
I need Brutosaur auction attachment one, remove it from Brutosaur and give it to all mount.


You can just get out right now Ms. Logic…

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i didn’t see any mention of water walking equipment being available to players who have not unlocked the strider.

Hekhekhek, that’s what I do :wink: Inb4 “BUT SPENDING GOLD ON THAT IS NONSENSE” and I say “newsflash… you have to do that RIGHT NOW”

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You think I, as a customer am destined to stop being a customer if I don’t adapt to the game changing?

I think what you’re doing is illustrating exactly why MMOs are less popular than they used to be. The premise that you can pay for something, put time and effort into, and in some cases become emotionally attached to it and have absolutely no right to ownership has not aged well.

If you combine that with the general consensus that the company is now “out of touch” with the original customers that made it what it is today, you’ve got a sinking ship with a dwindling loyal fanbase.

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do you really think these won’t be removed, when mount equipment is introduced?

…because the fact that lw/bs are being given access to create and sell equipment items, seems to imply otherwise.

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This is such a molehill of an issue that players are turning into an entire mountain range.

First off, they’re adding it as a feature in 8.2, the same time they’re adding flying. So after about 2 weeks, even the people with waterstriders won’t be using them.

Secondly, very few times in WoW’s history have they straight up removed anything other than portals from old zones.

This isn’t even a removal in essence. They’re giving you the option to choose.

I think they should just throw the waterstriders in with the Sky Golem and leave it unable to be buffed, but still have waterwalking.

lmao OP got buried. STAY MAD GD!

This is a silly assumption, quite honestly. When did they say it will be removed…? People likely won’t use it as much because of the mount equipment, but it’ll still be there for those that can’t handle “not having water walking” on the mount that was so very hard to “earn”.

Buried? I’m not a forsaken?

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They probably wont be, but they are zone specific so they wont need to remove them.

But you know what wont be removed and can be used in all zones? Water walking potions. Get the no daze equipment and buy potions instead of bardings.

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"Wow! Exciting new mount equipment that will add versatility to your waterstriders and utility to every single mount in your collection! Players are going to love being able to choose one of these powerful mount buffs in game and…

…no, it was a shrimpshow, obviously!"

~Taliesin, sometime in the next Weekly Reset.

you know what would be a silly assumption?

thinking that a WATER strider can’t walk on water.

so… i should be happy that i get to spend gold on something which was costing me nothing to use?



Or assuming that a boat could, for some strange reason, float on water.

That was the start* of this whole issue anyway.


It can with equipment, so. :woman_shrugging: Looks like you get to deal with it! Much like how we have to deal with portals being removed. What a shame, I feel nothing but amusement right now.

Barding was costing you something to use, with the equipment it wont. It’s a tradeoff. And potions cost pocket change anyway. At this point you are just looking for reasons to keep complaining about it.

i can deal with it, it just makes no sense.

…especially for players returning from MoP era, who will no longer be able to use their WATER strider on water.

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This is why I am subbed. Waiting for classic.

i was making my own, cost = 0

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…Which they can, with the equipment, yeah.

Again, this would all be solved if the equipment was per mount, in my opinion. So striders could have water walking if people so pleased, and we could apply slots to others. Like a glide mount, or something. Rather than one piece for all mounts on one character.