Way to destroy macros

Cheat? Addons are not cheats. They’ve been part of the game since the very start. Go troll someone else.

I’m sorry I didn’t know only the cool elite were allowed to have an opinion.


It should probably be considered that any time there’s a major change where abilities are removed, changed or had their functionality modified in any way that more or less any macro using the modified or removed ability won’t work the same way. That just comes with the territory of a game that undergoes changes over time.

If a class requires macros to function for you and you don’t understand what the macros do or what to do to change them whenever something big happens to the class, it might not be the class for you. Macros should be a solution to consolidate some buttons that you know what they are there to do (like linking 2 minute on-use trinkets to your 2 minute cooldowns, adding cosmetic things to buff buttons, etc) but they probably shouldn’t become a crutch where you cannot function without them or contain something that you don’t understand.

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Please read my OP instead of calling me inept.

Your OP saying macros are broken. Macros still work. Then you went to say an add-on was broken, which another person said was fixed, then that you don’t know how to make new macros and were trying to make old macros work to which I would say you must learn how to make new macros whenever something applies major changes to classes because old ones may or may not try activating abilities that won’t activate the same way: See Arcane Missiles for Arcane mage for example.


My best guess is that they’re castsquence macros that basically throw an entire rotation on one button that you just keep pressing.


Hey you said I wouldn’t be seeing you today.

Sounds like the macros the OP was using only worked due to a 3rd party addon. I’ve never used GSE before and have no idea if it is allowed or not.

All my macros made using the game itself continue to work just fine.


Are you drunk? I’m not playing anymore. Never said I was leaving the forums.

It is allowed. It’s been in the game since since vanilla. Stop trying to find crime where there isn’t.


Ok forum police. I did quit. But maybe you’re not informed enough to know that quitting doesn’t kick you out of the game immediately. I still have game time and I will spend it as I please on the forums. Move along.

And I’m reporting you for mocking my disability. Ironic that you’re hiding your profile when you were snooping into mine. What are you hiding? Leave me alone. I’m ignoring you now. Hopefully you will get a vacation from the forums for talking to me the way you did.

LOL you do you. Frankly, I don’t care about a vacation. My last day, vacation or not is the 8th or 9th. If you think I’m scared of a vacation from these cesspool forums over calling you on your blatant LYING TO THE PUBLIC, you got another thing coming.

Seems yours is pretty hidden now too. I watched that post you had what, the other day? It wasn’t hidden then, and only after others pulled it up and showed proof of you actively lying did you hide it. What are you hiding yourself? Simple curiosity, nothing more.


The only reason I hid it was because the stalker above thinks you can only complain about things if you’re an elite player. I already explained my disabilities are recent so all those achievements are from my past. Keep calling me a liar. I don’t care.

Gse was doing something naughty and got patched.

For 20 years. Ok. Oh and btw, it still works, just not as macros anymore but with key binds. But I’m still quitting the game.

Apparently you do care, or you wouldn’t be so up in arms about it. And to be completely honest, you have no idea what a stalker is if you think someone looking at a public profile is stalking you. Even with it hidden, it is very easy to search for your posts on the forums and see that it really wasn’t all that long ago you were talking down to others about how they are complaining about Dragonriding/Skyriding when you, and I quote, “can do it just fine”.

Genuinely I am curious as to how you suddenly developed some disability that prevents you from doing so now in such a short amount of time. Was it a car accident? Was it surgery? I’m honestly asking, so I can have some understanding here.

All addons and macros should be banned.

It is a shame that they are still allowed.


Addons that are on Curse have been approved by Blizzard and are allowed. If they weren’t, the 3rd party detection would flag them as illegal and would have the accounts using them banned.

Uhhh…okay? Sure. Asking questions out of genuine curiosity to understand the whole situation is despicable. Right. I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here, but you can’t answer a simple question. So you were lying and using the disability excuse to garner some form of sympathy. That is the only other logical answer. Thank you for confirming it.

Hah they deleted it. Weird how they backtrack when busted in a lie.