Way to destroy macros

Blizzard shouldn’t be doing PSAs for addons. The addon is hardly a secret and blizzard has been down this path with the addon remaining.

No but we should, this looks like it’d be helpful for everyone.

In a similar vein as other addons: is it actually helpful to be so dependent on an add-on that you actually can’t play the game if it breaks?

Or maybe there needs to be a middle ground.

The middle ground is giving disabled people everything they can to live a life comparable to the non-disabled and then moving on to the next accommodation that can be achieved.

How exactly do you think canceling your accounts hurts the people who are trying to help you? Do whatever you want.

You’re coming off as someone who has been catered to their entire life. You have shown no patience or humility in this thread.

1 input = 1 gcd of output. Stay within that and there’ no problems.

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Then they should play with ConsolePort, not GSE.

Well. First we have to define “comparable life”.

And we also have to define which disabled people you feel should not be helped. Because it is impossible to expect a video game company to work around every single disability in existence.

Within WoW, what content do you feel is “comparable life”? At any point should we state that due to the difficulty of the content, a person with certain disabilities may have issues?

Its funny because the person in question once derided people for complaining about skyriding.

It’s called credibility.

The fact you’re whining this hard over an addon and being as rude as you have been

It’s insulting to think people with disabilities deserve tools that are against the game rules.

mine are immediately updated
and they’re still interfering with
many game functions…
interaction with objects, etc.

I’m fine with whatever it is as long it isn’t used for any sort of cheating. Hopefully it is nothing like that and probably just a bug like so many things in this pre-patch.

nah, I clicked on the link Sendryn posted and looked myself

seems legit to me.
It’s just another macro maker helper that has a few more features for those that aren’t well versed in making them.

Psure all the “best players in the world” are using such macros.

Only difference is they either have the guilds macro/WA guy writing them for them or can do it themselves.

Sounds like most of them broke cuz something about not being able to assign icons to them and having to manually keybind them.

Not sure, I don’t use that addon so I didn’t read up on what the addon maker did to fix it and what all the macro writers had to do for updates.

context: I have like 2 macros . 1 shows me my cloak thread count in remix, the other shows my speed while moving. So I basically don’t use macros.

edit: with 6,188,612 downloads it seems pretty popular

Yeah, I doubt the “best players in the world” are using a rigid sequencer macro.

Stuff breaks from time to time, especially on patches.

All my macros seem to be functional, though…?

macros, custom weak auras along with custom event timers.
none of this is a secret

bet if I burnt some time searching the interwebs I’d find a place where they share them after RWF is over.

I simply don’t care that much to dive that deep into it to find out.

That type of game play way more invested in games than I’ll ever be.

So yea, I’ll never qualify as “best in the world”, but I can spam moonfire and use my 1min CD kick correctly most times, not all the time mind you, but good enough for what I do.

Was it an actual change or maybe just something bugging out?
Theyve screwed my in game macros up a number of times where I have to literally delete and remake the EXACT macro over again and then it’ll work ok.