We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

Just because your favorite race is not on your favorite faction does not mean you have half a game.

I mean I’m gutted I don’t get to play my Kul Tiran shadow priest, but there’s nothing me stopping him besides the fact I was stupid enough to get a Horde tattoo.

my velfs silhouette is the only thing thats helf . everything else is …well its not an elf. its a creature of the void. it not only doesnt have access to helf lore (which is not something i honestly care about. all i care about is, is it a good race or not. i dont like evil. especially not evil for evil’s sake. at least sylvannas has the excuse that shes trying to maintain her population. when a velf goes wacky, they just kill to be as evil as possible.), it also has blue skin which is not a high elf feature (its more drow than surface elf) but it also has circles under its eyes and tentacles and we already did blue with tentacles with the draenei. i mean, its the opposite of what we’ve been literally begging for on alliance for years.

There are no good or evil races in Warcraft.

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uh riiiiiiiight.

Void Elves are not evil, not matter how strongly you want to pretend that they are.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, World of Warcraft isn’t Tolkien. Nothing is inherently good or evil. Not even the void and light are inherently evil or good.

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well let me put it this way. when void elves finally succomb to the whispers, they dont even have sylvannas’ excuse. they just kill to kill.

They’re more like batman with less karate and dark superpowers.

they’re darker than undead.

To be fair, the Forsaken are more pale.

When warriors give in to bloodlust they can commit horrible atrocities, shamans can corrupt the elements, draenai can become genocidal zealots, demon hunters can fall to fel corruption.

No group in Warcraft is without temptation to give in to evil.


Sounds like the making of an interesting story.

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I know, who’d have thought free will created more nuance than [Always chaotic evil]?

my velfs have to use shadow magic to heal as priests. undead can use the light. my velfs cant be paladins because they are too evil to do so.

We’ve been explicitly told by CMs to open a new thread in case our megathread got closed. So I’m going to politely ask you to stop trolling here, as this is not SPAM.

Thank you.

Though you can say that thumbing your nose at your people in their hour of need because you had alternatives, isn’t exactly good.

Velf paladins would explode. Quite literally.

You should probably title it as the new megathread. For clarity.

I play a Mag’har priest, Mag’har lore-wise can only be shadow priests as well. The Light isn’t inherently righteous though. Light/Void has been sort of reworked to be the Lawful/Chaotic axis instead of Good/Evil.