😡 Waterstride Ability Removal is Wrong

They better find a better solution.

If I change my mount equipment to dazed for example to farm herbs with golem, everytime I want the waterwalking back I have to pay for it!

Wth no… thats why we have the waterstrider mount, thats why we farmed hard for it!


Hi. So a friendly reminder because things are getting out of hand:

" Creating Duplicate Threads

This category includes:

  • Creating threads about existing topics
  • Creating a separate thread about an existing topic for further discussion in more than one forum"

There are quite a few threads already up about the strider thing, mount equipment, and all of that from yesterday that already have a lot of traction.

One example: Water Strider Discussion

Sorry for the post, but I think it’s important to note with how many threads are being created at this point. Remember. Keeping feedback in one place isn’t bad. Have a good one.


Agreed. They need to treat the water strider the same as the golems


Couldn’t you just post this in one of the 09198039821098301928309218309831089312098 Walter Strider threads made since yesterday?


It really depends on how they do it. If they have it mount based account wide it will actually work fine. If they have it character based not so good.

Supposedly your sky golem is going to be out of luck anyway though since they are exempt from this.

And Kirela - blizzard doesn’t seem to care about that anymore, if they did the moderators would step in and start closing them.

And there will be another 137474822 threads today until they announce a better solution for this.




But this one has an angry face emoji, so I’m supposed to know the op is upset about something something water strider.

Treat the water strider the same as the golems


Im so happy i wont be pigeon holed into using these stupid mounts again.

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How could you be pigeon holed into using a mount you don’t have ? Also, the ability to water walk isn’t going to come free.


Farmed hard for it lol??? It is easy to farm, not like farming raid mounts.

I know you mean business because you titled your thread with an angry face emoji.

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It is easy to farm for it now but it took a lot more time if you did them when the content is current.


Everyone supporting this seems to think that they’re going to be getting Water Walking “easier” somehow. That putting off the grind has finally paid off.

But no, lol, you STILL have to do the grind. The only difference is that now, instead of getting a mount that any character anywhere can use whenever you need it…you’ll be getting a piece of equipment that has to be mailed everywhere or purchased in BULK.

They didn’t help you out, they ruined it for EVERYONE. :roll_eyes:


No. I have had a Walter Strider since early MoP.

I hate that thing. I don’t want to look at it ever again. I’m glad I’ll be able to walk over water on my sweet Wrathsteed which is my favorite mount.


I dont remember farming the waterstrider being easy on MoP :roll_eyes: the one in WoD I think is even harder

They arent removing bardings as far as I can tell so why wouldnt you just use them on your golem and keep WW

I don’t care. I’ve already outlined why the vast majority of people are going to be disappointed. You don’t speak for everyone. This is a bad change whether you support it or not.

If the Golem keep his ability just makes sense that Waterstrider should too.

But I know Ion have been hating on this mount since WoD