WC3 Reforged: Any Lore Changes?

Who could have guessed a remastered game would be so similar to the original…

… It’s almost as if it’s the same game…

mostly minor stuff like thrall referencing to grom as Hellscream because grom is a bike.

Other than that they made secrets easier to get

Oh yeah there is new lore connecting the revenants to shadowlands.

That looks like a Robot Chicken sketch…

Yes, and every time it happens makes them a failure as a game developer.

I don’t think so… I am not a big fan of MOBAs. That doesn’t mean LoL, Smite, DOTA, HOTS were failures.

I’m not a big fan of MOBAs either. So that DOES mean that they’re failures.

The world doesn’t revolve around you.

Pfft, that’s what all you people constantly circling around me say.


Really? In what way are the revanants connected to the shadowlands?

Agreed. What Lore is there connecting Revenants to the Shadowlands!?!

The only realms I’ve seen Revenants connected to are the Firelands(Revenants are seen there in Cataclysm) and Skywall!

Yes the Drust created their own Revenants using Death Magic yet said Death Magic came from Thros the Blighted Lands AKA the Emerald Nightmare not the Shadowlands(regardless of what those animated Suits of Armor in Torghast look like)!

…Where did the Revenants come from anyways? We know where the Drust Revenants came from yet know nothing on the Northrend Revenants who we sent to the Elemental Planes in droves… They are called Undead in WC3’s Manual so they might just be Undead Vrykul.

Incidentally the Death Revenants in Reforged now look like Armor bearing headwings on their helmets who use scythes with your average pure Death Magic(which is Green) instead of resembling Air Revenants.

That’d be dumb.

Revenants are elemental creatures.

I’m glad there is no lore changes. Why change the lore of the WC3 to WoW’s lore when WoW’s lore is on constant retcon mode? Just keep WC3’s lore seperate and keep it making sense. For instance since the Burning Legion are actually demons, they don’t have space ships that they conveniently ignored using … twice.

Tweaks are okay like Arthas making an ice bridge, does that mean he prevents using goblin zeppelins during his invasion of Quel’thalas? Because that one would make more sense instead of gobbos being randomly in Quel’thalas … selling zeppelins to undead too. Tweaks like that are okay and good in my books. Just keep the constant WoW retcons away, WC3’s story was great.

That and the Night Elves are back to their amazonian selves. Can’t wait to play their campaign modes. It also feels like a separate universe instead of it being inevitably WoW’s universe. So they won’t change out of that role, at least I see it that way to make the game more enjoyable. That and it feels good to replay the classics in better animation.

I am utterly disappointed in what Reforged turned out to be, but at the same time I am immensely PROUD that people are not letting ActiBlizz get away with it. The demand for refunds is high and people seem to be finally hitting them where it hurts: The bottom line.

It’s probably too little, too late though. Blizzard is now like Griffith from Berserk when he was rescued from that Castle dungeon. Better that it just be put out of its misery.


Some of the “retcons” made it into the game, such as Arthas making an ice bridge to the sunwell as seen in the Arthas Novel.

I was mainly looking forward to certain map updates, such as Stratholme looking like it does in game.

On the final mission of the first human campaign, where Arthas finally takes up Frostmourne, there’s a camp of enemy creeps, golems and faceless, that are identified as “Servant of Loken”. There’s no mention of it, no dialogue, no cutscene, just a few enemies you can kill, but it’s interesting to see them there.


Recall the Ford Pinto. Ultimately it wont matter what the consumer does, it never does. They got their bottom line and pulled a profit, and will continue to pull a profit.

Yeah if bad publicity meant anything ea games would be underwater.

But I wanted the updated models so unless classic mode was also new models, then no, that wouldn’t be a satisfactory option.

Do we REALLY trust Blizzard to improve Warcraft 3

The modern team wasn’t even capable of improving Legion.


They did remove a great piece of lore, when sylvanas ambush arthas with her banshee… Its gone lol. I may be one of the first to actualy see this difference, no one talked about it. They said they wouldnt change cinematic to keep wc3 lore… LMAO