Waveblade Ankoan Reputation Reset

I reach exalted prior to the pre patch with Waveblade Ankoan. I had just saved up enough pearls to buy the mount to find out that the reputation for the character was reset to friendly. Before you ask yes I check all other character to make sure. I only had two mains for BFA but I still checked all character. None are exalted anymore but I still have the achiement I unlocked on 7/24/24. The worst part is now that the achievment is warband now I cant prove to anyone that this character rep was actually reset.

Yeah, reputations bug is still ongoing and some of the older reputations are still borked

“Warbands” broke the game lol :man_facepalming:

Make sure to post in both of these for visibility

Finaly got a Answer after fews ticket

GM GrayMartian here, how are you doing?
Please note that we GMs are unable to assist players restoring reputation or changing ranks.
That being said, note that the devs are aware of this and other issues that also arose with the new pre-patch and a few fixes are in the works and are expected to hit the server with the release of the patch 11.0.2. So for the time being all we can do is wait for the patch with the hotfixes to be released.

Atleast Now i know there plans just gotta wait

Wait… I thought patch 11.0.2 is the one that just released/the one that’s already out? And it’s still not fixed so… :sweat_smile:

Or maybe it’s a typo and they meant to say something like “11.0.3” instead? What else did your ticket say? Just curious

Yeah i think he mean TWW launch atleast that what i presume since i got the reply today and patch was tuesdays xD

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I was gonna say… lol

11.0.2 release date was August 13, which is 2 days in the past since we’re currently in the future (August 15)

Atleast they knowledge the issue and theres plans so we dont have to grind back thoses rep