Agreed. We do very well and this boss slaughters us with Burn Away. Can’t even line-of-sight it. It’s overtuned and needs nerfed in everything. It’s a bunch of crap. What has Blizz been doing during all these maitenances?
Ridiculous. This is one of the easier delve bosses. If anything he needs a 50% or more buff to his difficulty in anything past a 3.
Blizzard must really hate Prot Pallies.
ilvl 602 Prot Pally with a lvl 40 Brann healer on a tier 8 delve.
Tried Waxface several times this week, and didn’t once get him below 80% health.
Using the poison to soak burn away helps a bit, but the remaining ticks are still too big.
Used my defensives (but their CDs take them out of the equation after one use, and not enough damage reduction to make a difference anyway).
Used ONE small attack to pull him, waited for aggro on Brann - still waiting for aggro on Brann several hours later, even though I wasn’t hitting Waxy at all.
The only thing useful Brann did was to drop potions - that helped, but not enough to get past the big aoe, and I couldn’t just run around on the bridge forever.
Guess I could try standing toe to toe, but I don’t see how that could work given that I’m not a dps spec and I am assuming the aoe would still hit me.
Would try Ret spec, but I don’t see how that would mitigate the massive damage and make it at even remotely doable.
Looks like this is one delve I will be forced to bypass in the future.
Thanks heaps Blizz
FYI bring
one will not trigger the cooldown of the other so you can get 5+ million healing out of the both of them.
this one is so easy, iv been trying to find out how people have issues on this one even on a T11 it was like a T1
Bosses with uninterruptible channeled AoE spells tend to be the biggest gear checks. Just have to get geared up to overcome them, and likely switch Brann to healer mode if you haven’t already. Those potions come in pretty handy!
Had zero issues with either of the kobold bosses. If you’re hurtin from autoattacks just use healer-brann and have defensives ready for their big unavoidable fire spell.
What class?
Even on my freshly geared Arms Warrior he wasn’t so bad, pre-nerfed Waxface yeah he’s definitely a nightmare to deal with.
Surprisingly find them fun… at least in groups because the team is depending on me to keep them alive.
Yeah if you greatly limit your damage output, healer Brann will wind up tanking, and if he doesn’t get gibbed you can slowly, slowly grind stuff down. He will also rez himself in a fight but it takes a while.
I don’t know whether his specific healing skill levels when he is damage. Obviously he levels whether he is heals of damage; it’s the specific “medical” skill I’m taking about.
you do realize this post i almost 3 weeks old, where they kept buffing and nerfing the crap out of delves.
I swear some of ya’ll just put things into the search and not even use your brain to look at the date before replying
I don’t get how people struggle with him. i’ve done it as enh shaman with barely over 600 ilvl and windwalker monk with also barely over 600 ilvl and i’ve never had any problems killing waxface. I was honestly a little disappointed when I tried it after seeing all the complaints.
As noted in the post above yours, this is actually a pretty old thread. Delves have been rebalanced pretty significantly since this thread was created, including Waxface (who even got targeted nerfs alongside the general rebalancing).
600 is also much closer to the intended ilvl for T8. A lot of players who were ‘complaining’ were attempting T8 around 580 or even lower, when T8 is generally much more of a challenge regardless.
I have unlocked tier 10 on a survival hunter. We have hardly any major heals or defensives and i wasn’t using a tank pet it can be done. As to shamans i use the delve spec off wowead and have zero issues. You have stone bulwark totem several million absorbed, I spec instant heal for healing surge and that procs easily 2million+,we have earth elemental, our skill to convert damage into heals, astral shift.
A shaman as enhance or even elemental shouldn’t be struggling. My shammy is only 590.
Also good to drop the totem close to the other one so you can dps freely and move to the other when puddles are dropped.
And i use brann as dps and my brann is only level 33.If your really struggling youtube some videos,yes hits hard but is doable.
Look at all the people come to say it’s easy nearly 3 weeks after my original post lol. Course it’s easier now after devs tinkered with it. Now, I’d say its under tuned. Maybe partially this thread’s/my fault? Who knows.
Yea, the devs are a joke. He was grossly overtuned before and now hes been nerfed to the point where its a mockery on everybody who was questioning their nonsense numbers for him.
After my post from 3 days ago where I could barely damage him with my Prot Pally, I tried today with a 601 Destruction Warlock, Brann as healer, Voidwalker pet tanking.
I didn’t even drop below about 80 health, used the poison pools to soak, Brann’s potions for the excess and nuking from range.
The difference is ridiculous.
Blizzard’s class balance in a nutshell.
This is what made the difference for me on my priest. Let Brann tank if you can. Fade, shadowmeld, etc. This was the winning factor for me. With more of the damage going to him I was able to position myself to take the healing potions he drops and let the poison eat at least one of the burns to give me some time to heal through the rest. I do think it is overtuned though because not all classes are going to have threat reducing options. Ideally the poison would eat all of the burns if you put it between you and the boss. Not standing in it per se (though it would be good if you didn’t take damage from it after the initial cast) but on the other side of it to LoS the burns basically. Just my opinion of course.
Nothing in delves overtuned.
Waxface generally feels a bit more heavy hitting than other Delve bosses on +8, but not impossible. I’m clearing him on Shadow Priest and Devastation Evoker. On the few times I’ve died to him, it’s been during “Burn Away”, so it’s important to save mitigations for that ability. If it makes a difference to you, I do run Brann in healing mode, though the placement of his potions can be problematic most of the time.