We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

you say this while im on my 12th horde char. how many alliance chars do you have? i like alliance because i prefer the aesthetic and the traditional fantasy races. horde is too masculine for my tastes. i’m a female, old school. i like traditional female stuff.
though my nightborne has a great city - this has only been available to me for a couple weeks. i dont know why i should have to be accused of so many bad things, just because i want to play a normal elf in a fantasy rpg

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and i dont want to play a human aligned with the alliance. i think fogsail pirates are much cooler

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Is it troll flagging if you actually think it’s spam? :thinking:

One thing that really confuses me is that they seem to be really pushing this void/light and death/life fight but then they’re really scattering light/void allegiance across factions. Like on the Horde we have the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow and the Shadowmoon Clan using Shadow, blood elves and the sunwalkers using the Light, the Forsaken and the cult of Bwonsamdi using Death and the tauren and the Earthen Ring using Life.

It’s becoming very confusing to keep up with who should have stabbed who in the back.

Nah. Here’s what we’ll get ok?

Alliance: Borgnomes and Fish-Samurai (Or maybe Sethrak for a curveball)

Horde: Vulpera and some undead race (possible light undead)

Congrats, you are on your 12th Horde char, and you played it about 15 minutes it looks like.

I have 8 Alliance characters.

The only thing I am really “accusing” you of is being wrong about void elves being evil. And the light being good.

well i just got my nightborne access a week ago, and have made 3 with 1 more in the works. this is me again. i leveled this one and all the others except one, the old fashioned way. most of them are in outlands or higher content. i’m also leveling several void elves.

Me irl

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I mean, yeah, it’s not comparable at all.

We dropped a nuke on a quarter of a million, living, breathing humans, but that is the real world so it’s not a big deal.

She killed thousands of Elves and burnt a World Tree in a fictional universe. The Gods will have their vengeance.


Hey, if they give you undead paladins with a bomb aesthetic. Don’t feel too bad.

Do we even know how many died? As far as I was aware it wasn’t really given a hard and fast number.

Fyre, can we agree to disagree?

High Elves are a legitimate group. They have at least two independent groups, they have a handful of “neutral” groups, and regardless of why they are that way. High Elves, for whatever reason, are distinct. They’ve made themselves so on purpose.

Maybe you think that’s not worth anything, maybe I do. Is that a reason to get snippity and argumentative?

Let’s move away from veiled arguments. We disagree, it’s cool.

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Undead paladins with a cool aesthetic are like being the tallest midget.

We’re all midgets if you look at us from the right angle. Still, they’re the most obvious Forsaken AR.

It’s really not that I know of, but that seems to be the general consensus, a lot escaped either by not being there at the time (the Horde was clearly marching in that direction) or by portals or boats.

every race has factions that are neutral or work against them. the scryers are another faction of elves who pursue their own ends. do you really believe the scryers, the SC, defias brotherhood, fogsail pirates, etc. have any right to represent their people more then stormwind humans or the blood elves? because thats what making them playable does

you are asking me to give up my races uniqueness and a piece of the horde faction identity to satisfy your desire of being a light skinned elf on the alliance to play with other pretty races because 3 actual alliance high elves are fighting in the faction war?


Here’s the thing:

I don’t care about this conversation anymore. I asked for a ceasefire. I’m done, but thank you for your hilarious response. It was very fitting for your side.

I just want to go walk my dog now without worrying about an argument waiting for me. So have your last word, I’m just not interested.


(His name is ryker, he’s a golden/pit mix with all the fluff, and I love him)

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theres a difference between light skin and blue skin. its not exclusively light skin anyway. we want the whole spectrum of human skin tones. i’d be happy with a totally different elf that doesnt use the belf skeleton or animations at all, as long as it was a traditional good aligned elf in the vein of dnd elves, was as pretty and elegant as belfs, and had good animations, but i dont see them doing that. they want us to pick from already created races for our ARs.

Why don’t Blood Elves get those instead?

get what? they already got everything else

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