Brand new game, how will it hold up? Like WoW holiday design or not, It’s kept players logging and participating in year upon year. Would players still do that if they already had everything after 1-2 runs of the event?
Recognize when a bonus is a bonus. I’m not mad when Hextech Crafting gives me a skin for a champion I never play, or a skin that I’m never going to use because I already have another skin that looks better, because it’s just a free bonus item.
Thank you Blizz for putting something cool in the game that people can’t get over the course of ten years and just say “I don’t even care anymore, thank god that’s over,” once they do get it! We are so emotionally mature that we love 1% droprates on two week holidays!
I feel the same about gear upgrades or anything else given out all year.
Is there a logical reason behind you thinking a item up for less then 2 weeks should have a yearly lock on it?
I’m getting the feeling you just want to debate to debate, and the emotional maturity comment feels like a projection. I can’t imagine anyone unironically thinking that wanting to discus loot drops in a video game to be more fair a sign of emotional maturity.
Emotional maturity is a skill, it is about learning your emotions and why you feel that way. It can also be a bad sign at having a lack of emotions to things or thinking other people should also lack emotions you don’t feel.
People are different, why do you think people must react to things as you do? why are they not valid in what they think over a item if it doesn’t align with your lack of caring about it?
I think they started out debating just to debate and then it turned into a insecurity thing about how they process emotions.
No one who is actually emotionally mature would talk down to someone for how they feel, because the whole point of emotional maturity is understanding feelings, Not ignoring them.
The whole point they are making just boils down to a simple concept. "I don’t care about X, if you do you’re immature and I am mature for not caring’’
Bringing that into the conversation alone is a red flag.
I mean, Caps is a good guy. I like him. He’s been super nice to me over the years. But sometimes, I just don’t know what happens in forum conversations. Things just go sideways, like you said.
Look, the real reason the mount and the pet are the way they are is to prop up event participation metrics, and keep down queue times (for hallows end/love is in the air). This is something that all available evidence points to it having been quite successful at.
If they put it behind a grind, once people are done grinding (if they don’t complain that the grind is disrespectfully long), they will stop doing the event bosses. Participation will go down, and queue times get longer.
That is a really good point. But I would point out we already have good incentive to queue. It gives a amazing amount of XP for leveling, a rare mount, a plate helm cosmetically and of course tricky treats you can use for a vender to buy a ton of items.
Queues for this event have NEVER been slow, even for dps you can get in very quickly, often after then a normal dungeon.
I fully agree, I would also point out that this ties back into Making the RNG better instead of removing it.
Bad luck protection is one of the best ideas in the world, the more you do it then the more likely you are to get it. You can feel yourself moving forward to that goal each run. RNG is systemically a flaw without bad luck protection since it means some people can get it 2 times in 2 runs and other player can mathematically not get it in 500 if RNG sees fit.
And if that rare mount was moved to the vendor for a boatload of treats, people would continue to run the dungeon for the currency and do the quests more than they do now— because no one really does them— because they’d need a crap ton of currency.
And if Blizzard added a few high priced items, people would work towards them. Then rotate stuff in and out for high currencies and people will still continue to run it every year and work towards more things.
And no RNG. It would be similar to the Trading Post, just on a much smaller scale.
This is kind of a fallacy argument. You’re a RPer, so you would know the stress in not getting lore-based FOMO items you likely want to use in your RP, no?
It honestly didn’t hit me until I played Palia. And suddenly it all made sense. I watched people farm the begeezus out of gold to buy things from the Maji Market. I watched them help each other out during the hourly event where we ran around catching critters to put back into pens to earn tickets, because Palia made it so you earn a ticket for every one you catch and then they match it with how many others caught too, so that everyone wanted to be involved.
Then I went to Old Republic and took an honest look at their events and realized how many people were running Flashpoints and dailies and helping people out with world bosses and elites so they could get their holiday currency too.
Then I looked at my guildies in WoW and saw the annoyance, the lack of desire to care and the frustration.
While that might do something, There’s another factor at play here. Scarcity creates desire. Some players want it simply because it’s rare.
If we care about preserving that aspect of the mounts, there are only a few options:
low drop rate. (current system)
lock it behind something actually difficult, thus making it a prestige reward (mythic raid mounts, before you farm them in 3 expansions).
painfully long grind.
hilariously expensive.
For point 3: which sounds more off-putting to someone who wants the mount, “you could get it any kill” or “it’s on a vendor, but it requires minimum 5 years of event currency, longer if you spend too much”?
While I am on MG I am not a RP. Despite what our server is known for I used to raid and have friends here.
I have to admit I have lost on where the fallacy is. As I hope you know that role players still collect items even if they don’t use them personally for role play.