Waterworks: Waxface -Overtuned?

100% this, we already have mythic dungeons and raiding for group content. Delves were meant to be the solo friendly content with an option to group - not require groups

Blizzard, forcing us to do delves is one thing. Forcing us to do a delve that is absolutely broken and bugged, smh
 go step on a lego as soon as you wake up in the morning.

Just finished this on my 578 FDK and this strat did reduce the damage from the tick.

How are they forcing you to do waterworks? lol

Daily bountiful

Waterworks: easily done today as solo again.

Unclear how that’s “forced”. And it’s easy to solo, maybe you’re just bad. That’s on you.

Soloed. I positioned myself with the two poison clouds in between Waxface and myself for each burn away and found it quite simple. First two ticks of burn away hit and burnt up the clouds.

The only broken thing is the purifier fuel not picking up properly. It’s working fine actually.

Soloed Tier 8. Had to go maximum defensive talents as Arms. Ignore Pain + Spell Reflect the burn. Let Bran get aggro and just bled him until low, then popped everything and rushed him down.

Good thing they are nerfing this “solo-able” content


This changes everything.

Before and after the tuning he was fine imo, both my alt undergeared at the time warlock could solo him, and my feral main. Set bran as healer and let him get agro, every burn away just walk over brans potions. Only issue i’ve had in delves is having the t9 mobs in the t8 delves, but thats since been reverted.

Setting bran to healer for the end bosses works in every delve if you’re struggling

Cleared T8 as resto druid ez

The problem with Waxface is that NOTHING he does can be interrupted. That puts all caster classes at a major disadvantage. The Burn Away spell needs to be CC-able. Any Caster aside from Blizzard’s pet class, the Druid is going to have a hard time.

This fight is way over tuned and broken. The purifying torches don’t even spawn sometimes. so then you got to take the burn away with the poison lowering your HP.
I’m fine with it being hard. I’m not fine with mechanics you need to live being broken.

I’ve done it on an 8 on a port warrior and prot pally
 ilvl 585 and 595 respectively. No issue. Not sure about the stand in the green thing. Don’t want to call anyone one out for trolling but that seems to NOT be the way, that nearly 1 shot me just get clipped, standing on top of boss, instant death. I just kite him around on the bridge. Don’t pick up the candle but stay near the edge and move from one side to the other of the light circle when the green poison comes out, move to other side quickly. Save you defensives for the fire AoE. Takes a little bit but very doable. Over-tuned maybe but I didn’t find it terribly difficult once I did it that way. Other classes and specs, no idea.