We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

What makes you think she’d kill them in an ordinary way?

She’d blight them all at once and then their bodies can be salvaged.

…which makes absolutely no sense.

the whole concept of TBC blood elves has been resolved…why cling to this still as if its still relevant


i’m trying to imagine how velfs will ever get a redemption arc like belfs did, when our leaders cant even show up to an event where their expertise is supposed to mean something. anything void related should feature umbric or alleria or both. or even that ethereal dude teaching belfs and helfs in the telogus rift.

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the ones that are already dhs can stay that way. just dont let new dhs be created by elfs. cause a huge chunk of belfs are dhs. if horde doesnt want more belfs then one way that could be resolved is removing access to creating new dh if you’re an elf. not only that since its only belf atm that can make them on horde, if goblins and taurens could make them, other races would become popular besides belf.

But like I said.

That makes absolutely no sense at all.


well i havent done the dh story . why does it require elves? couldnt new ones be made that aren’t elves?

why do you have so many void elf characters if you detest them so much, i always wondered this :thinking:

i also have a bunch of belfs and nightborne and nelfs. i like elves. i dont like that velfs are evil. i like some of their aesthetic for the same reason i like some of the belf aesthetic.


AFAIK, Illidan only wanted to train elves combined with non elven races died from the training. Only 1 in 5 elves survived to begin with.

here’s one of my nbs. i’m gonna make one with white hair and the darkest skin possible so her tats show up.

you can just change your hair and skintone on that character though

Not sure why you were flagged.

It’s just spite from people who don’t want others’ to enjoy the game the way they want to. I do hope they meld the factions, rigid factioning was fine for an RTS environment (I hate that genre of game btw), it’s bugged me to no end ever since I came here in TBC from EQ, like the fact I literally couldn’t play a Troll next to my gnome friend seemed utterly ludicrous.

Now I’m alliance with too much to lose by changing factions when I don’t even like any of the race options on horde but blood elf (I do have several, but none currently capped), yet my only RL friend who still plays is Horde, so we never actually get to play together, just talk about the game in general on the phone. Bring on the faction-squish!

Games like MMO’s need to be nuanced, there was nothing at all wrong with EQ’s take on it that you could grind rep for literally any faction in some way, in fact it was fun being an Iksar and seeing that one human rogue in town who abused his stealth to up his rep, even if technically he wasn’t supposed to. Good times were shared by all!

i like her the way she is. likely the new one will be a warlock

I don’t think they’ll be removed technically; I think there may be some kind of system for group play though, and that in the lore we may return to the ‘truce’ thing we were having in BC (and I think WoLK).

Come to think of it, I don’t think the faction war really became a huge plot point until MoP.

To add to this he specifically unsuccessfully tried it with orcs who make for very strong warlocks and are very physically capable. So there’s some x-factor about elves that makes for good demon hunters.

Which is totally just a plot contrivance, but still.

oh that sucks. well back to the drawing board.

I’d say though that elves do have a variety of differences that could make them able to survive the training where other races can’t.

Basically a combination of being long lived (which is only really seen in another race with the spacegoats, who probably weren’t around when he started looking for recruits) and the ability of their bodies to absorb magic.

Hope not. I wouldn’t want to see the Alliance becoming another nest of Belves.

But well, whatever happens happens.

all i know is an actual alliance high elf is so rare that when they add 1, it sends a few people into a tittering frenzy. remember in the megathread this morning when a high elf refugee in shat was a t shirt vendor? :roll_eyes: