WC3 reforged datamining (post updated with models)

That Vol’jin model is good. I wonder if Sen’jin will get a unique model.

Also, Snowsong! Guess they’re just retconning out the black wolf entirely.

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Looks cool, but who is this Kevin-looking paladin?

Paladins have received a model change so that Uther’s model can be unique and not every single paladin in the game will be identical to him.

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That’d be a retcon if there is one. Female druids and male priests weren’t accepted until some point during the gap between WC3 and WoW.


I’d imagine male priests and female druids existed at this time, as the first of each were remembered in a statue that is an archaeology project, so probably older than ten years.


With the amount of liberties they’re taking adding things that weren’t there before in the original game, I almost wish it had Worgen or maybe even pre-corrupt Draenei. (Maybe as just fun bonus things and not part of any story campaigns.)

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Worgen didn’t come into existance until after the Third War, so it’s not really something they could add without retconning them in earlier.

They might add skins of worgen though. For custom games.

Looks like Tirion to me.

Probably just a paladin skin.

The dreadlord portraits:

I feel bad for Detheroc.


That’s more what I mean, just maybe as bonus skins or something like other things they’re adding that seem to have been beyond WC3’s timeline. (Jaina’s BfA skin for one example.)

It seems, according to the model’s label and the portrait names, that is Dagren the Orcslayer. Why he has Ashbringer, I don’t know.

Hrm could be that Dagren is going to use an edited version of Tirion’s model, and they just haven’t edited it yet.

What a weird decision. Dagren was a relative noname that potentially died 3 times.

It’s unfortunte how ever since Chronicle’s art they seem to have retconned MU Grom as having the same vertical-striped chin tattoo his AU and movie selves had instead of the full-on blackened jaw tattoo from WC3 and before, and these models and portraits seem to reflect that change.

Given the lore behind the tattoo it made sense when only AU Grommash looked different because he hadn’t fought in as many wars with the Horde and done as many deeds as his MU self yet, but now it no longer makes sense that Garrosh was copying his father, because apparently Grom never even had the full-jawed tattoo in either universe any more.

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The Reforged Grom’s tattoo is different, it’s three lines instead of one like AU Grom.

But it is still a retcon. Not one I think was needed at all. It may be a conquense of most modern art of Grom having the one strike, so the artists mistakenly thought that was what MU Grom also looked like.


Find out who the artist is and point out the inaccuracy and how the Tattoo must resemble Garrosh’s in order to make sense!

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Good lord Sylvanas those abs.

Yes I have a weakness for women with abs. Sue me.

Very curious about Grom tho. Why is he brown?

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It’s red, the lighting makes it appear brown.

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So are they just mistagged on the WoWhead page then? Because Green Grom is tagged as “Fel”, which makes me assume thats him after drinking the demom blood again.

…Wait was Rokhan actually in WC3?!