"Water We Can Walk On"

Yeah. Remember, water striders were too strong. So they got rid of their innate ability to force us to use the mount equipment.

Remember mount equipment? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I’m baffled that we’re in the apparent dimension that is the source of necromancy magic, with so much potential of what could have been, and instead we get…

Water walking and floating trees.



So much this. It’s like going to a restaurant where chef enjoys with with dog poo and doesn’t understand why they don’t have any customers.

Also a lot of patting themselves on the back during that video (“How do you make something that is mystical and magical and incomprehensible and yet understandable… I think we’ve done a good job of finding that line…”; “The team as a whole has been working soooo hard…”) is extremely cringe af.


i think you’re spot on with this take, personally. I agree :100:

nothing against the talent of the employees, but the disconnect is huge.

the point definitely messed up your hair as it wooshed over your head. you were real excited to attack 'beak, and i get it, but this was actually a pretty legit point.

“WaTeR YoU CaN WaLk On!!!11!1”
shaman. dk. two different water walking pots. mount equipment. ah yes, incredible feature.


Why didnt they make something like idk floating glowing water that doesn’t stay stationary. Like floating island water with no land to encompass it in odd or geometric shapes one moment then no shape at all.

Shifting and ever changing. Maybe land that morphs into water and back.

But no its water to walk on in the ground eh…


It’s exactly like the water you walk on when fighting the Sha of Fear on heroic mode.

But Blizzard forgot about it and hopes you did, too.

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Why does everyone speak of the water as “feature”? Are you blunt? It’s obviously told from an immersive perspective, something the meta-generation won’t probably understand.

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It’s water completely unlike anything we’ve ever seen before!

And we’re… like… waking on it… for some reason…? :exploding_head:


If walking on water is a major selling point for 9.2…I have “are you high” hopes.


Hello, Jello!

Though I would certainly prefer water I could fly over :ocean: :eagle:

Actually? If I’m barefoot, maybe water-walking could be fun. I’d love to jump off the water and fly!

It’s organic free range water

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Zereth Mortis has water we can walk on, land we can swim through, air we can eat, and fire that keeps us cool and refreshed. When we quest in Zereth Mortis, we are paid in DogeCoin. When we PvP in Zereth Mortis, we forge friendships that will last a lifetime. The only reputation that matters in Zereth Mortis is becoming Exalted with yourself.

Zereth Mortis is a land of ducks.

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And once again they think of Money…Eddie Money

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Removing water walking on the water strider because people where to lazy to get it was stupid


I think they just think it’s funny and yeah they don’t get it probably. They were obviously talking about how things work differently in this place that was the forge of all creation or something like that.

Water we can walk on. Thats…pretty simple. I mean, sure, you can walk on water now if you are a shaman, or get given the ability by a shaman or use a water walking potion. But otherwise you need to ‘ride on water’.

From what I saw in the preview video, they fell way short on the incomprehensible part. Now it may well be that the game engine simply can’t do what they really wanted, I certainly hope it wasn’t due to imagination deficit.

deep breath “I have ascended to Chuck Norris…”

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It has a very Destiny 2 feel to it.