We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

I think it’s clear that Blizz is ok with High Elf threads by now

All I’ve wanted since September 2001 WoW announcement was to play as an Alliance High Elf. They were in ALL the Warcraft RTS games, and the very FACT that they still aren’t playable 15 years later, even with the massive player demand, is crazy.

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I want High Elves and everything, but let’s be honest, there was no need to make a new thread, you can live one day without talking about High Elves.

The megathread is going to open in 10 minutes, OP please do something to close this thread afterward.

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Just datamined that they are changing the 110 boost to 120 boost around 8.2.5 - 9.0 so not really sure this squish is coming…

Why change the boost if your squishing the lvls?

“The latest 8.2.5 PTR build added data related to level 120 character boosts. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that boosts are going live in 8.2.5, as we’ve datamined items related to character boosts several patches before their implementation in past expansions.”


I actually am because I don’t get caught.

Not their spam.

You’re right. People have every right to talk about anything, as long as it doesn’t break the Code of Conduct

But it happens all the time. Every time the Megathread is temporary locked, the forums get spammed with threads about the same topic. So remind me how this doesn’t break the CoC?

I should add, it is lucky at the moment, but there has been a couple other threads about High Elves as well, especially with that one where the OP wanted to get rid of Worgens to replace High Elves.

This is a good indicator post; the indication is people who are bitter over a game decision 10+ years ago.


The direction already happened. It’s what it is now. It’s what it has been…

The Horde is the faction of elves and orcs. It has been for most of the game’s life.

I happen to think the game is better for it. It’s one of the things that makes WoW, WoW.


10 years, 20 years 30 years Who cares? No matter how much time has passed it can always be solved. Blizzard just have to eliminate the blood elves from the horde.

The last time this happened they went back a few weeks and deleted all the high elf threads that weren’t the mega thread. The anti-high elf primer was a casualty of that.

They need to make other Horde races more appealing.

Otherwise… Vanilla is waiting for you.

The only way it will ever happen is if they let any race join any faction, or they dismantle the factions. which will hopefully be happening soon

Because it comes off as childish. Blood elves havent damaged anything of the Horde, because frankly…when have the blood elves ever taken prominence in the story outside of TBC and the later parts of Mists?

For being one of the most popular races, they sure dont get the feast’s worth of spotlight. The narrative has always stayed on the main core of characters everytime.

So whats the issue?


Oh lordie, enough with the high elf crap. High elves aren’t going to be playable. If they destroy the factions, then all the people who wanna play a high elf on Alliance can but until we have some kind of proof of that happening, let’s stop spreading rumors that have absolutely no basis.

The Youtubers spreading such nonsense are wrong for it too. They’re all speculating because of one picture with a couple of icons near it that may or may not mean something. If it means something, then we can handle it when the time comes. If it doesn’t mean anything, then all these people getting their hopes up over a stupid picture that is out of context and has no information are going to be disappointed and then act like Blizz manipulated them.

Stop with the nonsense.


And you sir are being nonsensical. The blood elves have done nothing other than add to the Horde in a manner that it hadn’t had before. Blood elves are just as much monsters as the other races if you bother to learn the lore. In fact, they’re the worst kind of monsters. They go around looking pretty, acting like nothing’s wrong, and all the while they were committing heinous and sacrilegious acts against a deity of all things by draining and drinking it dry.

And then they redeemed themselves and spearheaded not one, not two, but three major attacks while flying Horde and Alliance colors alike. They were the first to jump to Vol’jin’s side when Garrosh went off the deep end in Mists, they fought and spearheaded the Isle of Thunder with Lor’themar leading the charge as the racial leader, and Liadrin took to the field with her blood knights to ensure the Nightborne survived Suramar’s most difficult times and ensured as many people got out alive as possible.

The blood elves have become more Horde than Forsaken at this point, and are even supporting the revolution for the sake of bringing back some kind of Horde with honor back. Rather than being bitter over a decision 10+ years ago, you should actually take the help blood elves are giving to try and get a Warchief that’s moderately sane back.


TBH, I want the Thalassian Elves to unite and faction walls to come down. Im also all for Blood Elves getting blue eyes, if they shared the glowing effect the green and gold has. They could add in the High Elf non-glowing version to the Blood Elves too and give us the skin color the High Elves have that Blood Elves dont and Id be ok with this.

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Arcane Torrent is a very specific Blood Elf thing that was part of the techniques (in combination with Mana Tap) taught to the Blood Elves to manage their magic. And even though Blood Elves no longer use Mana Tap (It’s kinda been wrapped up in the current Arcane Torrent with the dispel), a High Elf would have never learned the Arcane Torrent technique.

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Go back to your quarantine thread people.


Ally vs horde defines wow.

I would only be OK with this if core races are exempt. No dwarves in orgrimmar and no orcs in storm wind. Humans and night elves stay alliance. Trolls orcs and undead stay horde.

Tauren I could see joining alliance. Worgen joining horde if they felt betrayed by alliance. Night Born being horde was contrived. Void elves… Their magister seems committed but ugh you can have em.

In terms of pve and queues I see no issue with making those cross faction.

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