"we’ve closed or suspended over 74,000 WoW accounts "

They’d have to do some work, sure.

More frequent (Or variable frequency) waves would help, too, as the botters might get popped on their backups.

You can’t get ahead of them at all though, bot making is an extremely lucrative business or it wouldn’t be done with all the hassle it is.

Sure, but blizzard could do more than they do.

I mean, they don’t need to because we pay them anyway, but they could.

They just like to try and plug the current hole before alerting the bot makers they know about it.

If they actually do that; well know pretty soon (well the people still regularly playing classic will know).

Problem is, there’s always another hole to find, the bot may be down for a day, but it’ll be right back up.

The actual botting players may not come back for a bit, but the companies botting don’t care, they’re all using stolen accounts and stolen CCs.

Classic is doing better than retail. I did a /who every day for 2 weeks now on Killrogg, Winterhoof, and Shandris. The three of them together barely matched my alliance side on Skeram( the server that is 98% horde in classic) during mornings, afternoon and prime time. Every day for 2 weeks. 75,000 bot accounts isnt really that much when the population is somewhere around 1.5 million.

Well…unpopular opinion but I support tokens in wow classic if it will stop botting or atleast put dent in it.

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I miss them already.

I’ve had a few people “lag” and become un-targetable at 10% hp a few times. Then when they get healed to above 50% they instantly are back.

People will always cheat. Not exclusive to WoW.

LMAO so delusional. I know you were kidding but not. WoW is still is #1 in active players.

Not according the the blizzard financial call, in the west retail is more popular.

You polled three rather dead servers.


We must have read two different transcripts of the call.

so enemy is peeling you off your kill target and u immediately scream its a bot blizzard plz fix… pathetic

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We just have to believe they suspended 70+ thousand accounts ? Blizzard giving up the cash for 74K accounts that’s a little hard to swallow.

You and the OP are being so nice, so I feel bad being so blunt, but what OP described sounds exactly like a normal peel.

When I grip stun someone off my healer when my healer is low, I am not botting :joy:

This was all thanks to Asmongold and his twitch followers. I think I’m starting to like the guy.

Yes I’m aware of that! I’m 2600 in arenas and have been above 2200 on multiple classes for multiple season and multiple expansions.

Instead of shooting down the OPs statement I was just asking for some examples and proof because that’s the proper way of having an argument! Hope that makes a little more sense now!


Good point. I guess I was more wondering if they were reacting to botting in Classic as again retail.
