Like the man said, it’s a tuning problem, CS needs a small buff and a reduced CD, does it need to be 500%, no. I think that somewhere around 25-100% depending on how much the CD was reduced by would make it just fine.
In Wrath you would ignore the lowest damage spell because it was that the lowest damage so sometimes you wouldn’t even hit that button for a while.
I mean, Wrath ret had a bit more to do than the modern iterations of ret, but it was by no means difficult lmao. I personally think the MoP/WoD iterations of ret were the best from a PvP standpoint.
ret is still cd based like wrath you just have the illusion of depth because some buttons consume a resource. there is no energy or variable combo point spending you are just hitting abilities on cd that happen to add a point.
This is literally what I want, and it was also how rogues used to function, when eviscerate didnt do 7301047473910047 damage while their builders didnt do 0 damage.
Again, this isnt exclusively a ret problem.
Chaos bolt does giant damage while soul shard builders tickled people.
Nobody says you have to have builders do 0 damage while spenders hit like a nuke, you are being narrow minded here.
I bet you’re the type of person who only looks at the sequence you hit your dps buttons when you consider what class to choose.
Doing damage as ret has never been hard no matter what iteration we’re talking about, I’m sorry. The skill from Wrath ret came from knowing when to off heal, weapon swapping at the right time, knowing how/when to hit wings against things that could dispel it/spellsteal it, cycling auras and cleansing like you should.
I think a lot of the “difficulty” climbing came from just other comps and classes being way, way overtuned in Wrath. Not to mention mana burn was AIDS as well. It’s not ever really easy to get high ratings no matter what. (Most of the time, S5 DK etc aside)
I still thought MoP/WoD ret was infinitely more fun and a smoother/better iteration.
Ret was absolutely trashed by any wizard cleaves in Wrath. You actually had to be good at Ret to get a high rating in 3s in Wrath. I don’t really get where the other poster is coming from. It felt gutted after they added Holy Power. Its a real shame.
Tbh damage dealing in pvp for most classes in wrath wasn’t very difficult, if we’re simply looking at dealing damage and completely ignoring their utility buttons (ferals being perhaps the one exception, but then again they literally cannot be kited).
I mean it must have been easy if you could do it then but you can’t now, you seem to be the type of person that thinks back to their “glory” days but can’t adapt to change, “Oh if we only roll back to Wrath, I would be good again.” LOL. I don’t consider other classes, I stick to my Paladin, I don’t need to pick the “good” class to play well, like you must.
I haven’t said anything bad about Holy Power? Yes, I don’t like Consecration, it’s a dumpster tier spell why would it make a return when there have been much better abilities we’ve lost. I very much don’t agree with a lot of the changes Blizzard has done, got anything else?
Sorry but I’d rather have more interactive gameplay than just hitting whatever comes off cool down. Holy Power at least gives a priority and something to build towards. You’re not waiting for something cool down, you’re making it happen.
With holy power the cool down of something like Divine Storm, isn’t predetermined by a set cool down timer. A timer that you have zero interaction with or influence over. But by how quickly you build holy power. You have to make it happen, not just wait for it and this makes it far more interactive.
The only things that really needs changing with holy power, is to make it a less restrictive combo point like system. And to have a few abilities that use various amount of holy power.
You’re the one making claims about a class being faceroll only from the perspective of pve, in where all you do is press buttons in a sequence. Ofc every class is going to get boring eventually when you only press dps buttons in a rotation and don’t even give a damn about any utility spells. That’s why every class has been gutted in terms of utility but ofc you aren’t gonna recognize that.
The issue is as I have stated before are builders hitting like a wet noodle while spenders deal too much damage, and its not an exclusive problem to ret either.
Sorry I don’t think PVP is hard either, I do just fine for how much effort I put in, nothing but a poorly balanced experience, who cares to Arena when you run into RMP 75% of the time, so fun.
I agree with all of these. Though I will say I don’t really care for Holy Wrath? But, sure. Exorcism is a need to have back, and yes we absolutely do need the old Divine Storm animation.
This is fake news. Holy Power actually isn’t that bad of a concept, when it’s done right. For Prot, sure, it’s not really all that special. But for Cata and BFA Ret, Holy Power actually feels very good to use. MoP, WoD, and Legion did it wrong, as it just felt like a meaningless gainer/spender, but in Cata and BFA spending Holy Power felt very meaningful, as the attacks did major damage.
Especially in Cataclysm, when we were limited on Holy Power generators, so Templar’s Verdict was scaled way up in damage.
And Holy Power made Holy feel really good, as WoG just flowed so well into the rotation. I loved Holy. But I have to say it’s gotten really dumb and stupid since switching over to Mastery: Lightbringer, and losing Holy Power. I don’t even gear it any more, I refuse to play it.
I do agree that Inquisition is dumb. I’d rather just a Seal, tbh, and one that didn’t cost Holy Power.
It wasn’t. Perhaps for Patchwerk fights, but Divine Purpose was better in basically every situation that wasn’t hitting a training dummy.
We’re getting Auras. (No not you, lol, the spells.) But yes, Blessings should be brought back as group wide buffs, too.
Read above. Also, I disagree with this particular idea. I think situational Auras are better than having a definitively better in almost all situations. Of course a go-to Aura could be a thing, but it needs to not be overwhelming in that it just trumps every other Aura, all the time.
The issue is that someone who actually new to pallies is gonna come here and get wrong info.
Its like the other guy who said “builders do 0 damage while spenders deal 2910374902838 damage? THE ISSUE MUST BE HOLY POWER ITSELF AND NOT ATTACK POWER COEFFICIENTS!”
I don’t really think he knows he is insulting, cause I said nothing of the sort and yet he keeps attacking me. Thinks I have problems reading but that was a totally different person who said Holy Power was a problem.
While the DK changes seem pretty nice, the pally changes missed the mark, imo.
I really do miss exorcism; Blade of Justice just doesn’t feel good, sound good, nor look good to use. It doesn’t even fit paladin thematics; weapons from the ground is more shaman than anything. That violent, chunky blast of holy light will always be missed.
Holy Wrath is another thing I miss. Like a mass exorcism; expensive, a pretty long CD, but very powerful.
The auras are another thing I believe they missed the mark on. 3% damage reduction isn’t going to save anyone, because in the event something hits them for an amount where 3% is significant, they’re already dead. Ret aura is just a renamed retribution passive from Legion that you can turn on and off. Concentration aura seems nice, but rather niche. Crusader aura is the only one they got right, but it’s always just been a minor/leveling/farming aura.
Nothing about the other three auras makes them desireable for a group, and retribution aura is completely antithetical to the point of auras in the first place - to inspire/buff allies.
I don’t necessarily mind holy power, other than that it’s uninspired and generic at this point. Too many classes are based around this rogue/feral builder-spender system. 3-4 weak abilities to build some sort of power, then 1-2 strong abilities to spend the power on. Not very interesting.