WC3 Reforged: Any Lore Changes?

When I saw the launch notes the other day my excitement just fell flat. IDK how you work on recreating a game, that you actually have all of the source code for unlike Classic, and still launch it with bugs. Basically pulled a Bethesda and instead of being honest, that most players I feel would be understanding of, and delaying it a month or two, they just launched it anyway.

Yeah, it’ll get post launch support but thats not really the point. We pay for games expecting them to be complete and, relatively, bug free. At least as free as beta testers can confirm/test.


basically it became a cash grab. they no longer care about the thing that made WoW important.


I’m not. If I wanted to play WC3 I’d play WC3. I was looking forward to the updated release not just a new coat of paint on the old game to cater to diehards who can’t let it go.


Warcraft 3: Reforged is Warcraft 3, and was advertised as such, so… I guess what you really wanted was Warcraft 4, and in that case, me too.

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Not really. It was originally advertised as being more accurate to the current story then, I don’t know if this was them changing their minds or incessant whining from the previously mentioned diehards, they backpedalled on everything and made it a purely cosmetic update. Why would I care about that?


Honestly, I am not sure why you would want anything else… Look at BFA… is that really what we want to turn WC3 into? Do we REALLY trust Blizzard to improve Warcraft 3, which was a groundbreaking game for it’s time?

Everything Blizzard has done since Warcraft 3 has been worse than Warcraft 3. I for one am relieved they didn’t tamper with it.


reforged is a pointless name now. should change it to remaster at this point.

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Was going to make a thread for this but I’ll hijack this one.


Interesting how the cinematic interpreted the Novel’s statement of Frostmourne somehow ending up back in Arthas’s hand after being knocked out of it: The cinematic had the Runeblade outright mind control him into grabbing it!

Well, I mean, losing your weapon is a sure way to end up losing the fight… A little silly how Illidan just let him get it without pressing his advantage. But that’s the least of what is wrong with the cinematic.


I don’t know where you picked this up from, because the video doesn’t seem to be putting that down anywhere.

The Runeblade glowed as soon as it hit the ground and Arthas immediately went to grab it… Seems like mind control to me.

Did you expect Arthas to fight Illidan barehanded? In what world would you not rush for your weapon? Arthas is a knight, not a demon with claws.


No, it was advertised as being updated to reflect current retcons. Then, half-way through development, they changed it.

Because I already HAVE that. If they want more money from me, I want something I don’t already have.

Which is the thing you would normally do when you drop your weapon.


How did they manage to make Tichondrius look like an angry nelf with horns? I’m not the only one thinking that, right?

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Why doesn’t this fight have any music to it? Tension could be drummed up with music. I haven’t played WC3 in years, but surely there’s something in the game’s repertoire of music that would fit???


I’m angry that they copped out of most of what they advertised at Blizzcon 2018, but I honestly don’t understand the hate for this cinematic. They said back at the beginning that they weren’t redoing/adding any CGI except the first one. I just wish the rest of the game had been given this treatment, like was promised.


there’s extra missions for RoC that were cut in original release and then added in TFT to extra campaigns menu - they’re now part of first horde tutorial

Good lord, it’s like Blizzard is trying to commit corporate suicide.

I have never seen such a half-hearted attempt at a remaster, much less a company so unenthusiastic about it’s own product.