We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

I do love how it always devolves to calling it a tantrum… Grow up man.


And that is a matter of opinion, as such, subjective by its nature. And that’s okay, I’m not gonna deny that there’s a bunch of BE players that feel that would take away from them. -Which is why we give ideas of how to make HE’s more distinct while keeping the lore background we like-

I’m of the idea that both factions should have more access to cross-faction groups because there is more to group identity than biology. But that’s also just a matter of opinion.


There is no such thing as abusing the flagging system because if people were doing that Blizzard would action their accounts. :wink:

I’m not dodging anything.

I’m responding to anybody that comes in the thread and says something to me.

Poor assumption.

and I’ve articulated myself just fine. You’re just deflecting.

You’re up. Citation.

Hey man. I’ve said a million times:

They’re either all separate races
Or they’re all dark trolls.

Glad you caught up.

Blood Elf is a faction. But, if it is a race, I’d say it’s an elf that looks like a High Elf with glowing fel green eyes.

But yeah. You’re following now.

Magic = different elven races.

Gold eyed elves = different from High Elves and Blood Elves even if they’re part of the Hgih Elf, or Blood Elf group.

Though… some day all of the Blood Elves with have gold eyes probably. We’ll see.

Nah man.

Race means faction in WoW. So he’s a blood elf.

Also. He’s got glowing green eyes.

So he’s a blood elf.

High Elves have blue eyes. Also they have a different history, etc.

Nope. New Game Lore trumps old stuff. Nightborne are a separate race. Along with the information from wow chronicles… shrugs

Not sure what to tell you. Ask the developers.

Yeah they are. One’s got corrupted green glowie eyes… and went through some real crap.

I’m just explaining WoW lore. Just because I care doesn’t make it a pro High Elf thing. It’s just a Callistus knows the lore thing.

And… WoW encyclopedia is directly contradicted by all these crazy elven races… Void Elves, Nightborne, blah blah blah… So… Ask them Devs.

I keep giving them my man.

Haha. They get real upset when they can’t win an argument.

Also. I just keep answering their questions. I’m not throwing a tantrum.

I’m just explaining wow lore and how English works.

that elf was galell, who was actually palling around with liadrin in the novel. he was also there when liadrin, lorthemar, and darkhan were captured and tortured by the amani trolls

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Keep talking about deevolution of conversation while ignoring the failures of the person I’m talking to. High horses aren’t a weapon.


Another entirely false post.

Another entirely false post.

I got a question for you. How many times do you practice your trolling in a mirror before trolling on the forums?


I doubt factions will be a choice aside from what race you pick… In any case however, we can see by a stroll in Stormwind that High Elves who dwell within the city are being convinced to become void elves. So the high elves of old are ending their existence in favor of the void mutation.

I would honestly find joy in being able to turn my eye color red. Maybe have the eye color glow connected to a racial tweak. Like for Blood Elves, red eyes means your Arcane Torrent adds a leech effect to your attacks, a buff called “Gift of the San’Layn”. Blue eyes fully restores a resource called “High Affinity”, Green eyes let you take a chunk of health from enemies or steal their buffs with a maxed out duration timer called Fel Affinity, and gold eyes add a heal effect for yourself and everyone around you called “Light Affinity” or “Breath of M’uru”. Maybe even blackened eyes granting Arcane Torrent a resource leech called “Hunger of the Void”.

Just a pitch. I would honestly prefer the AOE silence and resource return restored.

You lost the argument. This is delusion.

Its not even that, and its my theory why so many Pro people just left the conversation a long time ago. We get called toxic, childish, Goldshire heathens (not anyones exact wording,) and legolas lovers or however you want to put it.

But it gets frusterating and those are conversational devises to shut down opposing views.

I’d disagree.

Agree. Well. Kind of.

I mean, I guess with the way WoW evolution works, probably not. Oh well. Whatever.

Like… is magically turning green different to fungal spores making you softer than rock?

It’s a good question I guess.

In such a situation it is good to remember that Alliance high elves are long overdue, and that there is nothing wrong with wanting them. No matter how many people say otherwise, call names, etc.

Keep fighting the good fight.

On that note, if the races cease to be faction locked AND we get a blue eye customization option we can at least have something that resembles a traditional Quel’dorei.

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He doesn’t try to win, no matter what happens he’ll just insist it’s how he wants it. He’s just trying to wear you out. When you reply to him you’re running a marathon.

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i dont think they are there any more. i couldnt find them since the portal rooms were added. maybe they back to the rift and got voided

Mmm, except all the ones that did not left, and stayed on the alliance cities? Or like the Highvale, remained on their lodge and still are allied with the alliance? Or the Allerian who do I have to even say it?

A lie.

We know Anasterian withdrew the HE state from the alliance, and we also know that High Elves stayed on human lands, most obviously, the population of Dalaran, of what a fraction returned with Kael thas to Silvermoon, while the rest evacuated with the rest of the city. Then some of them became neutral during the Nexus War, while others remained alliance and became the militant Silver Covenant, who have continued to appear through the expansions.

So, anything that’s neither a misrepresentation or an outright lie?


It’s worse than that. There are several people on this thread right now that are dedicated to, “The containment” of High Elf threads too.

So basically there are just a lot of trolls waiting to antagonize people… and I’d say it’s probably the normal way things go on these forums? I think the negative people chased everybody off to reddit probably.

Which is what they want.

But most people don’t think internet arguments are as hilarious or have as thick of skin as I do.

Seriously… How many people in this thread genuinely hate me and are posting at me at one time right now? haha. It’s absurd. Everything I say gets flagged too. So. shrugs Just constant harassment. Not to mention the gaslighting by people like Fyre. I just don’t read it. But it’s whatever.

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Everyone who disagrees with your movement is a troll.

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The topic has been out for over a year its not really new at all