We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking


They are similar.

Last time I checked my mazda 3 didn’t have a different relationship with magic, different cultural institutions and a different physiology.

The correct metaphor you’re looking for is:

“A Mazda 3 is sort of a Mazda speed 3, without the big turbocharger, intercooler, the different bodykit and different brakes.”

Nice try though.

Cheap tricks like ignoring the fact that Chronicles said spacifically that most blood elves didn’t actively consume fel then pretending they did? :woman_shrugging:


But I’m pretty like Cary Elwes. :kissing_heart:

Hit me up with the citation friend. What page? I’ve got it.

one of the characters in the novella blood of the highborne is galell, an elf who purchases mana crystals from a shady dealer in order to get his ‘fix’; it is implied that there is some form of market for these, one that you dont want to get into if youre lacking money. i vaguely remember the liadrin passage he cant cite

The kissy face made it weird me.

She totally did nuke a bunch of people. Azerite is basically the Azeroth version of Nukes.

The point is simply that you can’t seem to consider the relevance of their non-biological differences, thus believe the only relevant matter boils to their biology dismissing all the other ways they differentiate.

What does it matter they are “practically the same” when the reason whe want to play them is exactly because of their differences?

Again, disagree that their differences aren’t enough to be an AR, but don’t be absurd and compare them to cars when cars can’t chose a political and ideological stance different from one another.


Yeah. WoW encyclopedia. Nice. Published in 2006. Way before Chronicles even explained how the Highborne turned into High Elves.


A car with a different paint job.

The metaphor would be more similar to people wearing clothes.

Are we talking about a book printed on paper or a website that is constantly updated?

Wowpedia is an officially-recognized wiki dedicated to cataloging Blizzard Entertainment’s Warcraft universe (with a focus on World of Warcraft ), covering the entire Warcraft series of games, strategy guides, novels, comics, reference books, and other sources.

Imagine taking your fight to the actual canon itself. Yikes.

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So you agree with me in a roundabout way, to try and make you feel better.

He is using it sarcastically, because sarcasm can be used to exaggerate a point.

I am not, I am waiting for it.

Literally dude, you have one piece that says

People in murder row were peddling fel crystals, but it doesn’t say ANYTHING about what the mass majority of the population were doing.
That’s like me going

Okay, but, that doesn’t tell me anything except that they are peddling out drugs. It does not tell me anything about usage by their customers or how many they are reaching.

Literally, you crafted an entire story that is unsupported when the developers, including Micky Neilson went over that the blood elves did not consume it.

So again, cite your source stating most blood elves used fel energy to sate their addiction. Still waiting, and I am sure I will forever be waiting before you duck out and hope everyone forgets.


I don’t need to, they’re actually pretty much irrelevant. I mean… what is a High Elf to begin with, you guys can’t even get into common ground about that.
I have seen a lot of you asking for things like druids, shamans, dragons. Do you guys actually know what you’re asking for?.

Or… do you want to make something irrelevant actually relevant?.
It certainly looks like this one.

At least we share common ground in something.

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Well. Manabombs are the Azeroth version of nukes… but you’re not wrong.

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It’s not like he’s going to hold himself to the same standard, and even if you did do it he’ll ignore it or pretend like there was something wrong with it. He’s just baiting you because he has nothing.


You are acting as though her opinion on high elves means something.

And you completely ignored that a bunch of blood elves liked humans enough for them to be in their personal harem in black temple, but go ahead and ignore what you don’t like.

And your opinion on Vereesa is just that, an opinion. I like her and her story. I find her more interesting than the 1 dimensional villain Sylvanas has become, and more interesting than void Alleria, or void elves as a whole.

No dude.

The meme means what it means because the dude saying it is being sarcastic.

That’s not how English works though, when you’re being literal.

Ion wasn’t being sarcastic, so what Ion said means what Ion said exactly. Not the opposite of it.

Nope. In order for it to be used sarcastically, there wouldn’t be a list of exceptions after it.

He isn’t using it sarcastically. You just wish he was.

He’s using the term literally. Blood Elves and High Elves are similar. But they’re not the same.


Calm down. quit flipping out.

Sorry you can’t prove your point dude. Relax.

You guys have no cool when you’re losing an argument. Like the end of the other thread yesterday, “Callistus is a troll because he’s difficult to argue against.”

I write jokes, but I’m sincere. Man. This forum.

You cite age as if it means anything. Unless the information is contradicted it is still canon..
That is also per Blizzard too btw.

Again, cite your information that contradicts actual lore besides your unsupported headcanon?


Must be you have not read the mega thread… But the consensus is that its the Political group of Quel’Dorei Post Scourge arthas invasion of Quel’Thalas that did not re-name themselves as Sin’Dorei or Bloodelves as to the Decree of their Prince/Heir Kael’Thas Sunstrider. Dalaran/stormwind/Hinterlands/Outland elves… even the hinterland elves may not consider themselves as either one.

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It’s contradicted by the lore that came after it by the game and WoW chronicles.

When they published WoW chronicles they mentioned it would supersede older forms of lore. Including the WoW encyclopedia.