We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

And this is one that doesn’t.

I’m not sure what parts of no elf ears = not an elf you’re struggling with here.

But would Blizzard’s writers allow that? I mean…she is just a trophy wife for a self insert.

Not sure the writers would be cool about doing that to their toys.

Also it would spit in the face of all of the death that’s happend so far. Since for years the WoW story has been that the races don’t trust each other and hate each other. To open up factions to both races is basically to say: Nah man we totally just killed you cause you were red/blue had nothing to do with the deep set wounds of 3 wars and such.

they still wouldnt be playable and now they would infringe on 2 horde races and their themes

i also dont think vereesa will ever leave the neutrality of dalaran if only to honor rhonin who strongly believed in neutrality

because kalecgos is a half elf form. read his lore. he appears in half elf form it says but if you look at him he’s not depicted with elf ears. arator is a half elf who uses the thalassian skeleton and has elf ears. wrathion is like cross between them. he uses the thalassian skeleton but doesnt have elf ears, like kalecgos. maybe once they write the wiki on him, it’ll say what type of race he’s using as his form but since its a thalassian skeleton, seems he’s taken an elf form.

We have them…they are called blood elves and void elves.

Who, since he’s confirmed to be a half elf, will have pointy ears under his dreamy locks of hair.

Then he’s not an elf.

oh? why arent his pointy ears under his dreamy locks too?

Who knows, these days. :laughing:

I forgot, you’re a Blizzard employee who has intimate knowledge of what Blizzard will or won’t do. My mistake, won’t happen again, Ion. :laughing:

is fyrebushe ion?

All I see is a big money $$$ grab again as everyone on Alliance race changes to blood elf and blood elf becomes 90% of the general wow population. Those randy belves are going to breeding out of control.

one way to resolve that is to not let elves be demonhunters for awhile. instead let gnomes, goblins, humans and tauren be demonhunters for awhile . worgen demonhunter. flying werewolves.

You got it partially right. When subs hit a really low level they’ll introduce Quel’Dorei. Which will bring in a bunch of recovered/new sub money, and will bring in a bunch of money for “race” changes since that’s why 3/4 of the population of Sin’Dorei play Sin’Dorei.

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they would have broken that glass and pushed the button by now if that were the case :woman_cook:

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I never did, and I never will.

It’s stipulated that “most” were because they stayed with family, allies, and friends. I can’t prove or argue the amount that chose Alliance specifically.

However, in practice, all High Elves still around are Alliance affiliates or neutral. There are no known horde aligned High Elves.

Because you can actually see he has round ears if you look closely. The form he’s always taken has been a dark skinned human. This is just an older version of that same form. Every single black dragon we’ve seen takes a human form.

He’s not an elf.

ohhh, good point. i stand corrected. a human with a thalassian skeleton. odd.

Not the first time its happened.

Medivh used the NElf skeleton back during TBC

Oh, you know what, that does sound like a fantastic idea. Lets make a race playable that is already made playable.

Oh yes, sarcasm can be made!


This is the problem with Void Elves as the solution to High Elves. Players wanted unfallen, uncorrupted, High Elves. They wanted them as they were, without having fallen to magical issues, as a people who not only spoke against siphoning, but against wanton abuse of addiction.

We want High Elves. Not elves who chose to get High because they couldn’t get over it.