"we’ve heard feedback that in some cases we’ve moved too far away from the core of the class that initially sparked players’ interest"

Been a Prot pally basically forever… and these notes are making me super sad.
This may be the first expansion I just out right abandon my tank buddy…

Removed Aegis of Light:
I’m probably one of a dozen that used this talent, but man it was pretty and saved my raid a number of times. Sad to see it go. Minor personal issue maybe, but still gunna note it here.

Consecration and the Protection Paladin:
Still anchored to my damn consecration to use my kit effectively. yay movement fights…

Hand of the Protector/Word of Glory/whatever you want to call it this week:
Getting more and more frustrating to use in ever iteration.
Went from being able to freely weave it in, to having to dance around the GCD changes, Now its also going to have Holy Power thrown on top of it.
I suspect next notes will have to do with the aligning of the planets and stars in certain times of day. juggling bones and reading tea leaves. Sorry Jimmy, Couldn’t do it, the magic 8 ball said ask again later.

Which brings us to the big one;
Holy Power: Straw that broke the camels back. This one can Sod right off.
Not going back to that system. Never again.

Used to play my paladin like it was some sort of divine dance. at a whim I could flow between holding the line against a heavy hit, responding to a quickly needed save, to dishing out damage to a quickly needed saving supportive move. Hard to explain but everything just flowed and felt amazing. Had it to an art form.

The GCD blunder of BFA, and now throwing in this cancer of a combo system on top again?? removed so far from the gameplay I loved.

Trash. Holy. Power.


I actually really like Consecration. Probably the most iconic abilities for Prot Paladin since Burning Crusade and even vanilla for the few brave vanilla Tankadins out there (ironic that it used to be a Holy talent).

But yes… Consecration and movement fights are rough. Would be okay with it if there was a talent that gave us an alternative spell to use in high movement fights.

Holy Power though… 100% agree… that needs to go.

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You guys wanted Auras, that’s literally what Auras are.

I never wanted Auras, because I knew they would be disappointed to get over lets say: exorcism, holy wrath, final verdict, or new stuffs completely.

Auras ate the spell budgets, congrats to everyone that wanted auras.


I kind of feel that Wake of Ashes took Holy Wrath’s place, so its no longer needed.


Kinda did yeah.

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This… its sad that sham are getting their proper playstyle back but not ret. I want exorcism. I want big boom hits not a flimsy weak rotation with yellow combo points.

It really hurts my soul how long it takes for a ret pally to get dmg going when they should be able to blow something up at will like in wotlk where it was the most fun.

It pains me to have to spend 3 hp on inq then build hp again to start dmg. It would feel so much better with cooldown/proc based play and harder hitting abilities in general. I hate resource on ret. If I wanted that I’d play rogue…

I completely agree on the animations being the big suck, and it feels clunky travel time and throwing my judgement. And how does BoJ make sense? I would like this removed and just replaced with exorcism or some other cooler looking and fitting ability like a ray of light slamming into our target from above.


Yeah, pretty much everything you said. Make ret paladin great again.


That is a balancing issue. I like to use inq sometimes. I like the ability to change playstyles with the options we have. Don’t remove inq, just balance the row better.

i be a little more okay with inquisition if it didnt cost holy power and feel like its wasting a potential big TV crit. i absolutely hate not having to press my big dam abilities to refresh a buff that doesnt do anything. the haste gain is barely even noticeable.

for the record, i still hate maintenance buffs/debuffs. its why i dont play current enh shaman, boomkin, spriest, outlaw rogue, etc

But yes… Consecration and movement fights are rough. Would be okay with it if there was a talent that gave us an alternative spell to use in high movement fights.

If it just followed us around, or perhapes we applied it as an aura, it’d be much better. Similar to immolation aura or remorseless winter

i really dont care if it feels like homogenizing it, the current design of consecration doesnt work with the way the game plays now with high movement engagements. id rather have a spell hat feels like a few other one and works than have one that only woks part of the time.


Lol I just got to report this man 3x in one post, I feel satisfied, someone in another post said we are suffering from a big dead zone, not happy about that. Consecration following you around? I mean why even get it back, when we could have had Divine Hammer instead and it literally does that.

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Ever type out a giant post to educate people on something, but then just realize you’re wasting your time and delete the whole thing?

All i’m gonna’ say is you people need to go play wrath on a pserver so you remember how clunky wrath ret was. It was fun at the time, but that’s it. Cata holy power redesign was better. I thought it was garbage at first, then realized I was wrong.

The truth is that none of you actually know what you want, and anyone complaining about inquisition is just too bad to manage it.

The only evident thing everyone can agree on is that Legion/BfA ret design is disgusting.


I did. still enjoyed it more than legion/bfa ret.

cata holy power was a trainwreck. mop did nothing to fix it and finally 4 years later in wod they hammer out an iteration of holy power thats actually playable, then messed it all up again in legion/bfa

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Then go play a Priest. We asked for this and now we’re finally getting it. I assume you’re one of the people who were screaming and crying about it originally that got it fitted in the first place.


I do. Now stop crying like you did the first time around.

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no. holy power is bad for our spec and just because a few people dont understand why doesnt mean im going to let our spec suck.

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Pretty sure we all did.

I fail to see how. Care to explain?

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At the very beginning you only got Holy Power from Crusader’s Strike. You were constantly starved for Holy Power. It wasn’t until Dragon Soul? That we got a tier set that had Judgement grant Holy Power. And that little extra was a god send.


There were very few holy power generators. you didnt have enough to generate 3 holy power for inquisition without having to wait for something to cool down

then after 10 seconds when you finally had 3 hp, you cast inquisition and had to do the whole effing process over again for your wings/zealotry. 20 seconds into the fight you got to play the game. it was only slightly remedied in dragon soul when our tier bonus added holy power gen to our build. absolute nightmare. anyone that says cata ret was fun either never played it or direly misremember it

mop did nothing to fix it, and it wasnt until wod that they finally had a playable spec with holy power.

MoP literally made judgement, exorcism, and HoW generate holy power. I don’t think that counts as “did nothing to fix it”. MoP was easily some of the best ret pal game play we’ve had.


and you was still starved for holy power and you still had a crappy maintenance buff to waste holy power on. judgment already generated holy power at the end of cata, exorcism is on a cooldown, and hammer of wrath is an execute. i dont remember if it was usable inside wings yet

i remember being so disgusted by how they didnt fix anything that i swapped mains for the first time since i made my paladin in tbc