Way to destroy macros

You want to know how to get people to leave you alone? STOP POSTING AND LEAVE THE THREAD

the people she was replying to were not trying to help one bit.

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just report the trolls

For the end user there is little functionality lost. If you need help they have a forum for it, go to the main page and they tell you how to go about setting the new macros up. It may take a couple of days for people to rewrite specific imports but many are already up. If you need help with instillation look for oak he has some good videos to walk you through it. But again this isn’t really the place for it.

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Live isn’t fair and sometimes you just can’t do certain things. These “accessibility” addons may help you but they give an advantage to people who aren’t so they shouldn’t be allowed.

Remember how you said one of the reasons you are quitting is that each individual mount doesnt have its own personal skyriding/normal riding status?

How does my WoW Instant Messenger, RP addon, XP bar addon or SexyMap go against any rules of this game?


You must hate wheelchair ramps and buttons that open doors mechanically. This is a terribly tone deaf and ableist response. This isn’t about life not being fair for some people and better for others. What you just said is tantamount to “You can’t step up a curb? You don’t deserve a sidewalk.”

Also to be read as
“The disabled don’t deserve anything that may bring their world experience inline with those without the same disability.”


No it doesnt.

Lets break it down like this is third grade.

They help a large swath of players with a variety of disability or gaming hinderances.

Here is the magic word that makes the acknowledgement of their benefit null.

This segment right here shows a total disdain for accessibility because non disabled players also found a benefit.

The entire statement is in a direct dissent to accessibility options being in the game.

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Can you outline the specific accessibility add on being referenced?

Gnome Sequencer. While abused sure allows people with things like MS or movement disorders to play the game.


most addons are hosted on a few specific sites, and those site have their own contact points



So your thought process is that if a person doesnt like an add on that does a semi complicated rotation with 1 button…that as you state is abused…

Means they feel a disabled person does not deserve ANYTHING? And is showing completely disdain for all disabled people?

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No. My thought process is once somebody advocates for the removal of accessibility options because somebody might use it to “cheat” by their personal definition they are being tone-dead and ignorant.

They are advocating for the removal of such addons directly removes access to some players due to disability.

it is insulting to the very existence of disability and the people it afflicts.

You didn’t really give any details, so to me it kind of sounds like you were doing something that was intended.

the drama was pretty fun though.

i mean… they could have just said “i use x addon, has anyone heard if there are any issues with it?”


Sounds like everyone should be made aware of this addon and its capabilities, since it makes the game easier and more accessible for all. Then when it’s widespread Blizzard can make a decision about to what degree macros are allowed to simplify game actions.

Although one could argue their decision to limit macro lengths properly and remove the click function is them doing exactly that.

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