We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

No. You’re just upset man.

Not my fault you guys have built me into some big forum boogieman.

You’re gonna need a citation for that friend. Or you’re just spreading misinformation.


Murder Row were the distributors.


Citation that these people who have no idea what the giant burning crystals even are aren’t using fel directly.

And… I’ve been pointing out that people have been misrepresenting a quotation for awhile now by using English dishonestly.

They’ve got a different eye color, which Ion acknowledges, a different backstory with relationship with magic, which Ion acknowledges, and we know about the political differences.

So. We don’t disagree.

Funny, that’s what I’ve been doing too.

They may have a different eye color, they have a different attitude to magic, and a recent political disagreement, which Ion acknowledges while he’s saying otherwise they are the exact same thing.

I am still not sure why you don’t get that is how the meme works in English?

You do realize sarcasm is often used to exaggerate a point…yes?

To demonstrate how little of importance those differences are dude.

You seem like you do not understand its functions.
Still waiting on you to cite where it says “most blood elves ingested fel”.


I mean, is “They are the exact same thing except for this differences” the stance you wanna take?

If they are sufficiently different is something subjective, but to say “exact same” then point their differences is oxymoronic.

The fact that you try to make those events so relevant to better suit your agenda is simply bias.

As part of the Kirin Tor.

Wow, they stoped licking human boots and hating on the belves for a second, this one is actually important.

They’re named Kirin Tor Offensive, and moved because Jaina (WOOPS A HUMAN, WHO WOULD GUESS?) ordered them.

1-So were the Dark Rangers.
2-Oh please, Vereesa and her two bodyguards were inexistent during the the Suramar Rebellion. So Irrelevant than NO ONE actually saved her from Elisande’s time trap.
3-Aunt and Son went to Argus in hopes to see a long lost relative. Yeah, definitely important to Helf story.

Yeah, important and rich story.


Yeah. But there are degrees to nuance to that.

Like, Blood Mages and Blood Knights are… Kind of a big deal. :laughing:

Saying they’re similar is obviously true. Saying they’re the same is false, even from a physiological standpoint. goes back to the eye color bit.

There is a sunreaver high elf, and it’s not an oversight as he was featured in MoP and Legion.


Funny how people just love that Elisande nonsense when there’s plenty of evidence that blood elves liked humans too. Kael’thas had a thing for Jaina. Oh, and the den of mortal delights in the black temple, illidan put that in for his blood elven forces. It was filled with elves and humans.

And now blood elves hang around a bunch of races that I am sure your hero Elisande would put beneath humans in her rankings.

But fact is, she’s a raid boss who sold her people out to the legion. I can’t say I care about her opinions on high elves, or anything else.

Humans, pirate humans. The cool kind.

That is how the meme works.

You’re not wrong in so far as, “I’m kind of a big deal.” is meant literally, because the speaker is using sarcasm when he says it.

But when you use sarcasm, you’re using irony… and irony is used to have the opposite literal meaning.

So when Ron Burgandy sarcastically says, “I’m kind of a big deal.”
What he means is, “I’m a big deal.”

Because the use of irony, in this example, is the literal opposite of what, “I’m kind of a big deal.” means.

Because if spoken literally, “I’m kind of a big deal.” means, “I’m moderately, or somewhat a big deal.” and not, “I am a big deal.”

And so how do we know Ion isn’t using it sarcastically? Other than spoken tone, he also has a list of exceptions after he says it.

this is almost too easy to put into context and expose this

he said blood elves are high elves, if you cant see he meant that high elves call themselves blood elves now you are just being woefully ignorant and everyone knows it. the race is high elf

their eye color is mutable as golden eyes proved and blue eyed blood elves already exist. their skintones and hair color are also mutable. thats why he said ‘slightly’

and the different relationship was obviously a reference to refusing to drain mana from a mana wyrm :ok_woman:


You’re just saying that to try and deflect and dodge out of providing a citation. You got mine man. Blood of the Highborne Novella. Cheap tricks not gonna work.



They are the same thing. like a mazda 3 is a mazda 3 no matter what paint job it has or trim package is selected. They are still the same car with some minor differences.

Or are you going to tell me a human isn’t a human depending on their eye color, political views or physical health?

Big old citation needed for this one. Like actual explicit lore stating that as opposed to extrapolation from physical differences that are well within the range of changes that happen in a population?


blue eyed blood elves can also simply come from sunreavers who spent most of their time in dalaran

Those events happened regardless; yet you are the one that keeps dismissing them as irrelevant. High Elves did those things, did many things, and some that had major repercussions (The Purge)

But yes, all you do is try to make the things they did seem completely irrelevant because you can’t outright deny them.

Cause some how allying with humans7working with other human factions invalidate their actions.

Also the “It doesn’t matter they did a thing because others did too” is so lol. Good for them as well. Playable Dark rangers would be cool.

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A Belf liked a Human, oh wow, this is a representation of the whole race.

My hero?, nice… assumption I guess. I wont worry to much about this as you’re pretty much making an opinion here.

You’re triying to deny something because Elisande ended up beign a Raid Boss?.
I mean, even she as a character was more interesting than Vereesa Windrunner and you guys paint her as Jesus second coming.


I could care less to be honest.

That is what you think dude.

Again, they didn’t based on the text.
You’re trying to say I need a citation, to counter your lack of citation.
For one, I don’t, I simply need to disagree until you provide information that supports you. You haven’t btw.

It is also stated Rommath taught them to drain arcane sources, and it is further stated the majority did not know of the feeding on demons and that they would be horrified at the notion. That is per warcraft encyclopedia by the by.

The columbian cartel is also a major drug distributor, but the mass majority of people in the U.S. did not use illegal drugs or struggle with drug usage. So this argument of yours is a bad one. It simply means they were distributing, it says nothing about who was using it or how many were using it. It is a nebulous argument with no conclusion.

Provide your citation substantiating your claim.
Encyclopedia agrees with me, not you FYI.

Don’t need to cite it until you prove your argument first dude.
Of course, the devs also spoke about the fact that the mass majority of the blood elves did not know what the crystals contained. :man_shrugging:


If you read this out loud it sounds like the midget from the Princes Bride, when he’s boasting about the poison.


Blood elves are, biologically and physiologically, high elves.[6]

However, some basic similarities remain between blood elves and high elves, for both groups belong to the same race.

Sorry for the edits, my brain is broken