We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

Contradicts WoW encyclopedia. So. Ask them devs.

I think it’s super funny that I don’t care if they’re the same race or not. I’m just telling you the lore. It’s no skin off my back.

I don’t need Blood Elves or High Elves to be different races.

But because of the precedent set by the game, they are.

The fact that I’m for playable High Elves and the fact that I’m pointing out how evolution works in WoW are separate things.

Nah man. Means those two elves are the same race.

The way wow works, technically if you’re a Blood Elf with golden eyes you’re a different race from Blood Elves… and… If you’re a High Elf with gold eyes … you’re that same race.

Blood Elves, High Elves more a matter of factional identity. Just turns out most High Elves are withered up Kaldorei with enough arcane magic in them to keep their eyes blue and most Blood Elves are shriveled up Kaldorei with enough fel magic in them to keep their eyes green.

Wasn’t my statement.

My statement was that many desperate Blood Elves most likely drained fel crystals.

You’re the one who made a statement, that most elves did not drain fel and I’m waiting for a citation.

Don’t misquote me.

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That’s super racist troll.

Opinion, not fact.

I’m pretty sure you can see that I find HE’s interesting.

So you can’t like the Lore and have ideas? If anyone suggests Human Shamans are you gonna be like this too? How hard is try to rationalize all this bias?

Okay so now you don’t like High Elves because they “take away” from BE players, as well as being irrelevant. Would it change anything for you if you couldn’t deny they were “relevant” or it wouldn’t matter because to you they would still “take away” from BE players?

looks at Void Elves, Fal’dorei, Nightborne, Fel Blood Elves, Demon Hunters…


Which you are posting from one right now.

Just because Blood Elves were effected by Fel Radiation to get glowing green eyes does not mean they evolved to become a seperate race.

Man, you could be playing any race in game, and you could have any eye colour in game. Doesn’t mean your going to be a different race from the ones that you’re playing as.


But they didn’t.

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Come on

What do people have against context? Why do people rely on these disingenuous and reactionary takes?

I can’t bring up the fact that lorewise pandaren can be either horde or alliance, thus their belonging to either group doesn’t make them a different people, while literally saying I’m not putting them as a gameplay example?

Come. On.

It wouldn’t matter.
My main reason to be against their addition or the request as a whole is because I feel it takes from Belf players.
I mean, I feel its totally disrespectful and I don’t even a have a single Blood Elf.


As do I, many others as well. I like the possible situation they could be in for the future of the faction conflict, if they do have them this expac, for the wind runner sisters crossroads that is cound to happen. Since we know when they further develop a race through playable lines they could either be more Ranger/hunter influenced or Magi influenced.

I say ranger becuase we know they are helping with the unseen path in legion, but they also have ties to Dalaran and magic so they may be heavily arcane influenced.

I like the ranger side of it personally because of Alleria, her armor is amazing, simple but awesome.

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Citation needed for the contradiction.

The developers state unless it is directly contradicted it is canon.

Which is why you continue saying they aren’t and have been invested in saying they are different since…you entered the conversation?

Good, cause they are not.

I mean, the game states they are the same race, so the precedent doesn’t exist. You only think it exists.

You’re playing a high elf right now are you not?

Sunreaver captains and assassins are titles blood elves.

So a blood elf with green eyes is a different race from a blood elf with gold eyes, which is a different race from blood elves with blue eyes, even though they’re all considered the same race of blood elf?
Worgens are also 6 different races since they have 6 different eye colors.
Excuse me, I need to go the ER, I broke my back doing those gymnastics. Something about not being able to do a front flip and a back flip at the same time caused me to fold in on myself. Send help.

So they’re the same race by your admission.

Seems like it.

This is a theory that is unsupported :man_shrugging:

I mean, you’ve already been advised on where its from on the matter. Your response

“Its old!”

Articulate yourself better, you were never misquoted. People judge you on what you say, not what you think you mean.
Your theory is unsupported, and my statement is supported dude.

btw, you never responded to Tarrok. Good dodge.


there is no lore about alliance high elves after anasterian withdrew from the alliance, because all of them left. literally 99% only a few elves stayed put. alleria was running around with the farstriders. she was there for lorthemars promotion that sylvanas was the MC of. everything is wrapped up with the blood elves, so when you say its about the lore we dont beleive you, and neither do the devs when they say ‘sorry, that race is already playable’


Blood of the Highborne has Laidrin draining a green crystal that makes her eyes glow green. Later on another elf is also getting arcane crystals from Murder Rowe, which mentions both the procurement and distribution of them is dubious.

So Blood of the Highborne has a supply from Murder Rowe established. So unless that story just has them supplying one elf I think you’re wrong.

And those are just the people who did the Murder Rowe bit…

There is always:


You’re gonna need a citation.

So would you say then it’s not an issue of lore (Lorewise we already have the same race on different factions) or biology but the gameplay?

This is the way of rhe anti-helfer, young padawan. Misquotes, partial quotes, cherry-picked lore arguments and ION SAID SO.

Sums it up.

I already provided one. From chronicles.

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The devs did say otherwise. They said unless it’s contradicted, its canon.

But anyway, you’re wrong, everyone can see it, and theres no use driving another one of your movement into a tantrum.


That is a single person.

Hold up, I thought they were distributing fel crystals!?

In 2017, 97% of the population of the U.S. did not have any drug problems with illicit drugs.
3%, did.
Just because the columbian cartel is distributing drugs, does not mean 97% of the U.S. is using them.
There isn’t any information to make such a statement.

That still doesn’t say anything about the general population. Mind you, blood elf magisters were also found draining M’uru as well. So…your own example doesn’t support you.

He does not need a citation, you do.
You’re attempting to support a population argument without the proper sample size.

btw guys, can I point out that maybe Callistus is trolling us?
He referred to both high elves and blood elves as Kaldorei.


I would say lorewise blood elves and high elves are the same race, and mag’har and orcs are the same race, and that trying to compare a same faction allied race to a cross faction allied race first runs into the big gameplay chasm, not that that’s the only problem with them.