We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

This is not a good argument. The US is on perfectly good terms with the Germans despite bombing the ever loving crap out of their civilians in WWII. It’s high time the races all get over this hatred, unforgivable hatred in a game that’s fun and cartoony isn’t actually something I want to see.

oh and two more. there’s two on both sides of the portal to boralus. so two stormwind side, and 2 boralus side.

Or we could go the easier route and just give Blood Elves blue eyes and call it a day.

Might hurt some Alliance feelings, but if that’s what it takes…

The difference there of course is that was 70 years ago and as someone whose grandparents were on the other side of that bombing they understand why it happened.

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the 2 portal keepers in SW are on loan from dalaran, i only remember 1 portal keeper in boralus

Corrupted High elves?

looks at the Sunwell with purified, golden eyes

What? Are we still looking back on a storyline that’s been resolved for years?

That’s different, German’s and Americans are basically the same race despite some minor differences and cultural divides. The inate fear of the other isn’t nearly as pronouced. Whereas Alliance view Horde as literal monsters.

Also America only really got involved later in the War. In Australia there are still older men and women who find it difficult to trust Asians. Due to Japanese involvement in WW2. It’s not PC but it shows that it’s not as simple as your suggesting.

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I’d rather have Vrykul first, before we get any sort of elven race again …

We should probably just agree to end this line of discussion for the good of all.

oh its way past that already. several helfers quit the game when ion told them the horde was waiting for them. some havent come back. i quit and came back when classic beta was announced. love me some classic.

Yes. We agree. Blood Elves had their story.

What happened to the other High Elves who chose to go against Kael’thas teachings? Where did they go? What’s their story?

imagine quitting the game over an option that is already available and nothing is stopping you from playing it but you :baby_chick:


they are raising children in dalaran and living in a hut

do you play alliance?

this is the first expansion i havent had a character at max level for both factions, which will soon change when my gnome monk hits 120 for the bee mount :clinking_glasses:

do you main alliance or just alt ?

i only mained alliance in vanilla

Imagine quitting over a sentence that began with ‘sorry’.

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A lot of them starved and died in the wilderness like animals, which is what they deserved for attempting to doom their race while it was on the brink of extinction.

They turned their backs on 90% of their brothers and sisters, who met their untimely fates through the blades, magic, and claws of the undead then preceded to besmirch that atrocity by pretending to be some dignified ‘High Elf,’ an affront to the fact that Blood Elves are High Elves, simply taking on the moniker Blood over High to honor those very same brothers and sisters that had their lives cut short.

Blood Elves are High Elves, as Ion said, because Blood itself is an honorific and not an indication of a genetic nor cultural shift. Adding to that, there are clearly High Elven NPC’s being attuned to the Void in The Rift so one can logically headcanon their way into playing what was once a Blue-eyed elf.

To add even more to that, both exile Elves and Blood Elves all make pilgrimage to the same Sunwell, which is now Holy/Arcane charged. Let’s be honest here, if not for the visual distinctions necessary for gameplay, all Elves should have golden eyes at this point excluding Warlocks.

And who wants to follow Vareesa? Gross.


she also comes with 2 half elven children :unamused:

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