We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

She sure thinks she is.

Because she’s stated, numerous times, that she wants her sisters to join her – they even toyed with the idea of Vereesa willingly opting for undeath for a while. :man_shrugging:

Before the Blood Elves joined it, the Horde was the hunchback faction.

Key word: Her sisters.

The remaining Quel’dorei population are not her sisters.

You asked what made me think she’d kill and raise the High Elves, I gave you a reason why I thought as much. I’m sorry you don’t agree with an opinion? :man_shrugging:

Also, #UndeadHighElvesForTheAlliance.

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She even had some dark rangers waiting to gank them!

Ok? Her wanting her sisters to join her in undeath and the queldorei population not being her sisters isn’t an opinion. It’s a fact and I was just pointing that out to you.

Not going to happen. Let’s be rational here, do you really forsee Blizzard giving the Alliance a second Blood Elf model?

Furthermore, High Elf fans would still cry over that because that’s not what they want.

Blizzard is never going to faction change anybody out of their faction.

They might tease it like they did in Mists but it’ll never happen.


You’re changing goalposts, my friend, but keep on fighting the good fight I guess?

Fyrebusche is Ion, which Blizzard developer are you? :man_shrugging:


Changing goalposts how?

You don’t need to be a Blizzard developer to see that High Elf fans weren’t quite happy with Void Elves.


I mean what ever satisfies you people I suppose…

I don’t go around advocating for vulpera to just die off because I dislike them… or mech gnomes or whatever else people desire for ARs…

Get a grip.


You asked why I thought Sylvanas would raise the HE’s, to which I responded that they’ve teased the idea already with Vereesa – that, in itself, is a perfectly acceptable answer to a question like “Why doth thou thinketh that?”.

Do you like it? Clearly not.
Do you agree with it? Clearly not.

That doesn’t make it any less a valid response to the specific question asked, and attempting to change the course of the discussion to an argument of semantic truth is, definitionally, shifting goalposts. :man_shrugging:

But you do need to be a Blizzard employee to bluntly posit that something isn’t ever going to happen. You don’t know.


Stop spamming the forums with this topic. I’m pretty sure Blizzard already knows that you guys want High Elves.

Her wanting to raise Alleria and Veressa has nothing to do with anything.

You were the one whom defaulted to saying “Oh it’s just an opinion” in response to what I had to say about your interpretation about Sylvanas wanting to raise her sisters into undeath.

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I’ve kept to the mega thread thank you very much.

But I just wanted to call you out on thinking that genociding the Remaining High elves to shut the argument down is just spiteful.

So would forceably be turning them into void elves. Just leave em be…

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Well there really is only 3 ways this can go

  1. they make a mistake and give u them’

  2. they ignore you for another 14 years

  3. they end any and all future squabbling by just ending them and their future period. Either by folding them into the void elves or just die out.

It would be HILARIOUS! :joy:

Can you imagine the rage that would ensue?

The argument deserves to be shut down tbh as Blizz has said no multiple times and at this point, you guys just keep spamming the forums and being toxic towards others who disagree with you.


Maybe a mistake in your eyes for option 1… many others would disagree.

2 is the most likely option.

3 as I stated earlier would be spiteful behavior from a dev… who destroys an aspect of their game because of something a fan base wants.

I vote number 2 as the most likely course of action.

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What you just said is much more toxic than people making a request… would be Hilarious if they added them to see you guys rage…

  1. wouldnt be spiteful the highelves with no way to reproduce on a scale sufficient to continue their line without massive inbreeding have only half elves and extinction as their future. It’d be bringing their story to its natural forgone conclusion.

Your request has been denied on multiple occasions.

And what do you guys do in response? Spam the forums and berate others who disagree with you.

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Tbf they cant go extinct, because high/blood elves are the exact same race. The adjective they cling to will go extinct