 100, which represented the 10% left after Arthas.
You then end up at 1000 high elves prior to the massacre. As such, the high elves who remained with the alliance make up that 1%.
That assumes no casualties after Arthas.

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I explained that.

If you want to genuinely talk about WoW lore I’m down.

Absorb from Fel crystals - Developer background comments talking about how they used fel crystal energy to prop their city back up and keep it from disintegrating.

You could also do the old Lore Q&A’s from like… 2005 October where they talk about the reason all Blood Elves have green eyes and that it’ll go away eventually. But… You know. The sunwell though.

And further to this, if you look at the list of existing High Elves, most of those who are not affiliated with the Alliance through quest hubs or cities are actually friendly and neutral to the Horde as well as the Alliance.

This is very easy to confirm.

For example;

The Horde can become exalted with the Kirin Tor, and in both Dalaran’s most of my mains are friendly with the High Elf NPCs.

There are also High Elf NPCs hostile to the Horde and Alliance, when they are members of other NPC factions. (i.e: The Twilight Cultist Leader in Western Plaguelands.)

Ultimately the Thalassian who broke away from the High Elves during the Scourge war and fled to the crumbling Alliance forces are now NPC fodder.

The remaining High Elves stayed in Qel’Thalas to fight for their Homeland, and renamed themselves Blood Elves to honour their ancient Thalassian blood, and to respect their fallen family and comrades.

Blood Elves were designed for the Horde.

Chris Metzen, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2005, 1:55 … 'Blood Elves were chosen as the Horde expansion race in the Burning Crusade because designers were thrilled with how well Samwise had redesigned the classic wood elves with the night elves. And they knew that, “one day, high elves are going to have to get a facelift, too.

I don’t think anyone has abused high elves to this degree ,” Metzen said.


Blood Elves were designed for the Horde with a rewrite of the classic High Elf Trope, just as Night Elves were designed for the Alliance with a classic rewrite of the Wood Elf Trope.

Blizzard, at least 14 years ago, committed the High Elf Lore, legend and history to the Horde.