"Water We Can Walk On"

Suramar, Nagrand, Vol’dun, etc etc…

There are several ways to water walk as is: Two classes do it, there’s a potion usable anywhere for it, there WAS a mount before they removed it, etc.

The problem is other than a few bits and bobs here and there (like the giant metal orbs or the first snail mount to my recollection) nothing of Zereth Mortis is as new and incredibly unique as they want to claim…

Every time I pass thru this thread I get the urge to post this:

Today I caved.

Shhh, don’t give them any ideas…they’ll retcon that in next as a shocking twist!

I mean, are we gonna see the First Ones here? Sepulcher kinda assumes the fact that they’re dead, unless this is some more bizarre Tomb of Sargeras stuff…

It’s just marketing.

It’s just like the salesman that acts all excited about features that are clearly lame and boring but he’s gotta play the game.

So the problem is that the new devs are poor salesmen.

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Yes but the features are clearly lame and boring too.

Also Blizz is pitching to a crowd thats far too savy for that kind of crap anymore.

Lord, if the intent of the video was for marketing to have software developers make a sales pitch, the entire marketing team should be fired.

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This means that we need the creative team to up their game and we need all the devs to learn how to sell ideas effectively. Metzen is an example of a good salesman. He could talk about how cool it would be to hold the Doomhammer and get everybody excited about the idea of doing it someday. Essentially, he said nothing of substance. He just stated a feature that was coming and showed it enormous respect, like Captain America’s shield or Excalibur. He acted like a geek and got into it, and that sold people. Our demographic wants to geek out. We pay a lot of money to do it.

If there had been some initial lore about the water you can walk on and it’s mystery/meaning in 9.0 and they had built it up as this big deal, then maybe we’d be excited to do it in 9.2. But foreshadowing and build-up is important. I want to wonder what something is (old gods for example) for a while before I encounter it, and I want the encounter to matter to me.

The current team isn’t selling us that. Better content would help, but they gotta work on their presentation strategy.

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Speaking in the same vein, reminds me of that old visual gag from TV series where a side or background character of no importance canonically finds the holy grail in their attic or somewhere random like that and just throws it away like it’s common place.

That’s basically us: “Ugh, ANOTHER holy grail??” throws away the holy grail

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Oh wow we can do that in Colorado too!

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Boots that we can lick

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Ground we can swim in.


You ever get killed by whaleshark deep under water, then run back to your corpse and have to google how to go down in the water to get close enough to your corpse to res?

It’s like that, except you don’t have to be dead to experience it. Ditto for not having to be a DK freezing the water to walk on it.

And maybe you can fight people on the water, though I think it’d be funny to see Demon Hunter inferal strike plunge through the surface of the water.

Maybe the water is really salty. Dead sea-ish sepulcher water

It’s Mage Tower Water.

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Water walking. New for 9.2 - available at higher temperatures!

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This thread: Proof that GD will complain about everything.

It’s special because you need a shovel to move it around like dirt instead of splashing it into something… I guess?

If that’s the best pitch he could make, I’m not very hopeful for the future.

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Sorry, walking on the new dead sea water makes us a bit…salty