We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

And if we were talking lower case high elves and Void Elves that would be a more relevant example.

Well, if people would stop trying to pretend that they aren’t biologically the same thing and arguing that point I wouldn’t be making this argument.

Look, I was going to avoid this one to try not to bring in rl politics. But basically, trying to separate out the High Elves as anything more than politically/magic use ethically different would be like trying to say that members of the IRA were a distinct people from the Irish.

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citation please


Then you will have no problem citing where it says specifically that they’re physiologically different.


No, but that was the only relevant thing that they actually “did” during the Suramar rebellion. Beign insulted.

Well, you made an opinion about my position about Elisande as a character. I answered.

I don’t know what Sylvanas has to do with this.

This is quite… predictable.


But they were?

They’re a specific group. Obviously human. Though if magic made their eyes glow a different color…

As far as the biology bit is concerned, that’s up to WoW cosmology. You’d have to build a real case or get some developer feedback to contradict it just because of how evolution in WoW is basically magic driven.

You did, but that’s fine.

Seems like a contradiction in the same paragraph.

Which is also why at the end of it he said “The horde is waiting for you.”. <___<

provide yours first please. As I stated previously, you have not provided any citation to prove your argument.
Here, because you play this game a lot, I shall simplify it for you.

Callistus: There are fel crystals and most likely they drained it.
Broflake: Citation for where they were draining the crystals.
C: Liadrin used it and Murder Row distributed it.
B: That does not say anything about the population. We have sources that say most did not.
C: Citation for that information.
B: You need to cite a source to prove your claim first.
C: No, you’re trying to deflect.
B: I am still waiting on your citation when the encyclopedia and Micky Neilson disagree with you.
B: I looked at your highborne argument and there is nothing there.
C: Chill out dude!

You’re not joking dude.

So…about that citation to support your theory?


I literally only mentioned the Silver Covenant, it’s pretty self contained what they are and have done. But yes, if you say “it’s irrelevant this group purged their political opposite of a city” all I can say is you are so wrong? Like my opinion is that your appreciation of the situation is wrong.

Because foremost, it presumes High Elves as a group can’t do anything interesting, -and then that’s just you not liking them-

How dare people have IDEAS. the gall of it all. Do you have the same opinion of any “I wish X race could be Y” threads? Cause it just seems you bias against HE’s makes you inconsistent.

Which tells us that your maxim comes down to what you personally agree with. I know all opinions are subjective, but you constantly try to make sound your opinion of the “irrelevance” of HE’s sound like a fact. What would you say to someone that says that DR’s are “irrelevant”? Would you respect their opinion?

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You go tell one of them they aren’t Irish. Hell, tell one of the sad sacks here in the states that got way too invested in them that they aren’t Irish.

Page 139, vol. 3

Cool, citation of the contradiction then.

Chris Metzen: but it’s only retconning if we actively contradict known lore

So…the chronicles may elaborate on lore, but unless it actually contradicts the lore, it isn’t a contradiction.


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Actually, this statement is entirely false. Blood Elves and High Elves are both the same. What is the real difference? Nothing.

Blood Elves didn’t mutate to change, and High Elves didn’t withdraw to change either. They’re exactly the same.


I actually have, and I have seen people going as far as suggesting Elves from alternate Azeroth.

But thank you for your description.

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I’ve done it before. Don’t feel like writing it out right now. But basically breadcrumb trail:

Warcraft Chronicles Explains how the Highborne changed into the High Elves while traveling from Kalimdor to Lordaeron.

It also makes it obvious that they’re not a different race from the Night Elves, they’re just cut off from the Well of Eternity and so they’re becoming smaller. Which was previously known.

So then there are all Elven races that are created after that point, that are part of the lore, for instance the way the NIghtborne came to be their own race, Fel Blood Elves, etc. etc…

And so since new lore supercedes old lore, especially the Warcraft encyclopedia, the fact that magic has changed Blood Elves to have differently colored eyes technically makes them a new race if you follow the internal, consistent logic of anything else happening in WoW.

So… You know…

That next Lore Q&A… Throw the question in.

If the developers definitely say they’re physiologically the same you’ll have what you want.

ikr, i guess golden eyed blood elves are a different species


You seem to have skipped the step where you cite the new lore the supercedes the old lore.

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Gah i just grimmace at the thought of AU anything really lol… I hope the idea is not taken seriously lol

So what you’re saying is you’re taking a previous pattern (highborne to high elves) and applying it to a different subject entirely that hasn’t been touched upon in the book, but has been in the wiki?

It’s canon until it’s contradicted.

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No…no it doesn’t dude. Jesus. The only time new lore supersedes old lore is if it directly contradicts it. if the encyclopedia states, and it does “some high elves gave into their need for magic and becme blood elves”, and the chronicles do NOT say anything, that old lore is still canon.
You don’t get to throw out lore on some nonsense statement there. O-o

No it doesn’t, and all lore states they are the same people. So no. You’re wrong, and the devs don’t have to comment on it directly.
Even if they were changed by fel, since TBC, they have been CLEANSED per devs. So…yeah…same race before and after dude.


Maybe stop arguing with someone who has presented you a flawed argument? HE’s and BE’s are biologically the same, that doesn’t mean they don’t have differences, some that could potentially become biological.

If you consider Orcs and Maghar Orcs to be biologically different, BE and HE are on the same boat even if in a smaller scale.

And that’s the thing, you are saying it would make them “different people,” I’m saying that it would make them a different faction because the differences are overall ideological.

Pandaren can be Alliance or Horde -i’m not bringing them as an example of the mechanics- they are evidently of different political factions, ostensibly the same people, and they exist on both factions. In no point they are “distinct people” from each other.

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Well, how do you expect me to like something that actually lacks in almost every possible way.

Well, you guys presume to be Lore erudites, I believe you should follow that more… strictly. Don’t you think?.

Yeah, why not?. I like Dark Rangers, I find them becoming playable cool.
But Im not asking for them, and I don’t believe asking for them actually takes from another group of players as your request does with the Belf players.