We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

The Alliance version will.

Fantastic! Love this

haha Fyre… thanks for the laugh

A mega thread was created and allowed to extend so that the forums would stay clear of additional High elf posts. But it got flagged to oblivion the last few days, and these unfortunately pop up.

this is indeed spiteful to many players… would be best to just leave it be, because people are then going to start discussing AU high elves… and you and I do not want that to happen.

So whats the alternative? discussing the elves ad infinitum until the game ends and one side has bitterly won? I’d rather they discuss the AU elves because we both that will NEVER happen. They aren’t gonna pull space time stuff again.

Why would AU high elves join the alliance they only ever became a part of out of convenience, and immediately left once the threat was dealt with


Well to be honest, i’d rather there be no more allied races in general… more race and class combos for existing races. More customizations (hair, face, skin, tattoos) and model updates.

The allied races should have more or less became customizable options available to the existing core races.

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You only need 90 individuals to prevent any inbreeding


Yep. There absolutely will be playable Quel’dorei on the alliance before WoW shuts down.

HAHA Bro I am so glad you know this… now Que some one saying there is less than 90 haha :rofl:

Probably is less than 90. ~_^

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oooo :stuck_out_tongue:

at least you beat someone to it.

Though there are interesting scholarly articles about a technologically regressive closed community that’s fairly common and a range of genetic defects.

Thats ignoring compatability and that there are equal mating pairs. Youa re ignoring a lot of social and realistic things with that number. Portland Oregon anthrpologist put the # at 14k humans.

It’s only those two on that boat.

Playable Quel’dorei are going to come with one normal blue eye and one derpy blue eye.

For actual alliance high elves yes. The majority are neutral and have no intrest in the faction war

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why do you come in and complain, if its so painful to see them? Just curious.

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If we are talking only about the absolute minimum to maintain a population then 90 would be it. When factoring the social and realistic aspects, then yeah, it goes up significantly to about 14k. Of course, if you’re in such a situation typical situations of mating habits go out the window and you bang to save your race, not because she is nice to you after you pee in the sink.

98, and yeah thats saying that everything is going perfectly. Banging to save your race doesn’t really convey the dignity that the Alliance Helves would have. Because, after all, they aren’t truly going extinct. just the Alliance side. It wouldnt make sense for them too. If these guys wont suck fel to save themselves why would they engage in a massive bangoff? especially when 90% of them still live in silvermoon.

I am saying id have no part in an AU high elves debate… my most educated guess would be that the AU high elves would be just like alleria where they had no knowledge of Garithos’ actions and so on… but i am adamantly against an AU high elf… just like the AU mag’har orcs… or anything AU in general

shudders at WOD

Hey hey, we weren’t being realistic about it, it was a joke. Chill out.
Let alone most blood elves did not suck fel either. High elves were all like

“Oh, our people are dying? Let’s just chill in SW while they fight to reclaim the sunwell and judge them for the tactics they use for saving our race. We’ll do nothing.”

high elves are scummy.

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