Way to destroy macros

I had a stroke which makes my hands not function like before. There.

Leave me alone.

How could I possibly know that? And no, it isn’t a good feeling, it was me merely being curious. A stroke is a valid reason as to what could happen to cause your skills to diminish, and now that I know, I can safely say that you are in the right here. As long as it is true, which I have no reason to believe it isn’t, then that is all that need be said.

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Thank you.

You’re probably referring to GSE, which is available from CurseForge - and if you’ve not updated the addon it is likely broken. Follow the directions in the video posted on OAK’s channel or search YouTube using the following text:

TWW Pre Patch Answers - GSE 3.2 Questions Answered

I can understand why you’re using a sequencer if you have physical limitations or disabilities (missing appendages, partial paralysis, movement issues, etc.). It isn’t dead, a quick bit of searching and you’ll get it fixed.

However, be advised that from the few minutes I listened to the video, you may have to setup everything from scratch. Once that is done, you’ll be back on track.


Yeah it works through key binds now but it’s not what made me leave. It’s the flying changes, the character screen, the quest markings. It’s just too much for my diagnosed OCD. It’s fine though. I can still play cata classic until my sub runs out.

Really? Your OP certainly makes it seem that way…

In this thread, this is the first time you’ve mentioned:

Keyword MIGHT?

Edit: wow some of you really have too much time on your hands. I quit the game already. I didn’t log on since I saw the changes. Believe me don’t believe me. Whatever.

Credit where it is due here, their “I’m Quitting” post got nuked from orbit.

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So, in other words, you might not have cancelled your sub for the other things?

It’s just the change that Blizzard made to the SecureActionButtonTemplate function which GSE used to use, that might cause you to cancel your sub?


How? As I understand it, the change made by Blizzard which prevents GSE from working was made in the Alpha, how did you play Beta if GSE wasn’t working?

Just mute the thread and move on. The information you need is available on how to fix GSE and if the other changes are causing problems, then wait for a bit as there are likely to be iterations on what was released prior to the expansion.

Don’t worry about the people who lacked the foresight to actually take 5 minutes to figure out what you were talking about and link useful information. Don’t worry about people who failed at empathizing - immediately pushing you into a defensive position by labeling the addon “sus” or jumping on your disability.

Just keep on moving.


Thank you. Yep I guess that’s all I can do now. I’m muting. Take care. I appreciate you.


It started off as a rage quit thread whilst pulling the victim card AND the latest buzzterm to plague the forums of ‘YOU DON’T CARE ABOUT MAH DISABILITIES!’

It’s easier to empathize when you actually state what’s going on vs YOU DONT CARE ABOUT ME I QUIT!
No idea why you are trying to defend that.

I literally scrolled through the entire post and not once did they describe their issue with enough detail for anyone to help.
It was assuming people were bullying them when people were just asking questions. Them being overly defensive and hiding behind their disabilities as a defense as well.

Like holy white knighting batman :joy:


Lio did the same thing in OP’s “I’m Quitting” thread. Frankly it was wild to see them go from semi-cordial to flying off the handle in the short amount of time it took between their posts.


Lio is volatile in all their threads though :joy:
Can’t say I’ve seen op before. Maybe they are a lio alt? They were definitely on par with the insane reaching to be offended.


They did go from 0 to 10 real fast there, yeah. Hmm :dracthyr_tea:

Someone already offered to go out of their way to help you try and fix your macros but instead of trying to fix what was broken you double down on complaining and ignore help but lash out against people calling you out.

Hope you get the help you need OP, and I don’t mean with the macros.


Hey is this the same person who made a thread about being unable to skyride whilst having multiple gold racing achievements and a post history including telling people to get good / that skyriding wasn’t that hard?

And I guess to stay on topic macros now have a hard character limit as opposed to a soft one that could be bypassed by add ons, also macros no longer have the ability to click the screen which means they can’t click other macros to effectively make a “chain” of commands longer than the intended character limit.

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This, coupled with the fact you refuse to tell us the name of the addon makes it pretty dang clear you’re making something up to cause drama.

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I might have to cancel my sub now.

Oh no!

GSE can be used to multibox farm, by having a 1 button rotation bound to mouse wheel scroll and sppinning the wheel really fast over multiple windows.