We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

Darker and more varied skin tones.

oh sounds good.

Also, the Alliance isn’t getting more elves. Hate to burst your knife-ear bubble.

good im glad youre getting your dog out of the house. they want to explore the sights, smells, and sounds of the world too :dog2:

blood elves have their own starting areas, with leveling zones made just for them, with multiple racial mounts, twice as many hair and hair color options, 2 different eye color options, and can start at level
1 without a rep grind.

and my velf has 1 racial mount, no leveling zones made for her, half as many hair and hair color options, a few options are so close they look identical, and only a handful of skin colors. to top it off, to get access i had to level 110 levels and do all the same rep grind horde did for their ARs plus another month on argus.

and my nightborne has the same lack of options though she was much easier to get.

Without ARs having significantly lower development costs you wouldn’t have gotten your velf or your nbelf.

I’m gonna quit WoW for a year if we get another “elf” race.

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he just asked me why belfs shouldnt have access to anything an AR might get. good grief they got twice as much and in some cases, many times as much as an AR.

tell you what, ill trade you belf hair styles for velf hair styles

i wish. you want tentacles?

i said styles

Because they’re a core race.

Void elves aren’t.

why not tentacles?

so you should get all the customizations of other orc ARs?

Look at what you people have done with your mass-flagging. The megathread was acting as containment to keep the High Elf posters all in one place and out of sight. Now that it’s closed they’re making multiple threads and infesting the forums. I hope you’re proud of yourselves.


No, but I should get more orc content overall than Mag’har.

well he said they should have access to skin colors of other ARs. ( eye colors too.) you spoil us belves, you get more belves. thats just how it works.

He really liked it, but now he’s tired:

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D-did he? All I saw him say was that blood elves should get more skin tones.

Which is not taking content from any AR.

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not really given the heritage quest makes it very clear that the sindorei maintain their traditions.
many high elves also consider silvermoon and quel’thalas their home. So…no…no one laughs at him.