"Water We Can Walk On"

I love how they’re all “This is a zone so alien it’s like nothing you can imagine and nothing you’ve seen before” (paraphrasing) and the zone is just water you can walk on and balls everywhere.

(Don’t get me wrong, I think it looks good but it’s not exactly groundbreaking.)

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So show us a zone that looks just like it from any of the expansions content

Molten flame zone, Nazjatar zone, timeless isle, etc etc

Find us one that looks just like it that had dailies and stuff involved

More like it’s easy to tell who cares about the game and who just wants to make low-effort “Blizz bad” posts, kekw.

I’d suspect that someone with 28k achievement points cares about the game.

Well we can’t get the designers perspective, they mentioned that this is a zone alien and also said that they took references around the world…

What are they copying? Stone Spheres from my Country…Costa Rica

I wouldn’t. Pretty easy to just do “mog” style content that is low-effort / low-investment and passively rack up achievement points.

Floating rocks from Nagrand, solid water from Endless Springs, sand from Uldum, etc. Very alien indeed! :clown_face:

It’s a nice looking zone, make no mistake, but selling it the way they did was just not necessary.


So we were able to see the first ones from nagrand outland since burning crusade?

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Who knows, but this thread is about the water walking selling point. Don’t care.

So in other words an unnecessary rant

How about actually trying to see it on the PTR yourself before making judgments out of a cover

Pot meet kettle.

Perhaps the issue is how the developers are selling the patch and not how players are responding to that sales pitch. Players want stuff that is new and original, and making a sales pitch about how we can walk on water and how we will see floating rocks doesn’t really fit that bill.

To the players, this sales pitch demonstrate that the development team is kind of out of touch with their player base (or perhaps the issue is there isn’t any real deep substance in the patch, so this is really all they have to be excited about).


Developers excitement is different to player excitement, they sound really excited about somethings that the player must get excited during their first steps on the zone not a video that’ll kill that first impresion.

They could show the water but not mention anything, so maybe players will open topics on the forums like “Did you notice the water on the video?” instead they sent us an idea really redundant about their creation.

I prefer like during Blizzcon when they show artist working with 3D Models and the assets instead of the final work and not that selling speach like you’ll find this like new and this is alien…etc Or the post that a developer did some weeks ago about allied races customization and he explained more.

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I like how they said not even seconds apart from eachother, that they based the zone on real places, while also wanting it to be as alien as possible.

You don’t understand because you’re not a Dev. And they don’t understand why we don’t love it. It’s because we don’t have an abject hatred for Shaman like they do since the community Bus Shocked one of their brothers.

It’s a Shaman nerf. Plain and simple.

True besides the Stone Spheres from Costa Rica, I wonder which places they took as references, it’ll be better for them to mention places and some of their design process instead of mix match alien / real places on the same video.

If they mention, we got inspiration from this part of the world but we added an alien effect for the fantasy world that’s Warcraft, that could sound better that mentioning water a lot…

If they mentioned well, this is a new concept because we checked Bioluminescence water around the real world and took that as reference in order to create a new floor concept.

" The bioluminescent sea will glow when it’s disturbed by a wave breaking or a splash in the water at night."

Ground we can fly on for some reason.

I agree with you 100%. Giving just a little snapshot of the development process intrigued people and made them want to check out the zone for themselves. This developer video did the opposite. A lot of this is because players are already dissatisfied with the game. By highlighting things that players have actually experienced before, the developers gave the players reason to pick the video apart.

I just found the instant contradiction amusing. The art team is doing the best they can with Danuser’s writing, but my god this is just weird and not warcraft at all.