We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

I don’t hear an argument against.


That is not happening.

This is the best part of the thread.
You’ve basically defined “rumor”, while admitting that it is only a “rumor” started by some guy(s).

roll velf paladin. Explode upon using spell

Just because you don’t use the Light does not make you evil. Thats not how it works.

The Light is not “good”. It just…“the light”.

Paladins are not “good” in WoW because they are paladins.

You can certainly be evil and use the light, as long as you have conviction for the light.

Gonna stop you and let you know I’m not pro helf and I already referenced that

well those were their friends and family. they were living with and near them. have kids with them. and relationships. why would they suddenly abandon them because kael’thas wanted to go thru the dark portal. from the perspective of a high elf, it looked like they were abandoning all their allies. they didnt know what garithos was up to and certainly wouldn’t blame the whole alliance for what one guy did

Assagirl. :woozy_face:

that was in reference to the locked megathread that was constantly generating false flags and already had a high post count

Super sweet <3

You want me to contact them once again? As you wish

Never mind the large army, dwarves and Kirin Tor that went along with it.

Why do people act like the Alliance is somehow blameless for Gari’s behaviour.

Because they have to cling to the “Alliance is pure and holy, Horde is inherently evil” thing. So they can pat themselves on the back for their choice to play Alliance.

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nope, dwarves were also treated poorly. they sent help not knowing what a bad guy he was.

the kirin tor looked the other way, it wasnt just garithos and as high elves were always the minority in dalaran there wasnt much they could do

They didn’t just go back to their families. They got judgy and adversarial.

It does seem like they are fattening marysue up for a light-gone-wrong raid boss slaughter.

Did that stop them from following his orders?

Plot Twist. Calia hooks up with AU Yrel (who come to our time to follow the Mag’har), and begin a ruthless Light Inquisition, and become baddies in 9.0+

That’s… not really supported. We have no evidence that any meaningful number died due to magic.

High Elves rebelled against siphoning. They rebelled against taking what didn’t belong to them, killing animals and beings, just to live.

It’s not a simple moniker. High Elves chose a different path. A path devoid of killing and draining.

That’s the part where everyone who’s read the lore laughs at him. Blood Elves are High Elves, but they’re not the High Elves we want. It’s not just an honorific. It’s a cultural split.

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