"We agree Arfus was too rare, and will make rewards more accessible in the future."

I wonder what that guy thinks of FF14’s currency system then. Lmao.

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Argument denied.

We already have this, we have elite pvp gear and mounts, mythic raiding mounts and mounts from old raids have a 1% drop chance

These have nothing to do with a event drop. As you could give it to everyone for free like our anniversary items we get and it wouldn’t effect the rest of the game or it’s desire for items.

We are talking about event item RNG, not all item RNG, not all mount RNG.

Event item> event conversation. Topics in conversation are about the event

And even common event items that cost tricky treats are still DEEPLY desirable. The nax pet sells for 30k gold max level on the AH despite being a ‘‘undesirable’’ item by your definition. This pet sells for tricky treats from the event.

And thats not even getting into the fact that a event up for 2 weeks a year is always going to be desirable regardless of how ‘‘hard’’ the item is. Since it is only a yearly item.

The argument is that the item being rare inflates it’s value, and there are only so many ways to give players an item and make it rare.

It’s implemented with one of them currently.

I’m also arguing that RNG is less initially off-putting than “if you do everything for the event, and buy nothing, it’s yours in 5 years”.

It only being available for a limited time makes it harder to get.

Rarity isn’t the only way to make people want something, but it is an effective one.

It does not need to be hard to get, as it is a event item that is up for a short amount of time. Making it a grindable item though the tricky treat system is a wonderful way to do it, as other items already work this way and make people do the event yearly.

You’re augment has been from talking down to people about emotional maturity, to debating points out of thin our over a item you claim to not care about. Every point you have tried to make is a fictional ‘‘But thats bad’’ already exist in the game perfectly fine.

You are only here because you want to debate, And you know you have no ground in this conversation anymore you are more then smart enough to know that by now, I can tell you do and you are not a troll.

There is no version of this topic where your point makes sense in any format.
And the emotionally mature thing is to understand that and be respectful in the face of it.

This is completely sidestepping my point.

for someone who hasn’t already been playing for multiple years, a guaranteed multi-year grind seems less off-putting than RNG.

It’s not. I am not humoring a point I have explained doesn’t make sense to you many times already.

Even the vender items you buy for tricky treats are desirable items, Even people who own the mount still do this event yearly. The item being rare doesn’t effect how desirable it is since event items are already desirable.

If they want the items to be rare there is a simple way to do that that also exist, where you can only get ‘‘so many’’ tricky treats per year and items cost a set amount. If you want item x/y you’ll have to miss out on the other item. NO one a issue with this system as we can what we personally want.

You are here because you want to debate, not because you care if other people get a new pet that came out in the event while it’s up.

You’ll notice that I never said that scarcity was the only way for an item to be desirable (quite the opposite in fact), I was simply saying that it’s a particularly effective one.

For being the one saying this, you’re doing a wonderful job of misrepresenting me when it’s convenient for you.

If you started out with that we’d have no issue but considering the position you’ve taken in this conversation it’s very obvious you meant it in defense of your point since that is what you’ve been doing this entire time.

Lets not pretend you saying something while debating a point isn’t actually that once it gets corrected. You know what you are doing and why you said it.

I am not misrepresenting you, you started out this conversation about a event drop rate item talking down to people about how you are emotionally mature for not caring about getting it at all (which is ignoring the topic of the item all together I may add) You have also changed your tactic of why/how/who it’s bad for depending on when you needed it.

And when that didn’t work now you’re trying to see if saying you were simply ‘‘stating it’’ will work as you didn’t ‘‘specifically’’ state that comment as being part of it. Ignoring the meaning it had in favor of a new one.

You are not going uphill much and none of that has to do with me.

Full stance here:

The complaints are from people who are having trouble accepting that the item isn’t particularly good at doing something it’s not trying to (be the main reward), and is only there to be a bonus that props up the system for multiple years (and it’s rarity contributes to that), in a way that’s not too off-putting for new players, and the system used has been quite successful at that for many years.

Feeling bad because you didn’t get the bonus isn’t the game’s problem, it’s the player’s problem.

You feel good when you find a 20 on the sidewalk, you don’t go walking around the city for 2 straight week feeling bad because you haven’t yet found a 20 on the sidewalk.

Good bye.

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Are you sure about that statement considering blizzard themselves apologized and stated items would not be as hard in the future?

You’re analogy doesn’t line up with what you are using it for. As these items get added to event as a incentive to do the event.

A better analogy is I tell you if you go outside and walk around as something to do I will give you 20$, and you do it every day but I tell you that you got unlucky. And at the end you have walked every day for me only to still not have the 20$ I advertised to you.

Then someone on the forums tells you that it’s you fault for caring about that 20$ in the first place. I’ll ignore that you walked everyday for that 20$ and claim you are immature for wanting that 20$ even though it was the reason you went out to walk the streets in the first place.

This system has also not been successful for many years, as every single event RNG item has a lot of hate behind it. Any of us who care about them are well aware how unfair the system is for events.

The only reason it looks successful is you’re not even after the items at all. And it looks like it’s working from a outside perspective.

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I dunno. Ask all the people who didn’t get the horseman’s mount this year. :crazy_face:

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Pretty much anything that doesn’t give instant gratification is “FOMO.” Yesterday someone tried to make the argument that the zebra mount, which was in the game for 8 years, was FOMO.

Having said that, I actually agree with Maizou because Blizzard is sending us mixed signals and they need to knock it off.

They said a couple of years ago when they were talking about fixing the Love Rocket that they don’t want people to feel like they need to blast the holiday boss with a herd of alts. Yet, every new holiday reward they have put in the game since then has had a low drop rate which makes you want to blast the holiday boss with your herd of alts.

So my question is which is it?? Is Blizzard actually increasing the drop rates on this stuff or were they just talking out of their rear? Arfus and the saddles point to they were talking out of their rear.


I’m not sure if I was the girl with the Zebra mount in mind, but everything, which is clearly inaccessible - for whatever reasons - is simply FOMO. I think the problem stems from making characters and not having access to the right/correct stuff.


They gave everyone a Santa outfit for Starlight this year :rofl::


I too like to have RNG not be in my favour during an expansion’s specific customization for a dragon mount that I may only loot a year (or two or three) later when there’s a new expansion out already where we don’t use said dragon anymore making the whole drop pointless other than being a collector’s thing.

They already stated that they wouldn’t stop during the last CC round. It’s disgusting and while I’ve been mildly annoyed or just really confused by some things the devs are doing… I’m extremely disappointed in this one. I think it’s completely vile to pretend like the holiday events get a new coat of paint - while just more RNG items are added to lure collectors who already have all the other RNG stuff back into grinding. They’re doing this on purpose and it’s so obvious.

They’re heading more in the direction of we’ll give you cool things this year, and then next year you’ll get even more cool things.

What kind of a BS statement is that? If these things are RNG based a lot of people will not get these cool things. Not this year. Probably not next year. Maybe not even in two or three years. They’re not giving us anything. They’re just giving a small chance to maybe get something. While still blabbering something about not wanting to waste players time.


I don’t believe much of what Ion and Co say anymore, they’ve said things similar to this in the past, and still continue to do it. It’s like they either are just saying it hoping the players will believe them every time, or they say it and then promptly forget they said it. And saying Arfus was too rare and someone messed up with the drop rate, guess what, that doesn’t do us any good now. They are so clueless and out of touch.

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is there a reason why you feel the need to be so hostile?


Arfus dropped for me on my 166th attempt and the saddle on my 181st attempt. After I got both I kept running the event until it was over trying to help others get the armor, mount or pet since I have healers and tanks which are most needed for these events.

I haven’t gotten the pepe hat or saddle yet, but I did get a bunch of other items, toys and trans mogs. I usually run twenty characters through the event to increase my chances at something I am missing.

I’d actually be okay with this, also as much as they LOVE currencies out the wazoo in needless amounts, they could always just add rep toys and stuff to the vendor for like 1000 of any currency associated with a rep faction.