We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

Who says they died due to magic? I made no such statement. They died due to lack of shelter and food. Lor’themar’s short makes a reference of this.

Imaginary moral high ground, im sure tears were shed every time they sat down for dinner. What’s been shown is that most Blood Elves siphoned from Soulstones if the starting zone is meant to set the tone. Seeing as how their home had been ravaged and their population was driven to near extinction some prude elves attempting to take a moral stance when they risked losing everything is foolish. They could’ve potentially shattered the unity necessary to ensure the Blood (High) Elves survived post-scourge invasion. Exiling them was a pity, they deserved shallow graves.

They dress the same, they have the same architecture, they wear the same clothes, they speak the same language, they look the exact same, they once again draw from the same power source, and to be honest, their eyes should be golden now too as all Elves make pilgrimage to the Sunwell.

Any difference between the Blood Elves and the Traitor Elves is moot at this point in the story. Now we just have the overwhelming majority of High Elves with the Horde and a very small group with the Alliance.

okay. so far, i’ve been accused of being in a faction of racists because the lore stated that at one point an evil human did evil things. i didnt even know that lore was there till a few months ago and i’ve been playing since 2005.

i’ve been accused of being a racist and a world war 2 criminal because i wanted to play an elf in a rpg.

i’ve been called just about every name in the book since coming to the forums, even banned for nothing at all at one point. had to get a mod to unban me.

and all i have been doing, this whole time, is just asking for an AR on the forums where you’re supposed to ask for an AR.

i’m not asking to ruin the horde, nor to make playing a belf less fun. i’m not asking to ruin the alliance nor make playing alliance less fun. i just wanted to ask for a game character that i would like to play on my faction of choice. you’d think i had committed some terrible crime.

Tone down the drama juuussssstttttttt a bit.

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its true. that’s all true. it has happened just as i said. i’ve been called all kinds of stuff and now you’re saying i’m being dramatic. well if the truth is dramatic. i guess.

It is always the same story. Megathreads gets automatically locked due to the high amount of flags that goes on in that thread.
Then we see a huge amount of topics about High Elves spammed all over GD Forums.

And yet, I am the one trolling?

So, what you’re saying, people waste $15 a month, to post on the forums, and spam the forums about the same topics over and over?

Did you know breaking the forums Code of Conduct can lead to forum vacations.

Lore-wise if either side win reality falls in on itself.

Basically the WoW universe exists because of the balance between Light and Void.

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ever heard that old saying, it takes two to tango? well thats exactly what the helf thread is. antis and pros, debating away their subs.

I have no issue with the High Elf thread. The issue I do have is everytime the Megathread gets closed, new threads come out, and before we know it, we have GD spammed with nothing but topics about High Elves.

i just came back for classic beta, after quitting over the horde is waiting for you comment. if at any point, retail gets a race on alliance i would actually enjoy playing more than my velf, i’ll be playing the game instead of debating on the forum.

either way, you only have a few more days of me begging for a character race i’d like to play. as far as spam. this is only helf thread atm

The chances are that if it isn’t 100% confirmed, then it ISN’T happening. Sometimes even the stuff that IS said to be happening by the devs doesn’t happen, for that matter (see “class accessories” and “Worgen and Goblins are getting Heritage sets next with the updated models” for prime examples).

Don’t believe anything unless it shows up in PTR or a late beta build for an upcoming expansion.

Also, I seriously doubt we are ever getting the option to choose eye colors separately from faces and skin colors. I’d be shocked if we get even ONE new customization option in 9.0.

I dunno, they’ve specifically mentioned customisation as something they want to focus on going forward.

The ARs have more customisation slots than core races, so it’s not like the max number is necessarily hard coded in.

They’re not the same. A High Elf wouldn’t have the same racials that a Blood Elf has. They wouldn’t have the same starting zone (Because High Elves are not allowed in most of Quel’thalas anymore). They wouldn’t have the same options for customization, including green eyes and the redder skin and hair tones. They wouldn’t have the same voice lines.

I’m not asking for High Elves to be made playable, but some people sure are slow to catch on that the two groups are different.

Longtime blood elf player here. I think many people’s problem with “just go horde” is that the blood elves don’t fit the horde’s aesthetic at all (so much that many horde non-BE players will actually agree). I got sick of being run by orcs and undead, I got sick of my garrison being composed of mud huts, so I got VE (which I don’t even currently play) and my BE characters are effectively retired. I don’t play elves anymore because they don’t make sense to me on Horde and I’ve driven night elves (this character used to be one) into the ground in terms of interest.

I’m happy for the new Worgen models because they’ve always been my favorite race I couldn’t quite stand to look at; Genn has always been my favorite faction leader and I’m glad I can join his clan without looking like poorly designed crap.

I’ll say again, it would not bother me at all if people could work toward changing their faction. That’s a rep grind I’d actually want to do, not just one for a gimmicky AR that will inevitably just become another character I probably won’t even main, so what’s the point.

Taking a character and changing factions (or even better getting a pass from both), even if the reqs were as ridiculous as pathfinder, would be one more useful thing to do in this game, and I’m not a racist so if, say, an orc can prove he isn’t down with Sylvanas’ leadership, say, and would rather help the opposition, I say good on him! And if a human wants to go feral and hang out with the greenskins instead, as long as he can prove his worth and that he believes in honor above all else, good on him as well!

Rigid factions are for RTS’s, not MMO’s. The rigid factioning of this game, were it not so old that it’s become “just the way things are,” and as such so people are okay with it literally by default, was clearly seen to me as a detriment when I came over from EQ in 2005ish. It’s like literally the only backwards step they took.

I thought this game was a brilliant iteration of the massively punishing gameplay of EQ, but the factioning felt like they dumbed something down in the process.

Also if they provided a path to changing factions we’d have at the very least less “faction bias” that so many people love to taught, it would all be whatever you want it to be. MMOs should be all about personal options first and foremost. I for one would love to RP that one race “from the other side” who somehow managed to fit in, the possibilities there are endless! Forcing us to keep our faction no matter what just makes us all look like ideological lunatics.

I see zero value in the faction I play, other than I prefer Alliance architecture to Horde, and that’s a pretty slim reason.

I would pay anything for extra customisations in 9.0, especially seperating our eye colour options from our face options.

I’m sorry, but where is the actual evidence to really support this?


Green Eyes, no. But skin tones and hair colours, they would still be the same. And actually, since both Quel and Sin are connected to the sunwell, they all would have golden eyes as well.

TBC lore is trash the horde should never have had blood elves.


Of all the xpacs TBC had the absolute worst lore. The Illidan and Kael’thas stories were garbage and made next to no sense and can’tbe reconciled with where WC3 Frozen Throne’s story left off. At least Illidan’s character was brough back for a proper narrative.

Kael’thas on the other hand turns his blood elves into space pirates working for the Legion of all people. Literally the same people responsible for directing the Scorge to destroy Quel’thalas and murder most of the people they knew. Utter nonsense.

I feel that after BC came out Blizz realized that story and lore actually matters and pulled their socks up for WotLK but the damage was already done.

I will never get back the time i spent on Netherwing ledge with MULVERICK popping up on my screen every 5 minutes.

…And it’s the same handful of people making those threads.

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Yes, Cathy Newman. They have a right to post on the forums in addition to playing the game.

They’re not breaching the rules if they’re talking about a legitimate request, and they’re especially not breaching the rules if their main thread is silenced.

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Its a breach of the rules since it is spamming of a topic which was meant to remain in a singular thread.
I am unsure as to why they haven’t 404’d this one as they did the rest.

You must be a ton of fun at a party. Except for maybe a rules party if that’s a thing.