Way to destroy macros

I even removed the 6 macro keys on my Corsair KB just to make sure they never get bumped or something while Im playing.
I dont even program the things, but Im not taking any risks with it.

In game macros only is the only safe way to be sure.

None of that is what is being referenced.

right , they discussing a macro maker thingy

it also has features that makes sharing and installing them/setting them up easier

well supposed to

it got borked by changes in pre-patch

macros are macros to me

I’m sure there are different flavors that do lots of cool stuff, I’m just not motivated enough to go down that rabbit hole as I currently don’t feel the need for them

I’m over 50 years old so some day I might need to if I’m still playing.

We’ll just have to wait and see how it goes.

They are talking about the ability to macro your entire rotation to 1 button. You just press 1 button, and it cycles through the next ability in your rotation.

All I am saying is that the “top players in the world” are not going to be the people using that functionality. Because in a world of procs, movement, varying numbers of mobs engaged, phase timers, etc. Locking yourself into a rigid rotation will, generally speaking, be bad.

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that a cast sequence macro,I know about those from back in cata.

and they were popular cuz something can be macroed together like that

if it weren’t why even bother with macros?

target enemy, cast $_SPELL
target $BIG_BAD_ADD, cast $_SPELL

is a sequence most would use

how would I know specifically what the RWF players are using?

You are the one that said it.

All I said is that those macros do not help you at the top end.

I’m sure there are flavors that help more than others

Should I have something happen and I need them to continue to play I’ll look more into it.

Tbh those sound more like weakauras than macros.

If this is the functionality that GSE used to have, I know why Blizzard broke it … because they didn’t break GSE intentionally, but rather the botting functionality.

Thor from Pirate Software explained this on one of hi streams: part of fighting bots in the gaming world is figuring out how they work, and more importantly, what they do to mimic human interactions.
Cool side-tangent: you know those “prove you aren’t a bot” wherein you have to click a box or on boxes with pictures? What those programs are testing is your mouse movements, not the boxes you are clicking on.

So to go back to WoW and why Thor is relevant here is because it has to do with how bots operate and whether they can mimic people. If there are functionalities that allow a program to add inaccuracies that seem more human, those programs become significantly more difficult to determine if they are a bot or not. If GSE allowed players to use controllers, this is why it is broken. Because Blizzard changed something to alter how they detect bots, and in doing so, altered how programs can interact with things like controllers.

The unfortunate reality is that … you saying that if GSE allowed players to use controllers and handhelds, that means that its primary function was abused by folks creating more “hidden” bots, and to mask said botters. It is an unfortunate reality that with the need of better ways of detecting bots, more and more external programs become unusable. Because they provide means to circumvent said safety precautions.

So… yeah. If GSE allowed for this in the past, that’s why some of its functionalities were targeted. But also, if GSE can still do it, that means it’ll continue to be a target because of all of this.

All of this is a damn shame but… the hell else is Blizzard supposed to do exactly…? It absolutely sucks…

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nah, they are macros a community member shared with us a long time ago.

I just copy pasted them from discord chat into the macro UI thingy in -game and then drag-n-dropped them on a actionbar on the side.

They seem to still work, or did last nite when I played remix anyway.

He said here are WA and even addons that do this. He’s got one that shows thread counts in tooltip by mousing over another player.

some people are out here to dispute anything other people say…
best to ignore them…they are…problem ridden individuals…
unhappy people.
you’ll never open their eyes…they prefer darkness.


That’s not true though. It’s more like “some combination of instant things plus one optional GCD action.” Maybe that’s what you mean.

Those are both used. They do different things. They also use other addons…

Hello, this is my first post and I wasn’t sure if I should make a new one or just reply here. I also have a physical disability with my hands and was using GSE. I had it keybound so that different things happened when I pressed different buttons. For example, I would press 1 multiple times to cycle through my single target rotation or 2 to cycle through my AOE rotation. Since our talent trees got reset, I have had two problems. The first one being that I can no longer use my keyboard to do the above via GSE. The second is that I used to be able to use Zygor to select my talent tree and update it as I leveled up (it would suggest where I should put my points from leveling up) and it no longer does. Is anyone able to help me understand what I need to do so that I can play the game again please? I also have autism and it feels a bit complicated without the assistance I had before. Thank you in advance for your kindness.

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Hi. So, if I read correctly from others and on wowlazymacros, GSE no longer works with macros but with keybinds. I think it’s because of the character limitation blizzard added to the way macros work. You’d have to go on wowlazymacros and see if anyone made new strings with new talent trees there that you can use. They also have a discord called GSE United. Each created puts their new strings in there. Hope it helps. :heart:

I’ve never used GSE I use Macro Toolkit. The biggest change to it is “It’s no longer possible to “extend” macros beyond the 255 character limit. Key bind only macros will be limited to 255 characters”.

Bliz didn’t add a character limitation. That has always been there and always been intended. They removed the way for addons to unintentionally subvert the limitation.

your… what?

your macros?
your addons?

macros would only result in an error if one of the commands has been changed (eg: new spell name, or an ability which was removed)

if you’re talking about addons, we already know that updating them doesn’t get rid of all of the other junk which lingers within your files.
it’s why a UI reset is recommended after huge patches.

“MMO mice” also need to be banned. nobody should have that many buttons

Here’s one to try.