Waterworks: Waxface -Overtuned?

Waxface in the Waterworks Delve seems to be over tuned. I was breezing through t7 t8 Delves and got absolutely stomped by Waxface. His AOE has an incredibly long range and was 1 or 2 shotting me as a Fury Warrior. (Im above the ilvl suggestion for this, which was t7). As soloable content, I found this impossible as DPS. I set up two wind totems to heroic leap as far away from the boss as I could and was still getting hit by the AOE. The mobs in this dungeons (not including cones and charges) were also fire balling me for half health. I was able to switch to Prot to complete using shield wall and other defencives to counteract the AOE Waxface does, but felt this was really overtuned compared to the other delves I had a breez getting through. Is this everyone else’s experience with Waxface on solo? Or, is there a strat I just completely missed because I was too busy dieing lol.


Yeah the chat for the delve channel is NOT doing okay with Waxface lol


You are supposed to stand in the poison pool, the poison eats the fire instead of you. Assuming you are talking about “burn away”?


Ah jeez, now I feel like an idiot and lost my chest, lol. Wow, so simple and I can’t belive I missed this. Lol. Thank you!

But be warned like most things it’s buggy and doesn’t actually work half the time.


are you freaking kidding? ive never died to this boss before but nonetheless he’s been whooping my butt since launch, and ive just been doing it wrong??


100% getting nerfed. Boss literally not possible for multiple classes.


No freaking way…

I stood in the poison and still died in 2 seconds every time he used Burn Away.


Can confirm. Near impossible, I’m on T7, over leveled for it, never even died up to this point, and the boss can kill me in 2-3 hits.

Throw Wax is hitting me for 1.6+million, standing in poison isn’t negating a damn thing- does more damage than his attacks. He just spams Throw Wax. The AoE I can kind of manage to dodge. As DH I just dashed as far away as fast as possible and prayed. Didn’t help- just get wax thrown at me from across the room- unavoidable, uninterruptable death.


Good to know the poison doesnt work as it might have been intended. I qont be jumping in the Waterworks until there’s a sound strat. Unfortunately, it was a waste of time and frustration.

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Ya it’s broken. Standing in the poison also does nothing.

This boss is completely broken and overtuned compared to all other delves.


Good to know the poison doesnt work as it might have been intended. I qont be jumping in the Waterworks until there’s a sound strat. Unfortunately, it was a waste of time and frustration.


I saw other fury warriors giving tips, saying they saved up all their defensives for the stuff you can’t dodge or CC. Also make sure your Brann build is good and set as healer.

I also saw paladins saying they had no problem with him lol

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This boss is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy overtuned. On t7 with tanky tanky spec with little problems… then this guy, meleeing for 1.2m … throw wax for 1.4m stood in the poison and burn away ticks are still 1.2m pulsing a second … 2-3 seconds … DEAD. Just wait for the nerf.


Did it as a group in t8. We wiped at first, but the healer released and mass rezzed and on second pull we killed it.

I saved turtle for the first channel and poped all other defensives, a self heal and a health pot on the second one. It died soon after. It was crazy

Yeah this is stupid. I’ve tried every single means of surviving and it cannot be done.

Burn away just flat out deletes you if you stand outside of the poison and if you’re in the poison it’ll save you for ONE tick of damage, then immediately get deleted and then you’re dead from Burn away anyway.

This is T8 and i’ve solo’d other T8 delve bosses already. I’m good with a challenge but i’m 590 ilvl right now and suggested 600 is exactly that. A suggestion.


it is essential to have brann take aggro so he eats all of the wax throws and you have to somehow outheal the fire aoe if you’re a warrior that shouldn’t be a problem with second wind though

Use Shadowmeld to make Brann take aggro. That let me beat him on T7 at 583 ilvl