We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

They kinda are the same thing = the same thing.

Indeed, because the sarcasm is meant to demonstrate it is the same thing as they are stating.

It doesn’t, but in the context of what was being discussed, it does mean it in this phrase.
You can go ahead and bring up the dictionary as if it supports you, but the dictionary simply provides the definition on various contexts. The one in which we refer is the very first definition.

Of course, you kind of have a problem being wrong.
Even when your dictionary definitions demonstrate you’re wrong :wink:


That’s just your opinion. Just because you and some others ignore or dislike a story, that doesn’t mean the story ceases to exist.

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Many = a large but indefinite number.

Adjective - Desperate

modifies that many people must additionally be desperate to qualify for statement.

Blood Elves - The noun.

most likely = more likely than not: probably

drained them = you know what this means. drained fel crystals.

So. The trick is, Many Desperate Blood Elves can drain fel crystals… and yet… that could still be FEW of the overall Blood Elves. Since the modifier desperate wouldn’t apply to the overall population.

And the reason that I stated it this way is because we can’t know.

We’ve got the evidence, which I presented, the novella Blood of the Highborne where the residents of murder row were dubiously procuring and delivering little green crystals that make peoples eyes glow green.

But, I avoided, intentionally, making a definitive statement, because it cannot be known.

The Silvermoon quest line just doesn’t say anything about it. Unless you can provide a direct citation. I’ve provided mine.

Saying nothing, especially with evidence otherwise, doesn’t mean what you want it to mean.

Which. Does. Not. Equal. Are.

That’s how English works.

And he lists the dissimilarities.

Surprising I have to explain this.

Oh man, you set me up beautifully

Interestingly, it’s “just your opinion” that they should suddenly be a huge force, and playable, at that.

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Haha. You set yourself up.

I explained how English works.

Where did I say they should be a huge force?

Yeah. Playable just means adventurers…

and even if every single Warcraft player rolled a Quel’dorei immediately and millions of them burst on the scene… that’s not canon. Would still be the same number of High Elves.


Not really, you take a statement describing two of the same thing with minor differences “This Mazda 3 is kinda the same as that Mazda 3, except where the first is black with normal headlights, this one is mica grey with the fog lights package”

And then you mangle English in a dishonest method to try to make that statement seem like it’s discussing two more distinct things with a few similarities instead.

I’m not sure why you still don’t get that the meme isn’t how English works?

“I’m kind of a big deal” is spoken sarcastically. It’s sarcasm.

Ion says they are kind of the same thing and then lists examples of differences between the two. He’s being literal, not sarcastic. Otherwise there would be no reason to include a list of exceptions.

English doesn’t work the way you want it to work.

I haven’t mangled English in a dishonest way at all.

High Elves and Blood Elves are similar, obviously.

You really want it to mean that they’re the same. They aren’t.

I can’t dislike something that is not there, but keep rolling with it.
The fact that NPCS pop up just to make Belves more relevant or lick their human overlords boots is not story, is beign cannon fodder.

I mean, just look back at their last amazing story. They were at Suramar doing nothing, because Belves and Nelves were the ones taking spotlight there.
Even more funny, when they finally were adressed, Elisande draged them for beign Human pets lol.

Amazing role, importart interaction, the game would be totally empty without them… OH WAIT.


he cant even cite the passage


Sure, the Silver Covenant has appeared in Wotlk (multiples patches as Alliance liasons) Cata (concerned by the Amani), Post Cata as a part of the Forces sent to Theramoore where their Leader lost her husband, MoP (As Enforcers of an Alliance alligned Dalaran in situ and in the Isle of Thunder) and Legion as members of the Unseen Path, Part of the Suramar Rebellion and lastly their leader was the alliance envoy to Argus.

But you claim, so openly falsely, that all these story beats are lesser than what undead elves and ogres have gotten.

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I mean, you’re trying to get your point across in the most offensive manner possible, in the hopes of convincing someone. Just a thought.

but they didn’t.

The games does tell us, and it tells us the mass majority did not drain fel energy sources.

Residents of a singular area=/=populace as a whole.
That isn’t evidence for a population. You’re taking a tiny sample, and arguing it is representative of a population.

Blood of the highborne also demonstrates there was a market for arcane crystals. I suppose EVERYONE bought arcane crystals because SOME did?

Despite the fact it is known by playing the blood elf questline and reading other literary sources? :thinking:

Yeah it does, it explains that the primary method of feedin was arcane, hence the overloaded west sanctuary. It also explains no one knew the exact affects of the green crystals on everyone outside of Kael’thas and a number of others who directly fed on them.

Again, it is established in lore the mass majority never used fel directly. They were contaminated but never fed on it. Inf act, only the warlocks were doing so, and you kill them


I don’t really want that, I just acknowledge that they are the same overall peoples with an internecine political conflict.


The fact that you keep misrepresenting story beats to better suit your dissmisal is simply bias.

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There are already a lot of high elves running around.

(They must be high, if they think those characters are appealing!)


Fine take two Faction specific races and make them neutral, blood elf for the alliance, and whatever the hell the horde want…they can have Gnomes.