"we’ve heard feedback that in some cases we’ve moved too far away from the core of the class that initially sparked players’ interest"

So where is Exorcism at? Holy Wrath? Also, we need the old wotlk-wod animation of divine storm back. Why do we still have holy power? Feedback for prot/holy seems pretty unanimous that they dont want holy power. Nobody wanted it back at the end of wotlk to begin with.

Remove inquisition. It was one major reason why cata paladin wasnt very fun, MoP didnt fix it, and paladin only got better in wod when inquisition was gone. Its unacceptable that it was simultaneously the highest performing talent and the most boring ability in our rotation for 80% of the expansion.

We could also seriously use a group buff. Warrior gets battle shout, dh gets chaos brand, monk gets phys damage buff, there is a very clear option for a ret paladin raid buff

Sanctity Aura. It had 3 different iterations that could work, one gave all raid members something like 3% haste, another iteration gave everyone 2% damage, another gave everyone 3% vers

Id very much like to see it give everyone effected haste since haste is pretty useful for most people and it slightly speeds up gameplay.

Just spitballing some ideas to get ret paladin back on track


Nope. I want it back and so do both hpals I talked to today I’m game. There are also people on the forums saying they too are happy to see or back. If there is one thing people can agree on its that there is nothing everyone will agree on.


thats great. im happy for you and the 2 other people that want it.


Holy Power needs to go. Its a trash mechanic with no actual value to the class. Its nothing but fluff. Add the abilities with cooldowns in mind and bring the class back to its peak play style. WotLK.


Yep, pretty much what theyre doing to enh shaman and theyre all excited. the changes to enh shaman look great


I used play prot back in Wrath and Cata and I enjoyed the addition of holy power to the class. The only reason I ever stop playing prot and switched to ret was due to prot being made worthless in pvp(an that hasn’t changed even today)
I also enjoyed holy power with Ret too, in Cata Mists and especially so in WoD.

Its find as a talent, though I wouldn’t want it baseline.

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it’s not fine as a talent because 80% of the expansion it was the only competitive talent in that row so we still had to use it on top of wasting a talent point. its boring and adds nothing to the rotation except frustration when you have to spend 3 holy power reapplying a buff instead of hitting stuff with our TV/DS


Remove Holy Power completely, remove Inq. Bring back old Animation for DS AND Judgment. I can’t believe people are happy with throwing a dinky little hammer instead of dropping one on some dude’s head.

Maybe replace Inq with ES. That way we still have a different button to press but it actually feels good. I love ES and would love to see it actually be good.


yeah, i forgot about the lame judgment animation. the old animation was way better. it was essentially the current hammer of justice animation


I’m sorry but anyone who thinks Wrath was the peak of Ret is just probably not very good. Like you want our class to be a meme, FACEROLL!?!, so easy that anyone can do it and perform well, no thanks. I like HP more than I don’t and it’s been with us now longer than it hasn’t.


i think you have a severe misconception if you think current ret is any less easy than it was in wotlk


Holy Power does not make Ret any more difficult than it was in WotLK. Holy Power is nothing but filler abilities meant to artificially make the cooldown time of our past abilities feel more interactive. Theres no reason for that. Its pointless and meaningless fluff.


holy power made crusader strike feel very weightless, since its a short cooldown, 2 charges, and generates holy power, it does no damage. not even blade of justice does much damage unless you have a blade of wrath proc.


Uh yeah it’s definitely harder to play now than in Wrath, is it incredibly difficult, no, but you definitely can’t FACEROLL your way to victory. Crusader Strike is a filler, does it do too little damage, yes, but should it do a ton, no.


the game has never been hard to play. ret isnt any more difficult now than it was in wotlk. if you think it is, thats on the user side of things, not the game


If you think that you could get away with only spamming 4 dps buttons in in wotlk arena and expect to achieve high ratings you are actually clueless.


Thats not because of holy power, thats because blizzard completely messed up with ability scaling.

Taking a look at rogues before mop, their combo point builders actually contributed to a good portion of dps, not doing 0 damage like they do now.

Idc if u dont like holy power, stop spreading misinformation acting like crusader strike doing 0 damage is a holy power problem when its actually a tuning issue.


Good point. I was 2400-2500 in wrath, cata, mop, and stopped in the 2300s in WOD. Ret began to feel awful the moment they added holy power.


crusader strike does too many other things to do good damage. if you think they can amp up its damage by 500% and not break things, you’re wrong.

lets say for arguments sake they completely rebalanced the entire class to make crusader strike deal adequate damage, other abilities then have to do less damage, and the gap between abilities becomes more insignificant. templars verdict not doing the 1 thing that makes templars verdict feel good to press messes up the feel of the spec at the expense of using a crappy builder/spender system. if we went back to wotlk design of just cooldowns, everything gets to hit hard. every button feels impactful to press

blizzards entire design philosophy for ret is everything hits like a wet noodle except templars verdict and divine storm. its standard builder/spender crap. again, if you want combo points, rogue is there waiting for you. holy power has never been a welcome change to paladins outside of a select few people


I obviously didn’t mean Arena, but that was easier in Wrath than it is now also.