WC3 Reforged: Any Lore Changes?

Good… the retcons were crap.

So you wanted Warcraft 4… But its not. Its a remastered Warcraft 3.


It’s currently LOWER than BFA on metacritic. BFA stands at 3.1 while reforged is down to a 1.6. What a joke.

I’m not even sure what Blizzard actually did. The models were outsourced. The story additions were scrapped. The voices are the same. There are still significant game-play issues.


Well Blizzard wanted me to buy it, and I ain’t. So…shrug

Yeah, it felt like the no changes thing was pretty universal to me.

Removing Golden saved WC3. The product is worth buying but the company isnt worth supporting.

So to keep it on the subject of lore, I’m curious: For those of you who wanted new material, what did you hope/expect to see? And for those who didn’t, what were you worried about seeing?

Which is really dumb imo. Yeah, I am not thrilled that they rushed the release… But the funny part about it is that the rushed parts were also rushed in the original lol.

I am really enjoying it.

Sometimes, a company makes a product you don’t want. That’s okay. Maybe you’ll get a Warcraft 4 one day, I for one hope so.

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Man what a mess. Honest to God looking at some of these zoomed out screen grabs- I can barely tell it’s an upgraded version. Obviously when you zoom in you can see the difference but RTSs are played zoomed way tf out. By design any polish is going to be hard to appreciate unless you’ve a one for one comparison.

I think it’s kinda a shame they didnt update any of the lore. Like the Forsaken for example just straight up don’t exist in it. I get they wouldnt work from a competitive play angle (I figure they’d have to function as a hybrid of human and undead faction) but for the relevant story missions- why not?

Hell just mottle the skin textures of the human footmen, give 'em glowly eyes and import the WoW NPC Forsaken voice files for when you click on them. I don’t think thats asking that much.


The Forsaken don’t exist at this point in Warcraft lore, right? Or did you want to see them when they were still Scourge, or something?

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I really enjoyed WC 3. I was a big fan. I have many fond memories of it. Playing AT with my brother and my buddies. Playing RT. Being a legit player while stomping cheaters who used hacks - or suffering bitter losses to those cheaters and hackers.

Creating my own custom games was cool. I made one with Medivh, Muradin, Sylvanas, Voljin, and Broxigar (I just used an Orc unit and named it Broxigar) … It did not age well.

Having said that… Reforged turned me off in many ways and did little to entice me.

Either it would be a hammer fisted retcon storm of which I wanted no part… Or it would be the same game I enjoyed in its time, but have long since moved on from.

From reading this thread, I am glad it did not break the lore too much. But I have little interest in it.

As others have said, I believe they took the easy way out and got lazy. Or realized WC 3 Reforged was likely a boondoggle and changed course.

In my estimation, fan sentiment was likely the least of the reasons.


Personally, I suspect all those layoffs last year had a lot to do with it.

Wait - does Reforged not include the Frozen Throne campaigns? It’s just Reign of Chaos?

That was my impression, but maybe someone who’s played it can tell us for sure?

If it does then the Forsaken are in it lorewise. It would’ve been neat to have them appear as they do in WoW during those story missions.

As it stands the Forsaken PC race - like the Draenei- are a retcon. They don’t appear in WC3. It’s clear the Forsaken are ghoulish but ghouls and the undead PC race are pretty blatantly two distinct types of undead. It be cool to have seen them.

Edge of Night describes Windrunner rallying a bunch of Undead to take Lordaeron. It would’ve been neat to see that and the Forsaken PC properly represented in game with at least uniquely skinned units.


It has everything

She would have. She’s the new Knaak and he ruined Night Elves.


Golden isn’t the lead writer hon and a lot of us bought it cause we wanted to see new stuff

She was going to be brought on specifically to make changes to the story in Warcraft 3 namely by increasing the roles of Jaina and Sylvanas, which isn’t necessary anyway because their roles are big enough.

And you’d be able to set to classic mode if you didn’t want to see it

I’ve heard updates from bnet are going to make it hard to play classic WC3–especially old custom maps—if you don’t already have it sequestered away on your HD, which is the main thing that pisses me off.

Otherwise I’m horribly meh about the whole product.