"we’ve heard feedback that in some cases we’ve moved too far away from the core of the class that initially sparked players’ interest"

WoD didn’t actually change anything from MoP when it came to holy power generation. All it did was add a Divine Storm proc(which was enhanced by Final Verdict) and removed Inquisition.
MoP certainly had smoother holy power generation than Cata’s heavy proc based one(but the higher chance of back to procs was certainly fun and not much when it didn’t)

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Scrap holy power. It’s an awful system everyone hates. They took Shaman’s maelstrom system away and that, such as it was, still felt wayyyy more fluid than Holy Power and had lots of interaction between spells. Holy Power doesn’t and is awful. Also, some Holy/Prot paladins think of Holy Power as it was at the end of Pandaland with set bonuses and good gear- ie the last time they had to play with it. Of course it felt good then because it was largely irrelevant. It is NOT that way now and definitely will suck for Holy and Prot. They do NOT want it back. I don’t want it still there for Ret. It will hamstring an already beaten down spec even more to keep it around where the best you can hope for is that enough gear and traits etc make it irrelevant again. It never works. It will never work. Shaman got to have a CD-based spec again so why can’t we? Why can’t we have Maelstrom and call it Wrath or something like Crusader in D3? They took enough stupid ideas from that game so why not this?

Again, Holy Power sucks and the ONLY time it is playable is times like now with enough essences, traits, gear, trinket procs and so on to make the spec smooth. Why can’t it just be that way normally without Holy Power? It’s nuts. Nobody wants that nightmare around. Don’t force it on Prot and Holy and don’t let Ret suffer under it anymore.

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Holy power is great for our spec. Just because you don’t understand how bland the spec has become doesn’t mean I’m not going to help advocate for improvements and things that will make Holy fun like it used to be.

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I’m sure a warrior knows what we want. I want Holy Power.

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A lot of the hate toward Holy Power seems to be focused on Inq.

Just don’t play Inq then? Seems easy.


Funny how Ret cata in pve was trully bad, but in pvp it was supra good.

What helped was pursuit of justice talent, everytime you were hit by a slow, snare, fear or stun you gained a holy power. Also divine purpose had a 25% proc chance from every ability we had, which made it so fluid in pvp. And when you got 8 procs in a row you killed people easily.


Wasn’t it a 40% proc chance off all abilities at one point?

Thats a lot. The divine storm proc was free if i remember, there was also the option of divine purpose, we also got to use hammer of wrath during wings, and we didnt have to waste holy power on a stupid maintenance buff.

Thats fixing almost everything that ruined ret. The only way to make ret better than it was in wod is to remove holy power.

you have no idea how the game works, do you son. when inquisition simmed 1k+ dps ahead of the other 2 options, there was no choice. you had to play it

No. leave the combo points on rogues druids and monks. they have never belonged on paladin.

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That’s a talent tuning problem. Not a fundamental problem with the resource scheme for the class requiring a total rework. HP is fine.

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You say it’s fine. But three classes are already iterations of combo points. And only one class is now being changed back to cooldown management. And no class is an iteration of Seals.

Why do Paladins to be a fourth Combo point class and not a new iteration of something else?

I agree that combo points work. It functionally works. But if that is your only argument, then why not make EVERY class combo points?

We don’t NEED to be combo points when a lot of us don’t like it and there are many other ideas to draw upon.

It isnt about if they are “fine”


Furthermore, Ehn Shaman is basically becoming almost exactly what we should be.

Cooldown management with self buff management.
Take out maelstrom and change weapon brands into seals and you basically have a rough outline of what we COULD be with CD management and Seals. That is live in the game RIGHT NOW. (Obviously it isn’t perfect, but a very rough draft)

So obviously the gameplay is there. It works. Why not just give it to us?


and the new enh shaman is actually amazing. real strong chance its one of the main characters i play as long as shadowlands doesnt suck for alts

That too was also in MoP, there was even a talent in MoP Sanctified Wrath, that reduced Hammer of Wrath’s CD to just the GCD during wings(later changed to 3 second CD)

You need to remember too - divine purpose was baseline, and it was better than the version we had now. It wasn’t just spenders that gave you a chance to proc it, everything else besides crusader strike could, as well, including divine storm (which was changed to only require mana in 4.1, so you could spam it before the fight to proc divine purpose for a free inquisition).

You’re making it sound like you just had to sit there and do nothing at all while you waited for holy power for inq. That’s just blatantly wrong.

Even if you didn’t abuse DS spamming, between Judgment, one initial Exo cast, Holy Wrath, Art of War Exo procs, you were bound to get one(if not more) DP procs to use on an inquisition. You didn’t even want to start bursting initially anyway, because you had to wait for holy avenger to gain stacks.

All of this is obviously ignoring 4.3 with the 2piece, which only made it better.

The thing that I liked so much about the change was that it took a cooldown mashing rotation and turned it into something that had actual interaction. That’s the reason why some people disliked it - it wasn’t a boring mong spec anymore. The truth is that people just didn’t like it because they actually had to think to play it. There’s a reason Wrath ret had the stereotype of being a joke

Yeah no offense here but this statement proves you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.

…with Art of War procs?


You could literally even do that back in Cataclysm. A point in sanctified Wrath let you cast it at any time during Avenging Wrath.


again, ive experienced cata ret recently. its not good. theres a reason i quit in mop and didnt play again until wod. they finally had enough time t ofigure out how to make combo points work for ret

and again, only to throw it all away in legion/bfa

HP is fine and works, Wrath Ret is a boring faceroll wack-a-mole that requires 0 skill to play well. Seals were just passive damage that didn’t do much and WoD was a horrible expansion, I didn’t even like my Paladin until HFC AND YOU HAD TO HAVE your tier just to be ANY good.

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I don’t understand this.
There are only like 3 classes that are “hard to play” and we were never one of them. Where is this perceived difficulty coming from?

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Pally will be my main/alt but I am definitely playing enh in SL. If its as good as it sounds then rip paladin , maybe the xpac after SL will make them actually fun to play as ret. Its a shame cuz regardless if enh has a good style it still doesn’t have the aesthetic or theme I like but I’m really tired of slow and boring rotation.

Probably after the cata revamp, when ret actually had a decently high skill ceiling

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You might be right. But I don’t feel like it was a glory day to look back on.