We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

I’ll take fiery tentacles

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i agreed. they should get the full range of human skin tones and blue eyes. i dont have a problem with that at all and never have. and have repeated it multiple times. but that doesnt stop people from assuming i dont want that. of course i want everybody to have more customizations.

i said
heres a difference between light skin and blue skin. its not exclusively light skin anyway. we want the whole spectrum of human skin tones. i’d be happy with a totally different elf that doesnt use the belf skeleton or animations at all, as long as it was a traditional good aligned elf in the vein of dnd elves, was as pretty and elegant as belfs, and had good animations, but i dont see them doing that. they want us to pick from already created races for our ARs.

his response

Why don’t Blood Elves get those instead?

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Why would the same race not have the same options?,
Let alone blood elves are good aligned, and are pretty and elegant and have good animations.
So yeah, that is why you get the comment about going Horde for it.
The option is there, you’re literally refusing to use it.

But it’s literally not taking anything from high elves.

High elves aren’t an AR and are exclusively super pale in-game in their unplayable form.

i wasnt even talking about the same race. if was an elf but not even the same race of elves. it was a totally new elf.

okay can i have anything, pretty and elegant like a belf, that’s not a belf and not an elf? or do they own every race that’s pretty or otherwise it needs to have something odd with it, like tentacles or horns?

No, but belfs are the playable faction of high elves.

If you couldn’t have pretty stuff you wouldn’t have access to things like night elves, void elves, humans or female draenai.

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Look, i get where you are coming from. My favorite race is worgens, but they are alliance. I won’t go requesting worgens for the Horde, even if I felt they fit the Horde theme better.
If i want to play a worgen, the alliance is waiting for me with that theme.


notice i said like a belf. which means slender and graceful. not hands the size of dinner plates, animal legs or tentacles.

Making that difficult choice is what makes choosing a faction have value to the player.

i just asked for a whole new race and was just told to accept what i am given. so i guess my requests dont matter. my sub is not worth the same as yours.

apparently cant even ask for new stuff, even if it literally doesnt take anything from the horde. you peeps on the anti side need to come to grips with the fact you arent fighting this because you’re being logical. you’re doing it because its an alliance request. this is all tribalism

Play a female human? There are plenty of pretty races on the Alliance. Dreanai and humans are just as pretty. Dreanai are robust and humans are not as gracile as high elves, but that doesn’t mean that the Alliance needs to have that. It already has plenty of pretty races. If anything they need something more diverse than their current options.

I main Alliance.

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and why cant we have that?

well do me a favor and act like it.

Because WE don’t want that. YOU want that.


I’m sorry, what are you doing here?

What is the official proper way to act Alliance?

Apparently you have to want playable Alliance high elves.