We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

this is why alot of people want high elves. for the aesthetic. alot more want the lore. but you’re saying you dont want that. you dont want the lore, you dont want the aesthetic.

who do i ask ? where do i put in my requests? clearly you aren’t the place.

Like humans. Or nelfs.

What your demanding is just too specific. If you want a blood elf
:clap: The :clap: Horde :clap: is :clap: waiting :clap: for :clap: you :clap:


You’re right, I don’t. I have a different vision of the Alliance then you have. The very cliche LotR trope is something I’m opposed to, and every time Alliance high elves are around is an affront to my desires for the Alliance. I do not want Alliance high elves. I feel like this should have been established by now.

Where do I?

I don’t have any power? So…

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a slender graceful race can only be a belf? why?
and the horde is waiting for you thing, you know i already quit the game over that before. so you’re trying to get people to quit at this point.

No, we just don’t want Alliance high elves.

That’s a little over the top.

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They can’t.

Stop doing that.

You’re in post saying “a slender graceful race”, then when people point out that the Alliance has those sorts of races you add all these qualifiers that they have to be human coloured and they have to be elves and they have to be good but that good has to be the right kind of good etc. etc. etc.


I’m with High Elf Resistance!

Don’t let ANYONE stop YOU from DREAMING!

We grow asking for things and the whole world revolve around requests: new cars, new meds, new ways of life, new electronics, new discoveries.

It’s called evolution!

Down with the old Blood let the High come, the newest girl in town!

The demand is there. If people want Lightforged Undead or Alterac Humans on the Horde, they have a right to express themselves. I’m personally against those ideas, but they’re welcome to change my mind.

they dont. my velf is the only one. and she’s got tentalces, bags under her eyes, is technically not a good race, cant even cast a normal heal or be a paladin without exploding.

Human paladins are pretty similar.

I never accused you of mass flagging. That remark was aimed generally at the people who were

Because they’re paying $15 a month to play this game and thus have as much a right to make their opinions about the game known as other people do.

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You’re assuming people on our side got it locked.

one time it was locked because helfers flag bombed an anti which caused the thread to be locked when combined with other flags. i think this time it was because of the discussion about genociding the draenei

And what does your side support? I’m not psychic and I can’t read what people support/oppose, and I never accused anyone at all. I’m simply saying that whoever is flagging the thread is only making the debate louder

I think people should keep making new threads when the megathread isn’t available, because when the megathread is up, the people that are against High Elves also don’t give the High Elf fans/community any rest.

Talking about High Elves isn’t against the Code of Conduct, ACCEPT that people wanna talk about High Elves and move on!

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How about instead of boring old Blood Elves.


Spamming the forums is against the CoC.

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… They should make a new Megathread.

The title of this one is on par with clickbait.

Why do you keep pushing this wrong information?

I’m only seeing one PRO High Elf active thread, so it’s not spam.

Why aren’t you guys calling this one spam?