"Water We Can Walk On"

French beanies on all the brokers would have accomplished that just as well.

This “Water we can walk on” will be the spiritual successor for “Dont you guys have phones”.

Soon all futile gimicks in WoW will be “water we can walk on”.

You will hear some talk:

“Hey, have you been doing that daily ?”
“Nah, it is just more water you can walk on”.

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This whole thing reminds me of these old PSP ads.

If that was the look they decided to go with sure… but it seems it wasnt.

Me trying public speaking:

Maybe I need to work on the premise a bit…

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you’re not special anymore.
you are just like the rest of us

exactly, this is why this water is special.
you can fight on it.

Ohgg,get that out of here ,the nerve, a yahoo.

I know. Observing the current circus thousands of miles away from States I can only comment that you lot are absolutely screwed and swallowed by social policies. You are products of capitalistic imperialism. Its amazing how in different light hunter-gatherer sees the current situation.

lmao the way people are actually defending the promotion of water as a feature

just mindless consumerism at it’s finest


Ok I don’t know what you guys think you’re talking about but nobody is about to be walking on me.


They tried to hype up snow, in a presentation to Eskimos.

This was a scripted, pre-recorded, fully editable opportunity for them to reassure their players that great things are in store and they landed on water-walking and floating trees.

The size of the disconnect between what excites the devs and what matters to the players has never seemed bigger. So much of their focus was on what they were enjoying in the creation process, as if we care more about their satisfaction than what they produce with our money.

They aren’t very good at making games, and their PR department also seems to be full of hacks and imposters.


I’ve been walking on water since Wrath


Laughs in Death Knight


Makes dev easier when you don’t have to account for swimming or populating the water with creatures.

Obviously these new age devs never played MoP because the moment you meet the Jinyu, you come upon an area that lets you walk on water without a cast. However, that would make sense seeing how atrocious class design has been.


Yeah, but will our mounts be able to walk on it without equipment? :wink:

laughs in ghost

Also the Terrace of eternal Spring Sha fight, ghosts, and the fact that we had a mount prior for water walking that they took out because “It broke emersion!” according to them… also DKs…

Which begs the question, if a DK does Path of Frost on it, do they sink like its regular water?

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