We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

Fair use.

I’ve got the Kindle version of chronicles volume 1, it doesn’t have page numbers but it’s, “Exile of the Highborne” that talks about Dath’remar Sunstrider." and the magical change that happens in their exile.

Additionally, see the WoW race page for Nightborne, or in game texts of the Fal’dorei, the Fel Blood Elves, - err. Here. Just look at this. https://wow.gamepedia.com/Race_origins#/media/File:Troll_Lineage.jpg

Have fun. Not like you care anyways.

thats because they are a neutral race. the high elf race is not neutral


I forgot I had one of those.

The only difference here is eye color. There’s a much bigger physical difference between Blood Elves and Night Elves, or even Nightborne and Night Elves. Also, each of these Elven races have taken thousands of years to form.


And they were intended to be neutral from the start…

…Something Bliz has shown no signs of repeating.

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Problem is when they are the more…vocal members of the pro-helf group.

That says nothing about anything we have been discussing Callistus. He asked you where old lore is superseded, and overwritten by it. All you did was state “well this happened over here, so it must be the same there.”. That makes no sense.


Are you seriously that ignorant?

By your claim, might of well call Humans with Blue Eyes and Humans with Brown Eyes a different race.

EDIT: And I am not talking about in-game humans either


World of Warcraft is canon. So, Legion threw in a lot of things that added to the lore.

So… Until the Devs say otherwise… Elves that look different because of magic are different races. Especially with the way that the word race is thrown around in WoW. Elisande even supports it. Anyways.

Have fun with the Dev Q&A.

Humans don’t have different eye colors because they’re infused with magic. They have different eye colors because they have different eye colors.

If you line up a bunch of High Elves and a bunch of Blood Elves you can tell them apart every time.

Want to try again?

I mean, are maghar and orcs the same biologically?

Green eyes on Blood Elves has been described as the same, if only lesser, than the difference on skin tone in orcs.

You have to put the things in their context, and if anything, put your opinion on what the threshold to be considered a different race is.

Now the BE’s that most delve in the Sunwell can get golden eyes, as per magic works, that change can also become biological, but that alone is enough to consider them another race?

Are Demon hunters another race, when ostensively they are as changed from BE’s as VE’s are? Context matters in these discussions.

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Pretty much on a lore level, gameplay they have the gigantic chasm of “Not the same faction as their parent race” differentiating them from the flavors of orcs, draenei, Tauren, etc. etc.

See what you’re doing here is citing something that is irrelevant to the discussion at hand, yes there was a change that happened when the highborne were exiled, and the nightborne.

What we’re talking about is if there is any meaningful biological difference between the political factions that still go by High Elf and the people who go by Blood Elf. And none of that is touched on by what you talked about.


youre thinking of fel/void elves and eredar

high/blood elves are the exact same race


I believe there’s a huge difference between a Race added as Neutral and asking for a race that has been with one side for at least… 11 years to be made Neutral.

Its quite… disrespectful.

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WoW doesn’t have evolution like the real world has evolution. The only creatures that change spontaneously are Void creatures, things like the bugs.

All changes done to the races in WoW are done by loa, or gods, or curses like the curse of the flesh.

It also has literal creationism.

So… your, “Real world” bit doesn’t have anything to do with WoW. last I checked Humans in the real world didn’t used to be made of metal.

Okay… okay. So we see things were added. Correct that means nothing was superseded.

So…since blood elves and high elves don’t look different, because sunreaver captains and lanesh the steelweaver have blue eyes, then high elves and blood elves are the same race.

She makes no statement on the issue.



Humans came from Vrykul standard wise.


I haven’t had a kindle in ages. But it works on phones, pc’s etc. I used to have one of the old black and white ones. Or I guess it was more manila?

Magic doesn’t all of a sudden make any race different.

Well, if you want to get into technical terms, Orcs and Mag’har Orcs are the same, just from different timelines. Mag’har Orcs are just from an Alternate Universe, is all, before the Gul’dan and Mans Blood stuff.


So where is that citation that demonstrates the majority of blood elves fed on fel? I am waiting on it.

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Cover their eyes and then you can’t tell them apart.

Similarly, cover the eyes of a brown-eyed human and a blue-eyed human, and you wouldn’t know which is which.


Also what about lanesh the steelweaver and sunreaver captains? If they stand next to Vareesa or Alleria you’d not tell the difference.